Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3024: New self

Soon after the demon left, a figure appeared beside Ye Hao.

"You taught the heart demons three thousand miles of purple energy, aren't you worried that you won't be able to control him in the future?" Tang Pian said worriedly.

The only Yanhuang Zong who knew Ye Hao's all secrets was Tang Pingpian.

She knows exactly what the three thousand miles of purple gas represents?

"Remember I told you that I was fighting with Zhangzhang?" Ye Hao looked at Tang Pian and said.

"Remember, you said that it would be difficult for you to beat Sanzhang if you used the technique of arrogance to come true." Tang Pian said softly.

"Actually, I only used 60% of the fighting power." Ye Hao's words surprised Tang Pian.

Does this mean that Ye Hao can easily defeat Sanzhang?

"The road of Three Thousand Avenues is difficult to get to the end, because the more powerful the exercises you need, the more powerful the exercises are often the secrets of all ethnic groups." Ye Hao said with emotion , "Limitation makes it possible for me not to lack top-notch exercises. I have stolen many arrogant exercises over the years. Of course, now I can’t steal much."

The level of copying is not high, and even the taboo level has not been reached.

But Ye Hao relied on strong talent to continue the road behind.

"How much can you steal?" Tang Pian asked curiously.

"I can steal about 80% of the exercises in the past, about 60% of the exercises in the future, and only about 40% of the exercises in this world."

"You can steal so many exercises of this world?" Tang Pian exclaimed.


"I now seem to understand why you want to drive away the demon girl before leaving Zifu?" Tang Pian's eyes showed a sense of enlightenment.

Ye Hao brought this kind of thing before, without detailed discussion.

Tang Pina did not ask in detail.

Now she realized that Ye Hao was mostly stealing the demon girl's practice.

"First, the road of the demon girl has a lot of help for the disciples of Zifu; second, I need to steal many of the Taoism contained in the demon girl." Ye Hao said frankly.

He naturally doesn't need to hide from Tang Ping.

"Is this unfair to the demon girl?" Tang Pian bit his lip.

"Unfair? Do you think the demon girl has good intentions?" Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

Ye Hao didn’t believe that God of War branded the **** stamp on his body. The demon didn’t know.

"Generally speaking, high-level exercises are difficult to understand. If I don't have the dream of the time master for three thousand years, even if I have many top-level exercises, it is useless." Ye Hao said immediately, "I have been in Zifu these years I recite many classics of the human race, and all these classics have become my essence of the road. Now I am stronger than I was a few years ago."

Tang Pian's eyes flashed, "So what are you going to do next?"

"I am going to cut my heart of martial arts."

"The heart of martial arts?" Tang Pian's face changed drastically.

"I want to condense a new self, the new self is dominated by the heart of martial arts."

"How to condense?" Tang Pian frowned.

"I had thoughts in this area, but I still lacked relevant theories, and after learning the goddess's bite, I was sure to gather a new self." Ye Hao looked at Tang Pian and said slowly, "New My task is to improve cultivation at all costs."

"Isn't it the same as the demon?"

"The new me comes up with two-thirds of my origins. This alone is not comparable to the heart demons. Furthermore, the new me is in the enlightenment for 24 hours. You think the heart demons may have this kind of Conditions?"

"I've always felt that there will be no problems?" Tang Pian asked in surprise.

Cultivation stresses relaxation.

How can you always practice?

"The new self is built with the heart of martial arts, he does not have any negative emotions." Ye Hao Shen said, "You can also understand that he is a machine, a machine that only knows how to practice."

"I want to learn too." Tang Pian's eyes showed the look of expectation.

"The new me is not so easy to cut off, you are hard to learn now." Ye Hao shook his head.

Hearing Ye Hao saying this, Tang Pianping realized that he could not learn.

"Then forget, what you have to do in the next four years is to shape a new self?"

"Yeah, so it's up to you and Haoyue to take charge of Yan Huangzong."



The new self has never been so easy to shape.

Because it needs to be severely cut open.

Spiritual division, soul division, flesh-body separation.

This pain is indescribable and indescribable.

Even though Ye Hao has experienced all kinds of pains, how many times has he been stunned in the process of shaping a new self?

Three months!

It took Ye Hao three months to create a new self.

Xin Hao and Ye Hao are as good as each other.

But there was no slight expression on his face, as if indifferently like an eternal iceberg.

"My martial arts sentiments have been given to you, and my new sentiments will be given to you in real time." Ye Hao looked at the new me and said with a deep voice.

Newly I nodded lightly, "I will practice now if there is nothing wrong."

The core of the new self is the heart of martial arts.

The only thing he wants to do is perception and practice.

As for the rest, he didn't want to care at all.

"it is good."

Then the new self practiced quietly in Ye Hao's small world.

Three years passed quickly.

When Ye Hao was about to set off for the Jiugong area, I proposed that I should go out and practice alone.


"Hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers, casting the most powerful way." New I looked at Ye Haodao.

After thinking about it, Ye Hao threw a Qiankun bag to the new me, "The Qiankun bag is a variety of resources that I prepared for you. , As for the next road depends on you."

The New My Mind swept a little and nodded slightly.

The resources prepared by Ye Hao include various rare resources needed for the next breakthrough.

Many of these resources were prepared by Ye Hao for himself.

Now a swarm of new me.

In addition to these resources, there are five hundred million emperor stones.

These royal stones are new enough for me to squander.

With these new resources, I cut through the sky and left here.

Ye Hao condensed the direction in which I left, and said nothing for a long time.

Ye Hao does not know how much time the human race has, but he must plan early.

The reason why he unites the new me is also the reason.

The new self can improve the cultivation base in the shortest time.

As for the stage at which he can grow up, it depends on him.

Lu Yehao has been paved. As for how far he can go, it is not up to Ye Haoneng to decide.

"Emperor, I'm here." Ye Hao murmured looking at Jiugongyu's direction.

It is only one year away from the ten-year period.

Ye Hao needs to rush to Jiugongyu in advance.

He never thought of being challenged.

Because in addition to wanting to challenge him, he had to defeat the demon first.

However, not everyone can overcome the demon.

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