Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3227: Warships of the past

The main gun relentlessly ripped the giant crocodile of the God Emperor's Peak into pieces, and the diffuse energy killed the half-taboo.

No suspense!

After all, Ye Hao’s battleship bombarded taboo-level shells, and this giant crocodile was only a half-step taboo.

There is a big difference between the two sides.

Seeing this scene, all the men and women of the warship in the middle of the Divine Emperor were shocked.

Then they quickly changed Ye Hao.

"Thank you son for saving." The man bowed his hands and thanked him.

"This son, do you still leave here?" The girl in Tsing Yi said, "The crocodile's strength is extremely strong, and the clan is sitting in the presence of the future."

"Are you in the future?" Ye Hao's eyes flashed a fine light, "does not have this level in your family?"

"We have a total of eighteen prospects in the Torch Continent, including eight crocodiles." The Tsing Yi girl said with a wry smile, "If the other major tribes can unite, they can still get the crocodile, It's a pity that all the tribes are also filthy with each other, which makes the crocodiles break all the tribes." Suddenly the Tsing Yi girl continued, "My tribe also has a presence in the middle of the future, but it was also because of this. End point care."

"Have your ancestor fallen?"

"I don't know." The girl in Tsing Yi shook her head. "The ancestor was besieged by three crocodiles at the same level..."

Three siege of the same level, the results can be imagined.

"Let's go and see." Ye Hao said after thinking about it.

"Ah." The girl in Tsing Yi froze.

At this time, did you return to the Zongmen?

"Don't you dare to go?" Ye Hao teasedly looked at the girl in Tsing Yi.

"Xiao Li, can't go back." The man said in a serious voice.

"Yeah, Xiaoli, you are Zongmen's hope, you can't go back." Another man persuaded.

There was a struggling color in Li Hua's eyes, but she jumped on Ye Hao's battleship. "Dear brothers and sisters, please take this battleship and leave quickly. I'm going to visit Zongmen."

"Xiao Li, are you crazy?" The man's face changed greatly.

"I believe this son will not make a joke about his life." Li Hao glanced at Ye Hao lightly.

You know, Ye Hao killed a crocodile for a half-step taboo, the existence of a **** emperor peak.

This kind of thing is easy to find out.

Could Ye Hao be caught in the tiger's mouth?

Xiaoli is betting.

She stands behind the existence of the future behind Ye Hao.

If this is the case, the ancestor may still have a ray of life.

Everyone looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao laughed and said nothing.

"Zhou An, please take your brothers and sisters away." Lihua said that everyone was not busy.

Zhou An hesitated for a moment or said to Li Hua, "You take care."

Zhou An does not care about life and death.

But he couldn't care less about the life and death of the brothers on this battleship.

After the warship left, Ye Hao waved his hand, and the warship under his feet rushed towards Lihuozong with Lihua.

On the way to Lihuozong, Ye Hao encountered waves of crocodiles.

These guys were all shattered by the main gun on the battleship.

"I'm not far away from the fire sect." As soon as I said the painting, I saw hundreds of magnificent crocodiles rushing towards them, and the head of the awesome is the peak of the three taboos. Terrible existence.

"The existence of the three taboo peaks?" Li Hua looked at Ye Haodao uneasy.

She didn't reach this level when she was away from painting, but she was still able to distinguish the strong level and the level of fluctuations.

At that moment, two more forts appeared next to the main fort, and then the three forts burst out with a glorious glory.

"Three forts?" Lihua shocked.

Be aware that there can only be one main gun on a battleship.

Because of too many main guns, the hull will be unable to bear.

But what is the situation now?

Why does Ye Hao's battleship have three main guns?

Isn't he worried that the hull can't bear it?

After seeing this scene, the three master taboo masters quickly yelled to construct a let-off formation.


The moment the three shells detonated, the masters of the three forefront peaks were immediately hit hard.

They spurted blood on their mouths and looked miserable.

As for the hundreds of masters behind them, most of them fell on the spot, and the remaining half were also painted one by one.

At this time, the three main guns once again shined a dazzling glory.


One shell after another was fired from the main gun.

This time the cannonball is no longer a taboo peak level, but a taboo initial level.

Ye Hao doesn't care about the loss of this energy, but the central system on the battleship does.

There is no need to use the taboo peak level at this time.

The early cannons of the taboo can kill this strong man.

After a few breaths, this line of crocodiles, including those of the three taboo peaks, were killed.

"Don't waste the body." Ye Hao said lightly.

The battleship immediately dispatched a robot to clean up the crocodile's body.

At this time, the battleship suddenly made a harsh sound, "There are powerful men who exceed the level of the battleship and approach quickly."

Ye Hao's heart moved and a warship appeared next to him.

This warship launched the combat system as soon as possible, and a red awn of the sky locked the fast approaching strong.


A strong crocodile who didn't breathe appeared opposite Ye Hao.

He glanced at the bones everywhere, and his eyes showed a terrible killing intention.

"You are declaring war on my crocodile."

"How about declaring war?" Ye Haogang said that the warship that had just appeared here launched the rune cannon.

His face suddenly became difficult to look at when the horrible murderous opportunity enveloped the powerful man.

A detached battleship?

Seeing this scene his face was green.

As for what level this warship is detached from, he does not know, he only knows that he is definitely not an opponent of this warship.

"I think there might be a misunderstanding between us." The giant crocodile said embarrassedly.

"I also think there is a misunderstanding between us." Ye Hao said the runes exploded with great cannons.

The body of the giant crocodile was torn apart sharply.

When he appeared again, his face was weak, "You... why don't you shoot without even saying hello?"

"The past is hard to kill." Ye Hao said that the rune cannon shot again.

"Don't." After the giant crocodile could only say this sentence, his soul was completely wiped out.

"Don't waste it." Ye Hao said with a smile.

A robot stepped forward to put away the giant high-end body in the past.

"What level is your battleship?" Feng Xue asked involuntarily.

"The past is at its peak." Ye Hao glanced at Feng Xue.

"Your nine-day system has reached its peak in the past." Feng Xue seemed to realize what.

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