Super Cookery System

Chapter 48: Glowing gourmet

Chapter 48 Glowing Food

"The Wannian Gong rice tasted by the host is a variety of crossbreeds after a thousand years. The system provided is the original rice that had not been bred thousands of years ago. It has been rigorously ground with graphite to remove the metallic taste. The fragrance of the stone, carefully grind three times, and beaten vigorously to get the rice noodles."

"A century-old silky fowl, raised purely in bamboo forests, without the slightest artificial ingredients, so the eggs are a lot tonic."

"Tibetan pig, pork has a faint fragrance, tender tenderloin, it is a good fried noodle."


Ji Li Gu La said a lot, Yang Song understood it, waved his hand quickly, and shouted: "I see! It's expensive! No problem! That's one hundred and fifty-eight! Anyway, they have 300 yuan of lamb. The skewers are affordable, let alone the fried rice noodles!"

"Please practice more for the host!"

"Good, good! I will start now!"

As Yang Song said, he started to practice according to the system in his mind to teach himself the speculation method. At first, the taste was really good, but if this kind of stuff was sold for 158, Yang Song could beat it himself. Die yourself!

After practicing 23 bowls continuously, Yang Song brought out a bowl with light brown and golden eggs. The pork is red and tender, and the surface is dotted with green onions. With a sniff, it also has the scent of Mediterranean red shrimp!

"Is this bowl almost done?" Yang Song looked at the attractive fried rice noodles with some excitement.

"Scarcely qualified, enough to sell, hope the host will practice more!"

In the anime Zhonghua Fan, when the little master brings out the dishes, after uncovering the cover, it will emit a dazzling light. At this time, Yang Song seems to have also seen the light of the fried rice noodles in front of him.

So dazzling! It's really dazzling!

Before Yang Song boasted, he heard a dazed sound outside the kitchen door.

"Huh? What are you doing? It's in the middle of the night, it's so noisy, no, what smells so good! Yang Song! Are you making good food again?"

Meng Shihan originally rubbed his eyes and walked over in a daze, but after smelling the aroma of fried rice noodles, he woke up suddenly and quickly shouted.

Yang Song is not welcome, holding the rice noodles on the table, and chuckles: "The fried rice noodles just developed, you can try it!"

"Hmm! I just woke up and hungry!" Meng Shihan showed a happy expression on his face.

Just picking up the chopsticks, Meng Shihan seemed to remember something, and asked strangely: "How can you make fried rice noodles? Don't you only know how to grill skewers?"

"Just learned!" Yang Song replied coldly: "If you don't want to eat, then forget it!"

"I eat, I eat!"

For a foodie, not being delicious is the most painful thing! For example, Meng Shihan was just a little hungry now, but after smelling the wonderful and alluring fragrance, how could she bear it?

Picking up a chopsticks of fried rice noodles, Meng Shihan gently blew the steaming fried rice noodles, and then carefully stuffed it into his mouth.

This bite is as if a balloon is stuffed in the mouth. With a bite, the feeling of Q bomb bounces between the lips and teeth, full of the rich aroma of rice noodles, and the aroma of seafood.

The tenderness of pork, the richness of eggs, the umami of seafood, and a faint fragrance of bamboo leaves! What's going on?

Although the current Meng Shihan is very curious, the delicious fried rice noodles are so delicious that there is no way to stop, only eating chopsticks after chopsticks.

Seeing Meng Shihan eating so happily, Yang Song smiled lightly, turned back to the kitchen, and quickly fried a portion for himself, most of the night, almost starving to death!

After practicing fried rice noodles for a whole night, my hands were sore, and I finally succeeded.

The fragrant fried rice noodles were stuffed into his mouth. Yang Song felt that if it was a waste of rice noodles, he should be able to stay in the world for everyone to visit!

It's delicious. Even if Yang Song is used to the best beef skewers or delicious grilled chicken wings, there is still a special taste for this rice noodle.

Maybe you haven't eaten anything similar to the staple food!

The taste is really good.

"Yang Song, you are making fried rice noodles now, but you really don't just want to open a night snack stall, do you?"

Meng Shihan is very depressed about this matter. He was very happy to eat before, but now that he has finished eating, I think carefully, it seems that Yang Song's party is really the supper party.

What skewers! Now there is fried rice noodles again. If there is another egg fried rice, it will really become a supper.

"Probably not! I just happened to think of this method of fried rice noodles, don't worry, it won't!" Yang Song shook his head, the size of the system wants to make himself the **** of cooking in the future. It will make people laugh.

"That's good!" Meng Shihan put a little thought down and said, "Well, then! I'm full, I'll go back to sleep first. By the way! You brought this bowl yourself, right? It looks so beautiful. I haven't bought it!"

Yang Song only realized it at this time. This rice noodle bowl and chopsticks were actually included in the system. Before, I just paid attention to the rice noodles. Now I take a closer look. This bowl and chopsticks really comes with the system!

Suddenly, the system reminded in his mind.

"Imperial celadon was made in an official kiln that was extinct a hundred years ago. This bowl can perfectly isolate heat and ice, and keep it warm and cool when held in your hand."

If the extinct porcelain was discovered, it would not be so good! However, since it is a century ago porcelain, others should not know it.

"It's okay! I just think it's pretty!" Yang Song smiled, prevarication.

Meng Shihan nodded, stood up, and returned to the room.

Yang Song finished the fried rice noodles in the bowls and chopsticks, and lay comfortably on the chair, with the bowls and chopsticks in his hands and looked carefully, asking the system in his mind.

"This bowl, what if it breaks when I wash it?"

"No, dirty bowl, the system will take it back for next time!"

This is okay, lest you clean it yourself.

Go back to sleep! When I woke up the next day, it was already eleven o'clock at noon!

Meng Shihan woke up long ago, sat on the sofa, looked at Yang Song who had just gotten up, and shouted: "Yang Song, I want to eat fried rice noodles!"

"I don't have any now, I have to wait until I set up a stall to eat!" Yang Song got the fried rice noodle method yesterday, and today I can only wait until the end of the stall!

"Okay!" Meng Shihan is not an unreasonable person. It is estimated that Yang Song's rice noodles should not be prepared much, so I have to come back at night to eat.

After finishing washing, Yang Song stood in the living room, picked up an apple to eat, said hello, and set up a stall.

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