Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3224: Weakness is the original sin

"You are right. Weakness is the original sin. Then I am stronger than you at this time, and I am going to destroy the cicada clan." Qiu Ying looked at the clan clan's ancestor with a stern look.

"There is also a future in the back of our cicada clan." The clan clan's ancestor said with a silence, "Are you sure you want to destroy my cicada clan?"

Hearing here Qiuying couldn't help but looked at Ye Hao.

She has long ignored life and death, but she had to consider Ye Hao.

"It's okay." Ye Hao said indifferently. "Don't say that there is a future person standing behind the cicada clan, even if there is a present person standing behind the cicada clan."

"Crazy," the clan clan's ancestor said coldly. "Do you know what this realm represents?"

Ye Hao was too lazy to answer.

Perhaps the ancestor of the cicada clan did not know that the cicada clan was the third concubine he condensed.

This puppet was condensed when Ye Hao reached the peak of his past.

Ye Hao cheated Feng Xue.

The Dao fruit of his nine-day system has already reached the peak of the past realm, and after stepping on this realm, he secretly condensed a puppet.

The combat effectiveness of this puppet is in the later stage of this world.

That's right.

It's so scary!

The war puppets in the later stage of this world allowed Ye Hao to run wild before reaching the ninth domain.

"Please seniors to shoot." Qiu Ying asked the war spirit.

Ye Hao stopped the war spirit while he was about to shoot.

"Your combat power has been damaged by a quarter, but there is no need to waste it anymore." Ye Hao said here to signal the secret combat **** to shoot.

The puppet was just a glance.

The practices of the ancestors including the cicada clan were erased.

They instantly became ordinary people.

"what's the situation?"

"My Dao Guo was erased."

"I was detached 30,000 years ago. Who can erase my Dao fruit?"

At this moment all the cicadas were stunned, no matter the high level or the backbone.

"Not revenge yet?" Ye Hao looked at Qiu Ying.

"I... can I kill them?" Qiu Ying said suspiciously.

You know, Qiuying is only in the realm of God.

Even if the **** king didn't shoot, she couldn't kill him.

"Their behavior has been cut off, and now they are ordinary people." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Qiu Ying was overjoyed.

She looked at the women around her and said, "Sisters, the opportunity to avenge Zongmen is coming."

She rushed to a **** emperor.

Hands up and down.

A head rose into the sky, blood dripping down.

The emperor was killed without even screaming.

He was not resurrected.

It was so dead.

"Is the **** emperor dead like this?" a girl said in amazement.

Said the **** king is not dead, but the **** emperor is not destroyed?

Then the group of girls got excited.

The cicada master became a lamb to be slaughtered.

So what are you afraid of?

They carried a battle sword to kill the clan clan.

I don't know how long several girls have stopped since the cicada's clan was slaughtered by these girls.

That's right.

Even the younger generation, they all killed.

Are they waiting for their revenge in the future?

Who doesn't understand the principle of eradication?

"Young Master." Qiu Ying and others returned to Ye Hao to express their gratitude.

Ye Hao smiled and said, "Are you ready for the cicada's resources?"

"This is your son's loot." Qiu Ying said busy.

How many resources does the cicada have?


Qiuying, why dare you?

"I don't like the cicada's resources." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"But Qiuying doesn't dare to swallow alone." Qiuying looked at Ye Haodao brightly.

"Well, I went to Fuku to see if there was anything I needed." Ye Hao said after thinking about it.

After turning around, Ye Hao found nothing interesting.

This is also normal.

After all, is this only the third domain?

However, Ye Hao still took some relatively precious resources, and Qiu Ying left the rest.

Qiu Ying soon discovered that it was very difficult to sweep away the cicada's resources, so she let the war spirit take her back to Qiu Yizong.

Qiu Yizong sent thousands of surviving monks to come, but even then it took almost half a month to clean up the cicada's resources.

This day Qiuying found Ye Hao traveling around under the leadership of War Spirits.


Ye Hao glanced at Qiu Ying, "This war spirit is for you."

"Give it to me?" Qiu Ying shouted.

This war spirit has three-quarters of combat power, which is equivalent to a life-saving card.

"Yeah." Ye Hao paused here. "Let's just stop here."

"Where are you going?"

"I will travel to the fourth domain after traveling in the third domain again." Ye Hao looked at Qiu Ying Road.

"The fourth domain?" Qiu Ying's eyes flickered.

"The fourth domain is just my transit station." Ye Hao said frankly, "You don't want to follow my footsteps and practice in the lower domain in the future."

Qiu Ying was embarrassed after being seen through her mind.

"There is already chaos in Soul Sky Continent. My suggestion to you is that Qiu Yizong encounters an invincible presence and gives up." Ye Hao said with a deep thought.

"I know." Qiu Ying said.

Zongmen is no longer ready to rebuild Zongmen.

With so many resources of the cicada clan, the disciples of Qiu Yizong need not worry about the resources.

They are going to find a barren continent to dormant.

"Take care." Ye Hao left Feng Xue with his words.

Qiu Ying looked at Ye Hao's leaving figure for a long time without saying a word.

"Who is he in the end?" Qiu Ying looked at the War Spirit Road around him.

"His existence is not what you can imagine. It won't take long for him to kill the ninth domain and fight against the top young generation of Soul Sky Continent." War Spirit's words made Qiu Ying's face wildly change.

"The top young generation of Soul Sky Continent? Isn't that supreme?"

"He is supreme himself." Zhan Ling laughed.


"I don't understand why you want to help Qiuying so much?" Feng Xue asked when he was traveling.

"As I said, meeting is destiny."

"So simple?"

"Otherwise what do you think?" Ye Hao looked at Feng Xuedao.

Greed for Qiuying's body?


Feng Xue believes that Ye Hao will show a hint, Qiu Ying will definitely come to the door without hesitation.

"You, I can't understand." Feng Xue said leisurely.

"What happened to the Soul Sky Galaxy happened before the Nine Celestial System." Ye Hao said in silence for a while, "I have a heart to stop, but the Soul Sky Galaxy is so big, can I stop it? Furthermore, this is also the Soul Sky Galaxy Master As a result of intentional promotion, I prevent them from doing the right thing in disguise."

"But since we met, we can help."

"As for how far Qiu Ying and Qiu Yizong can go in the future, it depends on their character."

"I can't control that much."

Feng Xue looked at Ye Haodao with complicated eyes, "Actually, you can take the Autumn Yizong."

"Do you think my situation is good? Maybe you don't know that I was forced to come to Soul Sky Galaxy." Ye Hao said with a wry smile, "I don't think it's a burden on others."

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