Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3031: Trial king

Inviting Yue heard that his face was green here.


Is it necessary to squeeze him clean before giving up?

"No more." Invited Moon said angrily.

"Impossible." Ye Hao's eyes were full of doubts. "You are also the existence of the peak of the future. How can there be no alchemy, refining equipment, and battlefield materials?"

"Your kid has to scavenge me to be happy?" Inviting Yue stared at Ye Haodao.

"Senior you misunderstood, I just think that those resources are not much use for you." Ye Hao said shyly.

"You have to figure out your identity." Invited Moon rolled Ye Hao's glance. "You are a human race. I have given you so much, and I have already given face."

"Whether it is a human race or a demon race, we are trapped in this world." Ye Hao said softly.

Wen Yan's pupil shrank, "What do you know?"

"I might be able to solve my predecessors."

Inviting the moon to wave Ye Hao into a virtual space.

"Just now you said that we are all trapped in this world?" Invited Moon asked solemnly.

"Yes, this world is a prison. If you want to escape from here, you have to be the master." Ye Hao said slowly.

"You mean that the Nine Masters can leave here?"

"Now the nine masters are inseparable, exactly when they just became masters."

"I don't understand." Inviting Yue frowned.

"When you first became the master, you can capture the dead one, and you can leave here when you capture the dead one." Ye Hao looked at Inviting Moon, "and if you don't leave then you can't leave."

"Where did you get this news?"

"Purple House."

"Human Purple House?"

"Not bad."

"Sure enough, the level is not enough." Invited Moon sighed lightly.

After a few days, the resources that invited Yue Yi waved his hand appeared in Ye Hao's side.

"I originally planned to leave these resources for the demon juniors, but it's all given to you for the sake of solving my doubts."

"Thank you senior." Ye Hao said busy.

These resources are almost all rare resources.

For Ye Hao, what is lacking most now is rare resources.

Otherwise, he would not let the emperor bug search for resources all over the world.

"Do you know how I fell in those days?" Invited Moon changed his voice at this time.

Ye Hao just quietly looked at Invited Moon because he knew that the other party had the following.

"At that time, I was the judge of the capital."

"Judgment King?"

"After the other party announced my sin, he slapped me to death with a slap." Yueyue said that his face was full of bitterness here. "My future practice is the scum in front of him."

"He announced your sins?"

"Indiscriminate killing of innocents."

"Indiscriminate killing of innocents?"

"You haven't killed the innocent indiscriminately in recent years?" Invited Moon said angrily, "When we reach our level, who can pat the chest to ensure that we have not indiscriminately killed the innocent?"

Wen Yan Ye Hao was silent.

"I'm telling you that I want to warn you too. If you meet the judge king of the capital in the future, don't learn from me. When you should be soft, you should be soft. Do you know?"

"Is this still soft?"

"Be the Hawk of the House."

Ye Hao couldn't help but stunned.

"Okay, I’m here to speak. As for how you choose in the future, it’s your problem." When Yueyue said here, his figure slowly dissipated. "My true spirit has persisted for so many years. Time disappeared from this world."

"Senior." Ye Hao's heart was a little blocked.

Ye Hao doesn’t feel that he has the heart to invite the moon when he is in the ground?

After all, Ye Hao's concept of the ethnic group is very heavy.

"Everything is dead." Invited Moon looked at Ye Hao slowly and said, "No one can escape this ending."

His words fell and the space restrictions surrounding Ye Hao began to shatter.

With a wave of his hand, Ye Hao collected the sky-long resources into his small world, and then he walked out of this small space to Huotong and Xuemo's side.

"This world is about to collapse. Let's leave here quickly."

The two women naturally have no opinions?

The three of them had completely collapsed just after they left the ruins.

No longer exists.

None of the masters of the outside world has left.

They looked at Ye Hao and the other three with fiery eyes.

"Xuemo, did you get the treasures of the exercises from the ruins?" Xuelong asked quickly.

"No, I didn't pass the three tests." Xue Mo shook his head.

"Why are you so stupid?" Shelley was anxious to hear Xuemo say that.

"Without the strength of Tianbang, there is no possibility to get rewards." Huo Tong couldn't help but sneered when she heard Shelley say that.

Shelley didn't dare to say anything.

She dared to slam Xue Mo, but not dare to blaze.

Want to know that Huotong is a real top player?

"Mr. Ye must have been very productive?" Xuelong hesitated and looked at Ye Haodao.

"I almost got all the resources in the ruins." Ye Hao looked at Xuelong Road calmly.

"Yang Gongzi, the Xueyue relics were brought to me by the Xue family. Do you think you want to give me a part of the Xue family?" Xuelong said with a burning look in his eyes.

Ye Hao smiled and appeared in the middle of the sky a mountain formed by the stacking of imperial stones.

All three tribes were blinded by these emperor stones.

"How many emperor stones?"

"3.6 billion."

"There are so many imperial stones in the remains of the invitation moon?"


At this moment, whether it is the Snow Rabbit family, the Firebird family or the Thunder Lion family, their hearts are all fiery.

But soon the senior eyes of the Firebirds and Thunder Lions dimmed.


What a joke?

These three groups do not even have the pinnacle of the taboo!

You know, Ye Hao's side is guarded by super-level war spirits?

In addition, Ye Hao brought his eyes out and made it clear that they were not afraid of them.

The Firebirds and Thunder Lions are absolutely greedy, but the seniors of the Snow Rabbits are full of greed.

"Mr. Ye, are these imperial stones for us?" Xuelong rubbed his hands.

"This is the emperor stone that I got from the Moon Relic. You can get as much as you want?" Ye Hao looked at Xue Pengdao with a smile.

The seniors of the Xuetu family immediately discussed.

"How much do we get?"

"Isn't Mr. Ye saying we want to take as much as we want? Then we will take it all."

"Yeah, how polite are you at this time?"

"Isn't it appropriate to take them all? Or should we take half of the Snow Rabbit family?"

"Half of it is missing? If it weren't for our Snow Rabbit family, he wouldn't even get the hair. In my opinion, 90% of us."

"80%, we can't be so ugly."

After fierce discussions, the senior leaders of the Xuetu clan finally opened up by Xuelong's patriarch Xuelong. "We, the Xuetu clan, need three billion yuan, and the rest are yours."

"Yes." Ye Hao smiled slightly.

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