Super Cookery System

Chapter 389: Ice bucket challenge

Chapter 389 Ice Bucket Challenge

I originally wanted to bring a few of them back to Brother Yu, but Brother Yu said, just keep them in the pool of Yang Song’s house. There is nowhere to keep them in my own home, so I might die. My mother has already made them. Well, a lot of food! Not in a hurry!

Yang Song did not refuse either. Anyway, the size is just a few fish. Who should eat it or not? They are all their own, there is no need to be polite!

Brother Yu was sent away. Everyone sat in the living room to warm their hands and feet. Although the sun was out this afternoon, the weather was still very cold. Except for Yang Song, the group of people was very cold. If the bamboo shoots are not taken care of, I guess It’s easy to catch a cold and fever in the past two days, so Yang Song quietly came to the kitchen and got a few devil chicken wings! Give your children to eat to get rid of the cold, and everyone will eat a bunch to warm up your body and get rid of the cold by the way! !

Everyone didn't care, after all, Yang Song's food is really delicious! A bunch of Devil Spicy Grilled Chicken Wings, eat it, the cold inside the child's body will be stimulated, and even the body will be much healthier! In fact, a bunch of grilled chicken wings is not so effective, mainly because the child's body itself is full of vitality, this grilled chicken wings only helps the child to remove the cold and consolidate the yang! It looks much better, and it is more effective than adults!

Although the grilled chicken wings were not spicy enough, the children still enjoyed it. Brother Yu was not too spicy, but he couldn't say anything about Yang Song's good craftsmanship. He just gave a thumbs up! Chen Ming was about to cry, "Yang Song, you know I don't like spicy food. You also made it so spicy on purpose. Did you do it on purpose?"

“It’s raining outside today, snow is melting all around, don’t eat spicy food, do you want to catch a cold tomorrow?” Yang Song said lightly with a cold face.

Meng Shihan was also too spicy, and stammered at Yang Song and asked, "So...then why don't you...not eat it? It's so spicy!"

"I know my body is so much better than you, not bad with this bunch of chicken wings!" Yang Song said this with a small smug!

They also knew Yang Song's physical fitness, a big wild boar of several hundred catties can be pressed on the ground to make it immobile, this bit of cold is definitely not a problem! But they still know one thing, that is, Yang Song is also afraid of spicy food!

In the end, the two fathers and sons left with a bottle of drink, but they were all in sweat. It seemed that it was very difficult to catch a cold!

At this time, father and mother Yang have already prepared a large table of dishes, seven dishes and one soup, eight in total, and the meaning is eight or eight, and all the chicken, duck and fish are complete. Next year will definitely be another year after year!

Father Yang sat down, raised his wine glass and smiled: "Today is the first New Year we move into the new house! Come on, let's toast together!"

Everyone raised their wine glasses, touched them, they all said auspicious words and then started eating! The happy appearance makes people really enviable!

"That's right! Komatsu, didn't we say that we are going to make a banquet to celebrate the housewarming? I decided not to invite too many people, but we will invite our own family. There are three tables in total, and the sixth day is a Good day, take a look, are you okay?" Father Yang drank two glasses of wine, remembering this, and preparing to discuss with Yang Song!

Yang Song spit out a chicken bone, tilted his head for a moment, nodded and said: "No problem, we don't leave until the tenth day of the year, and we are not in a hurry for the sixth day! Is three tables enough? Or four tables Okay, let’s sit more loosely! I remember the aunts, uncles and uncles there are so many children over there, I should make a table alone!

"Okay! It's fine if you decide! We don't have any big problems!" Mother Yang nodded, still her son was thoughtful, and four tables were not too bad!

Chen Ming's mouth was all delicious, and he asked curiously: "Are we going to have another banquet here?"

"It's not a banquet, right? Our custom here, when we build a new house, celebrate the housewarming, we will invite relatives and friends to eat!" Yang Song briefly explained!

Meng Shihan also nodded and said, "Yes, we also have them there. When I just finished the new house, my grandfather made two tables and invited relatives and friends to have a meal! I still remember this custom! "

"It turned out to be like this!" Chen Ming suddenly realized!

Yang Song drank a glass of wine at this time and looked at Chen Ming with a smirk: "Chen Ming, do you remember our gambling appointment in the afternoon? You won't forget it?"

"Of course I didn't forget!" Chen Ming put down his chopsticks with a snap, and patted his chest and said, "Man, say nothing, just tell me! What do you want me to do?"

Chen Ming, the boy, thought it was Yang Song who wanted to toss himself while holding the banquet, so he nodded, saying that there was nothing serious! Isn't it just to help? What a big deal!

"Don't worry! What I want you to do will be completed soon, and it won't be too complicated!" Yang Song smiled smirkly, Chen Ming felt as if he had seen the devil, he felt a panic in his heart, and couldn't help but tighten. Clothes, I don’t know what Yang Song wants to do!

After half an hour, everyone had eaten. They were sitting at the door, not waiting to watch the fireworks, but looking at Chen Ming, who was standing in the snow in a pair of boxers!

And the others all have gloating expressions on their faces! One after another in the publisher's own opinions!

"Chen Ming! Unexpectedly! I usually look at you in vain and fat, but I didn't expect to take off your clothes. You are really fat!"

"That's what you said! Man man, say nothing, hurry up, we are all waiting in a hurry!"

"This won't be too much! What if Xiao Ming catches a cold?"

"No! Baby, don't worry! Look at Xiao Ming's body, you will definitely not catch a cold!"

"That's right, eating Yangsong's delicacies every day, your physical fitness is already a lot better! Alright! Hurry up!"

"Isn't it the so-called ice bucket challenge? I wanted to try it when I came out two years ago, and now you just try it for me!"

Chen Ming looks like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law, looking pitifully at a big bucket in front of him, in which pieces of snowflakes are floating up and down, and they have not melted yet. One can imagine how cold the water is. !

It turned out that Yang Song didn't want Chen Ming to do something else. Instead, he thought of a way to trick Chen Ming, which is to take off his clothes and stand in the ice and snow, lift up the ice water in the bucket, and pour it from head to tail!

This is what Yang Song learned when he watched other people’s ice bucket challenges before. He always wanted to try it, but he had no chance! I can give it a try now!

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