Super Cookery System

Chapter 59: Five hundred thousand

Chapter Fifty Nine

But it's been past nine o'clock. Why didn't the two of Chen Ming come here? In the afternoon, they said to take them to go fishing. There are too many delicious fish in the river behind the mountain. If you don't go early, you won't be able to catch your lunch!

Ten minutes later, Yang Song received a message from Chen Minglai on his mobile phone. It turned out that these two people had lost their way. Yang Song commanded them before, but now they are gone. If you are not paying attention, you will get lost!

Yang Song smiled helplessly, this Chen Ming, who had been patronizing and playing cool before, didn't recognize the road clearly.

Wait slowly! Anyway, don't worry.

"Yo! Isn't this Yang Song? Where is the sun? Is the money ready?"

The third uncle's voice sounded again, Yang Song lazily opened his eyes, and saw his third uncle bringing his son Yang Ming over, and two young men who were livid behind him, who seemed to be Yang Ming's friends.

"Are you alone? How about the two of you yesterday? How about that beauty? Why didn't you see the person?" Yang Ming showed an anxious expression on his face. He noticed the beauty yesterday, but was stunned by Yang Song. Pause, so I didn’t stay too much.

Today I heard that my father was coming to collect money, so I hurriedly ran over to join in the fun, mainly to see beautiful women. Those two friends also came to join in the fun. I heard that there were beautiful women, so I came to see them.

"What is Uncle San anxious for? Isn't it good to sit and bask in the sun? What do you do so anxiously?" Yang Song's lazy attitude annoyed the crowd of San Uncles.

But that's okay. The third uncle estimated that Yang Song must not have that much money. Last night, it was just a young man's annoyance.

"The third brother is here, do you want to go back to the house and drink some water?" Father Yang and Mother Yang walked out, with kind smiles on their faces.

The third uncle waved his hand and said displeased: "Forget it, your water is too expensive, I can't afford it!"

"This..." There was a trace of embarrassment on Father Yang's face, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Despite this, the third uncle thought of the good wine he saw last night, and the glutton in his stomach groaned again. Said at Yang Song.

"Oh, Komatsu! You said that we are all a family, and there is no problem a few days later. As long as you bring that good bottle of wine to your uncle, we won't be so pressing against you, right!"

When Uncle San said this, the smug look on his face made Yang Song a little uncomfortable, but he didn't care too much. Uncle San made a little money because of the construction of the house. The house at home was built early and it was also in the village. He is a person with a face and a face, and often takes people from the village out to make money.

It seems that the third uncle is still worried about the wine in his home. If they find out that there are so many good things in his home, his eyes will not be red.

"Don't think about wine, uncle, I won't give it to you, just wait! Isn't the uncle who owes money now? I have already said that I will give you money, so what if I wait a while How is it?"

As soon as he heard this, the third uncle became furious, but he couldn't say anything for a while. After all, his IOU said it was paid off by the end of the year, and now it is not good to force him to pay out now!

In this way, several people stood in front of Yang Song dumbly and waited. After ten minutes, they finally heard a panting voice.

"Yang Song! Your house is really hard to find! I am exhausted! With so much cash, I am dead!"

Yang Song opened his eyes and saw that Chen Mingzheng came up with a big box panting, followed by Meng Shihan with a smile on his face!

"Oh! What a beauty, Amin, you kid didn't lie!"

"What am I talking about? I have never seen such a beautiful one in the village!"

"Look, these legs are white and long. I can just play for the rest of my life!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, this small waist, A Hua can't match it!"

"A Hua? That is to say, in this village, that little girl is no better than A Hua!"

Yang Ming stood in the distance, and followed his friend, his friends, who had been chattering. Fortunately, they were far away and the voice was relatively small. Neither Yang Song nor Meng Shihan heard.

"Okay, Uncle Third, the money is here, you can wait a while, I will count the money for you right away! Just don't know Uncle Third owes the belt?

The third uncle's face turned dark. Unexpectedly, the kid really came over with the money. Yang Song sat in front of him and slowly opened the box. The piles of Grandpa Mao inside were neatly placed inside!

Damn it! Uncle San’s eyes straightened immediately! I haven't seen so much money yet! Although I have money, that is, a deposit of more than 200,000 yuan, I don't have that much money!

Not only the third uncle, but also Yang's father and Yang's mother were stunned, and couldn't help stepping forward to check Grandpa Mao inside the box. I found it all true, and there was a silly smile on his face. After all, I had never seen so much money in my entire life!

"Yang Song, don't tell me, these five hundred thousand are too heavy. I won't go next time. If you want to withdraw money, go by yourself!" Chen Ming waved his sore arm and complained to Yang Song.

Yang Song smiled slightly, picked up ten thousand yuan, handed it to him, and smiled: "Would you take ten thousand yuan for your hard work?"

"Forget it!" Chen Ming said with a look of disdain, "I don't think about 10,000 yuan. If you give it more than 100,000 yuan, I will think about it!"

what? Ten thousand yuan is not in your eyes? He is worth 10,000 yuan a month. Does this kid still have 10,000 yuan in his eyes? Uncle San's heart is bleeding! Don't give it to me!

Yang Ming and his two friends have been dumbfounded. Did Yang Song go to grab the bank? How long has it been out? Three years? Just got half a million? Where did this kid make money?

Quickly counted five thousand dollars, took five stacks of Grandpa Mao, and glanced at Chen Ming, who nodded and said, "Yes, one stack of ten thousand yuan, I will let them divide it!"

Yang Song nodded, and walked to the third uncle with fifty-five thousand and sneered, and said, "three uncle, this is fifty-five thousand, would you like to point it?"

"Okay...Okay..." The third uncle was a little uncomfortable. As he was about to take it, Yang Song shrank his hand and asked: "Since the money is in place, I don't know the third uncle's IOU. Can you bring it?"

"Take...Take it!"

Hearing what Yang Song said, the third uncle showed a trace of unnaturalness on his face, fumbled and fumbled out a wrinkled straight strip from his body, and handed it to Yang Song.

Yang Song called to his father, who reluctantly stood up from the pile of money, ran over, took the IOU in his hand and looked at it, nodded after a while, and said, "Yes, that's it. Zhang IOU!"

"That's good, third uncle, please take a closer look!" With that, Yang Song gave all the money to his third uncle.

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