Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3211: Prefecture level

Perhaps in Lei Ming's opinion this was a great favor.

But for Ye Hao, it can only be done at any time.

After Lei Ming left, he couldn't help thinking of Ban Xun's group of guys who wanted to deal with Ye Hao.

"Don't be immortal." Lei Ming's mouth burst into a sneer.

He believes that Ye Hao's cultivation background and background are above the peony fairy.

Those people who want to rely on the nine major schools against Ye Hao are simply talking about dreams.

As for reminders?

Why should I remind you?

Are they going to die and have a hairy relationship with him?

Besides, Lei Ming couldn't wait for those guys to finish playing.

In the early morning of the next day, hundreds of young men and women came to the square of the Devil's Palace.

Their eyes were extremely anticipating.

Their eyes are extremely hot.

Their expressions are extremely urgent.

Today is the opportunity for the nine major forces of Baihua Mainland to come to recruit disciples.

This is also an opportunity for them to jump the dragon gate.

Regardless of the Palace of Vengeance, who doesn’t want to join the nine forces?

About half an hour later, the sky was suddenly torn, and then nine battleships lined up above the Demon Palace.

Nine warships are very dark and terrible.

They exude terrible fluctuations, giving people a sense of fear.

"Black gloss."

"Is the battleship God-class?"

"The Baihua Continent is extremely far away from us. They are going to pass through a large area of ​​starry sky. Do you think there is no imperial battleship?

"Imperial class warship. If I had one, wouldn't it be able to dominate the Continent of Thunder?"

"Is the Imperial-class battleship not even a hundred-flowered continent? How much more valuable is it than the Divine-Emperor-class strong."

"Baihua Continent heard that there are many women, and I don't know if they will choose me?"

"I think there should still be men? Otherwise, how does the Baihua mainland multiply?"

"This is indeed a problem."

As everyone secretly discussed, the nine warships landed slowly, and dozens of figures emerged from each warship.

Those figures are women without exception.

Whether they are delicate, dignified, or delicate, they are everything.

This made the eyes of the men present straight.

"so pretty?"

"The quality of this beauty is too high?"

"We also have such beautiful women in Wanlei mainland, but this ratio is very small after all."

Many monks find it incredible.

But everyone looked at the eyes and fell on a woman dressed in white.

The woman is still dazzling even in the crowd.

Slender and graceful figure, can be said to be allure.

"I am Paeonia lactiflora," the woman in white said at the time, "it is also the young patriarch of Qunfangzong."

"Quan Fang Zong?" Xu Yuanyuan's eyes flashed, "The most powerful sect of Baihua Continent, there is no first."

"Do you know Baihua Continent very well?" Ye Hao was surprised.

It stands to reason that there is not much communication between the two worlds.

"We have an elder in the Devil's Palace who joined the Orchid Sect of Baihua Continent." Xu Yuanyuan said softly.

"That's it." Ye Hao moped his chin.

"How do you think of Shaoyao?" Xu Yuanyuan asked next.

"Are you going to ask her if she is interested in being my maid?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

Xu Yuanyuan was startled, "Don't brush me off."

Paeonia lactiflora is the pride of Baihua Continent.

If she dared to say this, would she be hacked to death in minutes?

"I'm Feng Xue, from Xuezong Sect." Then a cold woman stood up and said lightly.

Her voice was cold.

Her expression was cold.

But she is very beautiful.

Pretty excessive.

Even if compared with the peony fairy.

"I am Bai Tao, from Shen Tao Zong." At this time a charming girl introduced with a smile.

The woman was full of mature breath.

This breath makes men restless and seems to be able to seduce their heartstrings.

"I am Liuliu, from the **** Liuzong." A woman with a clear breeze stood up.

She is gentle and gentle, and her words are gentle.

You look at her with a very comfortable feeling.

"I am Huo Yue, from Tian Huo Sect." A woman who looked like a flame stood up.

"I am Zhang Lan from the Orchid Sect."

"I am Qing Ji, from Wang Chuanzong."

"I am Ling Xuan from Qiushui Sect."

"I'm sorry for the weak, from Mianmianzong."

Immediately, the representatives of the Nine Dazongmen came forward to introduce.

Tianjiao of the square will look at this one later, and then look at that one, they are considering which one to choose later?

"Nine Great Sects do not accept mediocrity." Shaoyao said lightly at this time. "Therefore, those with Wuhun below the prefecture level should not participate in the assessment."

Shaoyao's words dimmed some of the arrogant expressions present.

Early prefecture level!

Generally speaking, as long as you have this level of martial spirit in the future, you can step into the realm of God King.

However, it may not be possible to set foot on the medium continent.

Because the medium continent is far from the higher continent in terms of resources and exercises.

"Paeonia lactiflora, how far can I think a person can go and can't just look at a person's martial spirit?" And at this time a young man stood up.

Paeonia lactiflora glanced at the young man, "You are not unreasonable, so as long as you can contend with the early existence of the prefecture level, how can I make an exception for you to join Qunfangzong?"

"Good." The young man said without thinking.

This is his only chance.

"Who else wants to give it a go?" Peony fairy asked lightly.




Soon a dozen young men and women stood up.

"Whose martial spirit belongs to the martial spirit of the ground level, now come to this platform." Peony medicine fairy said a high platform transformed from sapphire appeared in the air.

Thunder and others stood on the high platform one after another.

"Now I want to check your martial spirits." Peony fairy said lightly.

Thunder, Banxun and other Tianjiao have revealed their martial spirits.

Thunder and Banxun looked at the Wuhun around them with a sense of arrogance.

Because most of the martial spirits present were in the early stage of the prefecture level.

But their martial spirits are prefecture-level.

But when they were proud, they felt a sudden pressure.

This coercion comes from the Wuhun level.

The oppression of the upper martial soul to the lower martial soul.

Although this kind of repression is not serious, it exposes a problem.

Among them, there are martial spirits taller than them.

How is it possible?

As the top arrogant of Wanlei, who doesn't know who?

And when they saw who was following Wu Hun, there was an incredible look on their faces.


"Thunder, how could your Wuhun be a territorial high-level?"

"This is absolutely impossible."

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