Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3229: Human blood

The monks who watched the scene from Lihuozong had a feeling of the rest of their lives.

You have to know that they are ready to die before the battle.

"Li Hua." the ancestor of Li Huozong shouted while looking at the girl beside Ye Hao.

Lihua fell gently beside her.

"Ancestor, are you okay?" Li Hua said softly.

Li Mei shook his head and said, "I'm fine, Li painting, are they...?"

Li Hua described the experience of meeting Ye Hao in detail.

"What do you mean by chance?" Li Mei said in amazement.

"Ancestor, you don't need to worry." Lihua seemed to see Limei's worry and said with a smile, "We Lihuozong has no value relative to Ye Gongzi. Do you think he can still covet us?"

After thinking about it, I was relieved.


What is Lihuozong?

What is Ye Hao worth thinking about?

"Young Master Ye, thank you for your kindness from Li Huozong."

Ye Hao stretched out his hand to support her, "Why are there human blood in your body?"

Hearing the words "human race" shocked the whole body, ""

"Can you explain?" Ye Hao said lightly.

"Who is your lord?" Limeng said very solemnly.

"I am also a human race." Ye Hao said, releasing his breath.

An incredible look appeared in Li Mei's eyes, "How is it possible? How could you come here from the Jiutian system?"

"Jiutian system?" Ye Hao's mouth burst into a smile, "It seems that your ancestor's last vein is from the Jiutian system."

"Young Master Ye, do you know Kunlun?" Limei asked tentatively.

"I came to the Soul Sky Galaxy through Kunlun's forbidden land." Ye Hao said softly.

"Kunlun still?"

"Kunlun is still the top force of the human race."

The old tears broke away from the charm, "The ancestors are far away from each other."

"Li Qianqiu?" Ye Hao sighed softly.

As Kunlun's top celestial arrogance, he once dared to take off from Qianqiu. He thought he could shine in the Soul Sky galaxy, but he was ruthlessly suppressed by the celestial celestial here, and he returned to Kunlun through the teleportation array under embarrassment.

But by the time he fled to Kunlun, he had run out of the lamp and died, without much information left.

"Master Ye, are you also a disciple of Kunlun?" Li Hua asked curiously.

"I'm not." Ye Hao shook his head. "I just used Kunlun's teleportation array."

"That's it." Li painting was a bit sad.

"But Kunlun's top Tianjiao Qingdi also came."

"Qing Emperor?" Fengxue frowned as he heard this, "This name is taboo."

"Taboo?" Ye Hao stunned.

"Di Ji said that the title of emperor should be above the ruler."

"Emperor is the realm above the ruler?"

"Not bad."

"Who has reached this state in the Soul Sky Galaxy?"

"I don't know, I also heard Emperor Ji accidentally mention it."

"If this is the case, the Qing Emperor must be renamed." Ye Hao said in a deep voice.

This is not a joke.

The Qing Emperor has the potential to become a master, so it does not matter that the master is implied.

But does Qing Di have the potential to become great?

Mostly not.

"Ye Gongzi, is Qing Di the supreme in Jiutian Galaxy?" Li Mei suddenly thought of something.

"The world champion," Ye Hao said softly.

"Is it just a mortal?" Li Mei murmured.

Ye Hao laughed and said nothing.

"Young Master Ye, can you take me to see the Qing Emperor?" Li Mei said for a while.

"Is Lihuozong not needed?" Ye Hao pointed to the ruins.

"No," Li Mei shook his head. "The Soul Sky galaxy continues to fluctuate, and it doesn't make sense to stay here."

"Then you clean up." Ye Hao said softly.

Limei immediately ordered the monks from Lihuozong to clean the battlefield and pack their bags.

After about three hours had passed, the monks of Lihuozong removed all that Lizong could move.

It's actually pretty tidy.

Whoever is present has no small world, whether it is useful or useless, just throw it into the small world first.

"Yonggongzi, we have packed up." Li Mei came to Ye Hao and yelled softly.

Ye Hao glanced at the audience and found that there were only more than 3,000 monks from Huozongzong.

"That's all the monks of Lihuozong?" Ye Hao asked in surprise.

"That's all for the headquarters."

"Don't you bring it before?"

"You have to trouble Ye Gongzi to take us to find them." Li Mei said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, anyway, idle is idle." Ye Hao said indifferently.

While on the way to find the soldiers from the Huozongzong Ye Hao, he encountered waves of giant crocodile soldiers.

The soldiers were all mercilessly killed by the battleship.

As for those corpses and the like handed over to Lihuozong.

Just kill all the way forward.

It didn't take long for a star with dry resources to arrive.

When Li charm played a spell, several figures appeared nearby.

They watched disenchantedly.

When he saw that it was disenchanted, there was a surprise on his face.

"Ancestor, why are you here?"

"Call all Zongmen's disciples, we will move away from Huozongzong as a whole."

"Where did you move?"

"Tell you on the road." Li Mei said softly.

Lihuozong began to lay out long before the turmoil occurred, and there were eight places besides this hiding place.

It is a pity that three of them were found and killed by the giant crocodiles.

And the warship that escaped before the time when Limei found the last hiding place of the generals of the Fire Sect had arrived.


"Away from painting."


Zhou An looked at the scene in front of his heart with emotion.

If it had not been the persistence of painting, Zongmen might have been completely destroyed, and there would be no overall relocation today.

"We are an ancestor of Lihuozongzu." Limei said loudly after summoning the 18 disciples of Lihuozong to his side.

"Anyone?" Hearing the blood of Zhou An et al.

You have to know that there are only one hundred ghosts in the entire Soul Sky Galaxy.

From this, one can imagine how brilliant Lihuozong was.

"Now we have another founder in our veins." Li Mei's next words slowed the heart of Zhou An and others by half a beat.

There is another world champion?

Is it...?

Thinking that they looked at Ye Hao one after another?

Is it that Ye Hao failed?


Only if Ye Hao is the founder of the world, can he have such a strong background?

"Ye Gongzi is a friend of our founder." Li Mei explained softly, "Now Ye Gongzi will take us to meet our founder."

Ye Hao looked at Lihua and others and said with a smile, "I will take you to see the Qing Emperor, but in addition to seeing the Qing Emperor, we still need to take revenge."


There was a sudden anger in everyone's eyes.

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