Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3033: Something happened here

Who is Ye Hao?

Jiugongyu ranks third in existence!

The Golden Bulldog is only 88.

"Do you think you are not in the top ten?" Golden Bulldog said coldly.

To be honest, the Golden Bulldog was still somewhat dissatisfied with Ye Hao.

"Sorry, you guessed it." Ye Hao said lightly.

The Golden Bulldog couldn't help laughing.

"Is it funny?" Ye Hao stared at the Golden Bulldog.

"Isn't it funny?" The golden bulldog looked at Ye Hao's eyes as if looking at a stupid, "Do you know how strong the top ten? People can hit me with one look."

"I can too."

The Golden Bulldog is too lazy to reply.


Ye Hao

Shaking his hand gave him an ear scraper.

The golden bulldog's half face was immediately smashed.

He kept pumping, his eyes showing a hint of hatred.

"You seem to have forgotten your identity." Ye Hao sneered, "the next time, I chopped the stew."

The golden bulldog quickly dropped his head.

Ye Hao's eyes fell on Xiaotian's body.

"You said how should I deal with you?"

Xiao Tianpo passed down and knelt in front of Ye Hao, "I am willing to be the son of Ye Gongzi."

"Do you think you have this qualification?" Ye Hao sneered, "I will give you a chance to live."

"You said." Xiaotian said quickly.

"You will be Xuemo's mount in the future." Ye Hao pointed at Xuemo.

Shoutian's face suddenly turned green.

What a joke?

Xue Mo's strength is scum in Xiao Tian's eyes.

"Young Master Ye." Xiao Tian said with a sad face.

"You still have a choice?"

"What choice?"


Who wants to die?

Xiaotian only knelt in front of Xue Mo, "See your master."

Xue Mo was scared.

Xiaotian is going to be her mount?

"Don't, don't, don't." Xue Mo said quickly.

Xiaotian looked at Ye Hao involuntarily.

"Xue Mo, in line with the principle of waste utilization, you can barely accept it." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Mr. Ye, what can I do?" Xue Mo smiled bitterly.

It's not easy behind the Xiaotian family.

Xue Mo does not have Ye Hao's strength background, as long as she dares to ride the roaring sky, she will be terribly retaliated.

Ye Hao imprisoned Xue Mo in a void space with a wave of his hand.

"Young Master Ye." Xue Mo looked around.

"Your Snow Rabbit family is right. If it were not for you, I wouldn't get this chance." Ye Hao said calmly. "I know the urine of your Snow Rabbit family, so I have to repay you. "After a pause, Ye Hao continued," "I will use one year's time to help you improve your source."

Ye Hao opened the realm of time as the voice fell.

"One year?" Xue Mo murmured.

The next time Ye Hao used some rare resources to help Xuemo improve.

This promotion is not cultivation, but the origin of Xue Mo.

At the same time as Xue Mo's ascension and cultivation, Ye Hao exerted a great dream for 3,000 years to help Xue Mo comprehend the past realm.

Ye Hao, a practice that helps the future, was not considered.

And this has made Xue Mo very happy.

A year passed quickly.

Ye Hao summoned Xue Mo to himself that day, "I will teach you what I should give you, and the next way will depend on you."

Xue Mo's current strength has exceeded Xiaotian.

"Young Master Ye." Xue Mo's eyes showed a reluctant look.

"This is for you." Ye Hao said and handed Xuemo a Qiankun bag.

Xue Mo's divine thought swept away, and the next moment was shocked by the emperor stone in Qiankun's bag.


Ye Hao gave Xuemo 300 million king stone?

"Mr. Ye, where can I use so many imperial stones?"

"Keep it, you will meet it in the future." Ye Hao said softly.

Xue Mo continued to inspect the Qiankun bag, and soon found two war puppets in the corner.

"Young Master Ye, how come there are two war puppets?"

"One of these two puppets is the peak of the past, and one is in the later period of the future." Ye Hao said slowly, "I believe that with the protection of these two puppets, you can go further in the future."

"Young Master Ye..." Xue Mo's eyes suddenly became wet-run.

"I'm leaving." Ye Hao said leisurely.

"Young Master Ye, I want to follow you." Xue Mo said busy.

"I don't belong to Jiugongyu, I'm here just to settle something?"

"What's the matter?"

"I had some grudges with Dijiang at that time, and now it's time to settle." Ye Hao smiled slightly, "I will go to the emperor after finishing the affairs of Dijiang."

"Ah." Xue Mo was startled.

Soon she thought of something, "Mr. Ye, wouldn't you be the third-ranked galaxy?"


"No wonder you don't look down on Young Master Ye?" Xue Mo suddenly realized.

The strength of the third place in the sky list, even the golden bulldog is not good?

"The strongest line of Xiaotian is not in the late past, so you don't need to care."

"Well." If Xue Mo still cares about Xiaotian before, then he doesn't care at all at this time.

The practice of Xiaotian is nothing more than the exercises of the early days of the past, but Xuemo is the practice of the peak of the past. The gap between the two sides traverses a sky.

Ye Hao sent Xue Mo out and imprisoned Xiaotian in this small world.

"I know you are not convinced by Xue Mo, are you?"

"How dare you?" Xiaotian said busy.

"What do you think this is?" Ye Hao turned over and a token appeared in his hand.

Seeing the radiance on the token roaring, he shivered involuntarily!

"Diamond token? Are you... you are the top ten in the list?"


"I...I..." Xiao Tian didn't know what to say for a while.

But at this moment he finally understood why Ye Hao couldn't look down on him.

"Since you are Xue Mo's mount, you should be honest and conscientious." Ye Hao said indifferently, "otherwise I don't mind destroying your family?"

"Dare not." Xiaotian said quickly.

Who dares to offend the top ten of the top ten in the entire Jiugong domain?

"If you perform well in the future, I don't mind what rewards you?" Ye Hao continued.

"Thank you, Master Ye." Xiao Tian said excitedly.

Seeing Ye Hao is the absolute big brother in Xiaotian.

It’s almost the same as the treasure that the big brother rewards.

Ye Hao looked at Xiaotian's expression with emotion in his heart.

The core of the way to control is to slap and give a handful of dates.

"Also remember not to divulge my identity." Ye Hao Chuanyin warned when they walked out of Fang Xiaotiandi.

"Don't dare." Xiaotian was very humble.

"It's going on here, let's go." Ye Hao looked at the Golden Bulldog.

The Golden Bulldog reluctantly restored his appearance.

Ye Hao jumped onto the body of the golden bulldog.

"Young Master Ye, I want to follow you." Huo Tong said quickly.

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