Super Cookery System

Chapter 31: Basic principles of cooking

After knowing how to improve the cooking skills of the system, Yang Song finally had a feeling of great enlightenment. During this period of time, he had been too entangled with the number of levels of the system, and had not cared about other things in the system at all. Causes my own cooking skills to progress so slowly.

Now that he knew it, Yang Song wouldn’t just explore it by himself. After closing the booth, Yang Song went to the bookstore, the largest Chinese bookstore in Los Angeles, and bought seven or eight thick cooking books. I am going to continue to study in cooking class, but now I think about it carefully, it seems that this is unnecessary.

That course is used to hone the basics for everyone. It’s not Yang Song bragging. Now he doesn’t need to worry about the basics at all. It’s not a joke to know how to solve the bull knife. It can be said to be one of the best in China. Speaking of the first person in China, I heard from Mr. Ye last time that China also has a legendary kitchen king family, the hidden king family.

There has been no news of them for many years, but there have been news about their disciples traveling abroad, so it is impossible to say that they disappeared, but they are hidden.

The world is nothing more than eating and drinking. Now that the living standard of everyone in society has improved, and there are more rich people, of course they will be harassed by some guys, so they can be said to be understandable when they are hidden.

Carrying a large bag of books, Yang Song returned to the house. As soon as he opened the door, he opened his mouth cautiously.

"Miss Meng, are you at home? Miss Meng, are you at home?"

After yelling twice, no one at home answered. Yang Song felt relieved and threw the book on the sofa. He took off his shirt and went to the bathroom to take a comfortable shower.

The first thing to go home every day is to take a shower. This is the most comfortable thing. Yesterday, there was really no way. Yang Song was washing, and suddenly he heard the sound of opening the door. He shouted.

"Miss Meng, are you back?"

"Yes, Yang Song, are you in the toilet? Hurry up, I'm going to die!"


Yang Song didn't hear clearly at first, and asked again with some doubts. Meng Shihan's voice anxiously shouted again: "I said you hurry up! I want to go to the toilet!"

"Okay! I'll come out now!" Hearing this, Yang Song quickly turned off the water, wiped his body indiscriminately, put on beach pants and walked out.

Originally, he took a bath very quickly, thinking that Meng Shihan didn't come back so early, so he came in with only a pair of beach pants. Fortunately, he took a pair of pants, otherwise he really didn't know what to do.


The bathroom door opened, and Yang Song came out with wet hair, holding a towel in his hand and gently wiping his head. Meng Shihan was standing not far away, frowning, anxious.

Seeing the bathroom door opened, Meng Shihan hurriedly ran toward that side, but stopped after running two steps, and hurriedly covered his eyes and shouted embarrassedly: "Yang Song, why don't you wear clothes! "

"Clothes?" Yang Song looked suspicious, lowered his head and said, "I'm wearing it! What do you say I am not wearing?"

"Your upper body! I tell you, I am at home in the future, you can't be shirtless! Can you hear it?" Meng Shihan seems to be a little bit shy now because he doesn't seem to understand things about men and women. At a loss.

Yang Song is a little bit dumbfounded now. In this place in Los Angeles, when everyone eats supper at night, most of them are shirtless. It is so cool. I don't know why she is here. She still feels embarrassed.

"Aren't you going to the toilet? Why don't you seem to be in a hurry?"

"Yes! You get out of the way!"

Meng Shihan was reminded by Yang Song, only then did he remember that he had to go to the bathroom, and shouted at Yang Song, who quickly gave way. When passing by Yang Song, Meng Shihan lowered his head a little shyly, but inadvertently saw Yang Song's lower abdomen.

Although I can’t see clearly from a distance, I took a closer look. I didn’t expect that Yang Song is still the type that looks thin in clothes and has flesh when undressed. The lower abdomen can vaguely see the eight-pack abdominal muscles, which really makes Meng Shihan’s small heart suddenly Jump.

But Yang Song didn't know this. After Meng Shihan got in, Yang Song remembered that his dirty clothes were still on the hangers in the bathroom. I wonder if Meng Shihan would dislike it when he saw it later.

Forget it, let her go! Yang Song hummed a song and ran into the room to put on clothes.

Sitting on the toilet, Meng Shihan still thought of the scene of seeing Yang Song’s lower abdomen before, and his face turned red for no reason. In fact, let’s not say that we men will be excited when they see a girl’s body, and girls see a man’s body. It is equally exciting, especially if you are in good shape, so boys, weight loss is also very important.

In recent years, Meng Shihan talked about a boyfriend two years ago, but because Meng Shihan was relatively conservative, the man thought it was not funny, so he cheated directly. Later, Meng Shihan found out. After the breakup, he didn’t decide to find a boyfriend anymore. Some messy fantasies, after all, the grade has arrived, and now there is a fresh little meat in the family, which is still such a good craftsmanship. According to Meng Shihan’s idea, if you really are with Yang Song, it is definitely a legend. Little milk dog.

Meng Shihan! What mess are you thinking about!

She suddenly realized that what she was thinking seemed to be too messy, and shook her head to get rid of the messy thoughts.

Yang Song came to the living room, turned on the air conditioner in advance, and checked the time. There were still more than three hours before the second goods would come. So he left the house and went to the nearby supermarket to buy some chicken wings and leeks. Just give them a taste of their new good things.

The system is quite good. New products are usually sold the next day, and you can get as many as you like on the first day.

Today there are so many people, Yang Song is not going to let them eat what they make, but also prepare some other ingredients. Anyway, there is a barbecue grill, and they can also let them start roasting something to eat. This is also more interesting!

After Meng Shihan came out of the toilet, he looked around cautiously and found that Yang Song was not there and his room door was open. He leaned forward and took a look. There was no one inside, guessing that he should go out.

Then she walked out with confidence and came to the living room to drink some water, but unexpectedly saw the book placed on the sofa. She walked over, sat on the sofa, and took a copy.

"Basic Guidelines for Cooking Heat"

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