Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3234: curse

The layout of the pinnacle of this world should be arranged. How can it be easily seen through?

"Or did you kill Ling Chongxiao's sword attendant?" Feng Xue said after thinking about it.

"Then why did you just want it?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"But there is Ling Chongxiao's site. What if I didn't want it at that time, what if he turned his face?" Feng Xue paused here. "But there is nothing to worry about now. Your combat puppet has reached this world. In the later stage of the environment, I expect that Ling Chongxiao, who has fallen, will not be your opponent of the puppet."

"Why are you so sure that Ling Chongxiao has fallen?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

The smile on Feng Xue's face suddenly froze.

"What do you mean?"

"Ling Chongxiao said that he fell, but how did he fall?" Ye Hao looked at Feng Xue lightly and said, "The existence of the pinnacle of this world, where does it mean that it fell?"

"You mean Ling Chongxiao swindled to death?"

"I don't know if Ling Chongxiao has cheated to death, in short, be careful with this person." Ye Hao said softly, "but there is nothing to worry about, behind you is Di Ji, behind Di Ji is Ji Fenghuang, In other words, the master is standing behind you."

"How about you?"

"There is also a master behind me."

"I think that since Ling Chongxiao dared to plan us, then he will definitely have a careful plan, otherwise he does not need to take the risk of offending the master." Feng Xue said with a solemn expression.

"Let's go step by step." Ye Hao said after thinking about it.

At that moment, Ye Hao suddenly thought of something, "Li painting, give me a copy of your exercises."

Ye Hao's conversation with Feng Xue did not hide the paintings, so Li painting also knew that Ling Chongxiao mostly calculated them.

After careful inspection by Ye Hao, "you can practice this practice with confidence."

"Well, can I teach this practice to Zongmen's disciples?"

"This is your freedom."

"I see." Li Hua said in surprise.

She believes that with the help of this practice, Zongmen's strength will go further.


The next time Ye Hao traveled besides his spiritual practice.

And the repair of his soul sky galaxy is also rising.


Taboo late!

Taboo Pinnacle!

When Ye Hao's cultivation base reached this point, he had already arrived in the seventh domain.

"Are you going to cross the robbery?" Feng Xue suddenly realized something when the battleship drove to a desolate area that day.

"Yeah, I'm going to cross the robbery." Ye Hao nodded.

Feng Xue said nothing.

Ye Hao soul sky galaxy's Dao Guo has accumulated enough.

It is also time to break through.

It was then that Ye Hao vacated and rose thousands of miles away.

When he released all the Daogu of the Soul Sky Galaxy, a thick cloud loomed in the air.

Three thousand miles of robbery.


When the Thunder landed, the world was flooded with dazzling white light.

All the five senses and six senses were deprived.

And when they adapted, they immediately saw a terrible scene.

I saw Ye Hao let the terrifying thunder add itself.

There is no obstruction.

There is no cover.

In this way, he contends with his flesh and blood.

When the thunder dissipated, Ye Hao was like a boring person.

"This Thunder is too strong?" Li Mei said in shock.

"Ancestor, how strong was the Thunder when you went through the robbery?" Li Hua asked curiously.

"This Thunder can't be stopped at the beginning of the past, and even more than half of the middle of the past will be severely injured." Li Mei said solemnly.

Everyone took a sigh of relief when hearing Limei say this.

They secretly Ye Hao's accumulation is too terrible?

But no one thought that Ye Hao looked up at the sky at this time, "This strength?"

The whole audience was in an uproar.

what are you doing?

Provoking God?

Don't you want to live anymore?

The sky was enraged.

One after another, the thunder cut through the sky, and fell towards Ye Hao's body fiercely.

I don't know how long it took before I stopped.

Everyone looked at it.

Only then did I find that Ye Hao's area had turned into powder.

But there was a figure towering like a mountain. His body was like a sword, not even a slight bend.

"You let me down." Ye Hao sighed softly.

Everyone was stunned.

Do you still feel disappointed with this level of heavenly disaster?


Do you want someone else to live?

"Daoguo of your nine-day system still plays a lot of roles." Feng Xue said slowly, "This is why you feel that the thunder is not strong."

"But Thunder Tribulation is not strong, how to strengthen itself?" Ye Hao frowned, "I think Thunder Tribulation has not much effect on me."

"This...?" Feng Xue didn't know what to do for a while.

And at this moment Ye Hao suddenly thought of something.

He took advantage of the thunderstorm of the Soul Celestial System before it was over. He detonated the cultivation practice of the Celestial Galaxy.

That's right.

During this time Ye Haozhong's cultivation of the celestial galaxy also reached the peak of the taboo.

It was also when Ye Hao detonated the cultivation of the Celestial Galaxy that a terrible depression shocked every monk present.

Compared to mixed galaxies, celestial galaxies are alien.

If it is alien, it should be removed.

Therefore, this thunderstorm was more than a few times stronger than just now, and coupled with the previous thunderjacket bonus, after the two major thunderjackets were mixed together, it turned into a thunderbolt that could destroy the world.

The sky is shaking; the world is shaking, the beings are panicking.

This thunderstorm was enough to blow a continent to pieces.

Ye Hao also felt the pressure.

No more arrogance before.

But even then he didn't use many methods to successfully pass the bonus of the two major thunders.

"You finally embarked on that path." Feng Xue said leisurely.

"Sister Fengxue, what are you talking about?" asked inexplicably from the painting.

"The inheritance of the celestial galaxy will be cursed as long as you practice to the past." Feng Xue said with a solemn expression. "Look, Ye Hao will soon encounter a curse."

"Can Master Ye block it?"

"He must be able to stop the curse of the past," Feng Xue said softly.

"What about this world?"

"I don't know." Feng Xue shook his head. "Our path is now more evil, and the curse of the same period is more than several times stronger than before."

There was a lot of worry on Lihua's face.

But she also knew she couldn't help.

Let's talk about Ye Hao.

As his soul sky galaxy's cultivation stepped into the past, the purple seed in the sea of ​​his knowledge bloomed with thousands of lusters.

The seed grew into a sapling in Ye Hao's shocked look.

and many more.

what's the situation?

Soul sky galaxy is a seed, but why is it now a sapling.

Is Soul Sky galaxy related to celestial galaxies?

Want to know that the roots of the celestial galaxy are gods?

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