Super Black Technology

Chapter 256 Bankruptcy of the Transportation Industry

The leaders of the 88 member states of the Pumpkin Alliance were stunned when they got the news.

The leaders who had just returned to China for a week hurriedly flew to Paris, the capital of France.

The G88 summit was held for the second time.

At the meeting, British Prime Minister Cameron shouted: "Gentlemen, gentlemen, the first space portal should be built in the UK, and the other end should be built in the United States, so as to facilitate exchanges between the US and Europe."

In this regard, the leaders of a series of Asian countries including China, Russia, Japan and South Korea firmly oppose it.

The reason is...

The Chinese leader stood up and said loudly, "The distance between the two continents of the United States and Europe is already very close. It only takes 4 hours to travel by passenger plane from the United States to the United Kingdom, while it takes 12 hours from the United States to China."

"For this reason, I propose that the first space portal be built on the American-Asian continent to facilitate the communication between the people of the East and the West."

Russian President Vladimir Putin has the same reason.

He wants to build the space portal in Moscow. For this reason, he is even willing to build a nuclear power plant outside Moscow.

At this time, he didn't have the slightest thought of worrying about nuclear leakage.

Don't care about him, take a hole first and then talk about other things.

In this regard, Japan also thinks so.

"Gentlemen, after Japan has experienced several nuclear leaks, it is now very experienced in terms of safety. I propose that one end of the space portal be built in Japan, and the other end can be built anywhere."

The implication is, quickly use Japan as a test product. We are not afraid of accidents, not at all.

For the shamelessness of the Japanese Prime Minister, everyone gave contemptuous glances.

What are you kidding?

If it is an immature technology, of course everyone is willing to use Japan as a test product. But is the Great Pumpkin an immature technology?

of course not!

The sky battleship based on nuclear power has carried out 9 space transmissions in the eyes of audiences all over the world, without any failure.

This technology is simply safer than airliners.

Still need to test? Experiment ass!

"Our Korean nation is the best nation in the universe, and the space portal should be built in our Seoul."

"We have a beautiful scenery in Canada, and many tourists come here every year. The Space Gate should be built in Canada."

"Built in India!"

"Built in Australia!"

"Built in Pakistan!"


At this moment, the entire meeting place was like a volcano erupting, arguing non-stop.

But US President Obama is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, quietly watching the quarrels of various countries.

For him, for the United States, there must be a trap, otherwise, I will quit immediately.

Because, the little prodigy is an American!

If the United States is not allowed to play, then everyone will not even want to play!

Although leaders of various countries envy and hate Obama's rock-solid behavior, there is nothing he can do about it.

So, they can only fight for another spot.

After all, the gate of space is not a sky warship. Where there is an entrance, there needs to be an exit. It can't be transported around like a sky battleship.

Then positioning becomes a problem.

It has to be said that the leaders of various countries guessed right.

The space gate that Ike wants to build is two-way. It is said to be one, but it should be regarded as two, and the two are connected to form a complete space gate.

At this moment, the British Prime Minister suddenly gave Obama a wink, as if he wanted Obama to speak for him.

For the request of allies, Obama was extremely depressed, but could not refuse.

For this reason, after pondering for a while, he still spoke.

"Gentlemen, why don't you build it in the UK first! Let the UK try it, and build it for you later!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone except the European Union collectively opposed it.

The reason is still the same: Britain and the United States are too close, which is a great waste of resources.

According to the rules of the alliance, the principle of the minority obeying the majority, Obama's proposal can only be abandoned.

In this regard, Obama can only shrug helplessly to the British Prime Minister, saying that he has tried his best.

Cameron was so angry that he vomited blood. He could only propose his own allies, such as France.

However, all but the EU remain firmly opposed.

The reason is still the same.

Then Germany, still not working.

According to the Chinese leaders: In order to avoid wasting resources, we should choose one country from the eastern and western hemispheres. The importing country has been determined, and it is the United States.

Then the exporting country should be chosen in another hemisphere relative to the United States.

Where is the other hemisphere?

Obviously it is Asia, so a country in Asia should be chosen to build the space gate.

For such a statement, the audience was silent, and then most people agreed.

Especially the leaders of Japan, Russia, and South Korea almost raised their hands in agreement.

With the opposition of the European Union and the approval of many countries, the proposal of the Chinese leader was passed.

The other end of the gate of space chooses Asian countries.

Now it is the turn of the countries with territories in Asia to compete, and this struggle has not yielded results until dark.

The meeting can only be adjourned temporarily and will continue tomorrow.

That night, at 10 o'clock.

"Boom boom boom!"

The South Korean president's bedroom door rang.

After a while, the door opened.

"Report: The Chinese diplomatic ambassador seeks an audience."



In the living room, the South Korean president met the Chinese ambassador to France. After a short exchange of pleasantries, the Chinese ambassador expressed his intention for coming.

Ask the President of South Korea to vote for China at tomorrow's meeting.

In this regard, China is willing to help South Korea build a large particle accelerator.

This proposal made the South Korean president suddenly loosen his desire to refuse.

Because, everyone now knows that a large particle accelerator is needed to build a big pumpkin, otherwise even with the technology, it cannot be built.

South Korea does not have the capacity to build a large particle accelerator.

At this moment, the face of the South Korean president changed rapidly. She wants to agree, but also wants to refuse...


The Chinese ambassador to France said softly: "Madam President, if your country disagrees, then we will vote for Japan. Please think about it!"

Everyone knows that Japan and South Korea are feuds!

As soon as the remark came out, the South Korean president stared at the Chinese ambassador angrily.

Mr. Ambassador was indifferent, his face as calm as water.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes...

Finally, the South Korean president nodded.

"Okay, I agree! But if your country wants to help us build a particle accelerator for free, we won't pay a penny!"

The Chinese ambassador smiled and extended a hand of friendship to the South Korean president: "A deal! The friendship between China and South Korea will last forever!"



Residence of the President of Russia.

"Report: Chinese leaders are coming!"


No one knows what the leaders of China and Russia talked about tonight, only the Chinese leaders themselves know.

But it is conceivable that China must have paid a big price.

Tonight is a restless night, with countless undercurrents surging...

The next day, the meeting was held again.

The Chinese leader took the lead in speaking: "China is a country with a history of 5,000 years, and it is also a responsible big country. We have been adhering to the principle of peaceful development and making silent contributions to the world."

"So far, we have purchased more than 10 trillion U.S. bonds and transported tens of millions of tourists to Europe every year. We have made a huge contribution to the EU's economy."

"Also, China is still providing assistance to many developing countries regardless of remuneration..."

"China's contribution to the world cannot be expressed in words."

"Here, I propose that the other end of the space gate be built in our country. We are willing to provide it for everyone to conduct scientific research for free!"

The tone fell, and the President of Pakistan raised his hand.


India raised his hand: "Agreed!"

Russia raised its hand, South Korea raised its hand, Australia raised its hand, Canada raised its hand...

Even the Prime Minister of Japan raised his hand.

At this scene, the President of the United States and the European Union were taken aback for a while.

Fuck, how much did China pay to buy all these countries, and even Japan sided with China.

What a big local tyrant!

Due to the rules of the alliance, President Obama stood up depressed and said that the proposal was passed.

In 10 days, the Pumpkin Alliance will build an inter-US-Asia portal.


At this time, Ike is teaching scientists from various countries to conduct the first four-dimensional force field experiment...

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