Super Cookery System

Chapter 55: The reason

Chapter 55 The Reason

Mother Yang nodded, and said in disbelief: "I heard it too, is it true that the child is back?"

Sure enough, three figures appeared at the small intersection in the distance, the one in the middle was not Yang Song and who came.


Two of Yang Song's parents shouted in surprise and walked towards Yang Song, but Father Yang's legs are not as clever as they used to be. Because of the injury last time, his legs and feet are also unsound.

Yang Song, who saw his parents, was originally very happy, but saw the limping look of Yang's father walking. He knew that he hadn't been during the Chinese New Year last year. It must have appeared this year. No wonder his mother refused to let herself come back during the summer vacation. Otherwise, he would not go to work, nor would he acquire this system.

"Dad, what happened to your leg?"

A group of people approached, Yang Song frowned and asked directly. Mother Yang smiled reluctantly, turned her head and glanced, "It's okay, I got my ankle at work the other day!"

"Then why didn't you go to work today?" Yang Song didn't believe it? I can see that my father's waist also has some problems, so he knead it with his hands from time to time.

Father Yang showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, and said with a smirk: "Didn't it mean you have a broken foot? I am resting at home!"

Yang Song's face turned dark, and he said faintly: "Mom and dad, just tell me the truth! Did something happen at home?"

The two old men looked at each other, saw helplessness in each other’s eyes, sighed, and were about to speak.

"Four uncles and aunts, when will you give this month's money? It's already in the middle of the month, and it's a good month to pay back!"

A slightly abusive voice came from a distance, Yang Song frowned, paying back the money? What's the money back? I know the situation in my own family. Although I have no money, I don't owe money! In addition to tuition fees, the general living expenses are earned by working part-time!

Hearing this, Yang Song also wanted to know who said that his family owed money, who owed money, turned around and saw that a familiar person came over, it was the eldest son of his third uncle's family, Yang Ming!

"Yeah! Isn't this Yang Song? Is school closed? Go home to see the fourth uncle and the fourth aunt?" Yang Ming showed a sneer on his face.

Although the two were cousins, Yang Ming was not as good as Yang Song in their studies. The two were one year apart. In the same year, one was Linhai champion and the other was Linhai who fell in the college entrance examination. At that time, everyone in the village was complimenting Yang Song. Yang Ming has no face.

Since he didn’t go to college, he didn’t choose to go to college. He simply went out to do things with his parents. Not to mention, in the past two years, he also made some money and bought a small car. It seems that life is pretty good. .

"Cousin Yang Ming, it's been a long time since I saw you. You just said that you owe money. What's the matter?" Yang Song nodded, and rushed directly to the subject after saying hello.

Yang Ming sneered, took out his phone, and began to play, "Last time your father hurt his waist and spent a lot of medical expenses. There is no money. Isn't it my dad who lent him? It's been more than half a year. It's time to pay it back! We are happy to pay back a little bit every month, and we haven't paid any money this month!"

"it is good!"

Yang Song took a breath of air, forcibly calmed his mood, showed an ugly smile, and asked: "Then how much money does my family owe your family?"

"Not much! Sixty thousand, five thousand back, fifty thousand left!" Yang Ming put away his phone, looked at Yang Song, smirked, and spit out a sputum.

Chen Ming stood in the back, although he was usually foolish, but now he can see clearly, took out his phone, frowned and shouted: "Don't be so arrogant, isn't it fifty thousand five? I'll give it to you! The account tells me!"

With that said, Chen Ming wanted to pass the money to him! Yang Song shook his head at him, saying that there is no need to intervene in this matter.

"What's the matter? Isn't it just..." Chen Ming seemed to want to say something. Before he finished speaking, he was stopped by Meng Shihan. When he saw Meng Shihan shaking his head at him, Chen Ming was stunned and finally sighed. In one breath, put away the phone.

"What if I don't pay back the money I owe?" Yang Song smiled slightly and looked at Yang Ming, "San Bo shouldn't be so kind, and lend my dad 60,000 yuan for nothing?"

When Yang Ming talked about this, there was a hint of pride in his eyes, "Of course it is your six acres of rice! Your mother mortgaged us. If you can't change it within a year, you can use the rice field to repay the debt!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

Yang Song shouted three times in succession! But he didn't say anything, just turned around, turned his back to Yang Ming, and said lightly: "Tomorrow I will go to see San Bo, and the money I owe will be given to you at that time. Now, you go back first!"

"This..." Yang Ming was stunned. He never expected that Yang Song would still be so arrogant and sneered: "Okay! Since you have said so, I will give you one more day. ,I'm going back!"

Leaving this sentence aside, Yang Ming gave Yang Song a ferocious look, then turned and walked towards his home, not paying attention to Yang Song.

This kid is obviously a bereaved dog, and so arrogant, tomorrow I will see how you can make tens of thousands of dollars!

"Mom and dad! Just tell the truth! What's the matter?" Yang Song looked at the two old people with serious expression, and seemed to be serious!

Father Yang sighed, and said annoyedly: "I'm all to blame!"

It turned out that half a year ago, Father Yang was going out with his third brother to build a house to earn some living expenses. Unfortunately, the rope that day felt a little problematic. Father Yang wanted to say, but the third brother kept saying that it was okay and he refused to spend money to get a new one. We must urge Father Yang to go up.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and go up. The height of the third floor said it was not high or low, and the rope broke halfway. Father Yang fell directly to the ground. Fortunately, he was fatally fatal. He only injured his waist. I also got my legs in my hands, and went to the hospital to spend more than 10,000 yuan in one go, but the follow-up treatment still needed money.

Where's your third brother? After leaving only 20,000 yuan, she said she was not willing to lose money. There was no way. Mother Yang had to use the last six acres of rice fields in her family as a mortgage, and only borrowed 60,000 yuan from Sanbo. Only then did Yang Father’s waist heal his father’s waist with the addition of the previous 20,000 yuan.

It’s a pity that even after the treatment is completed, I can no longer do heavy work. I can only do some housework at home. Now the main thing to make money is to make money from Yang mother string jewelry. The workload of the previous day must be at least doubled now, otherwise it will be paid in the future. do not know what to do with it!

After listening, Yang Song hadn't spoken yet. Chen Ming couldn't help it at the time. He slapped the table and said angrily: "If you help people get injured, even if you don't include medical expenses, you can give them 20,000 yuan? Obviously bullying uncles and aunts!"

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