Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2975: Master of the Green Pavilion

"You are so sure that I won't shoot you?" Ye Hao looked at Qingzhu Road playfully.

"I believe that Master Xinghe will not destroy the flowers with his hands." Qing Zhu stared at Ye Haodao with clear eyes.

Ye Hao looked at Qing Zhu for a while and said, "What do you want to talk about?"

"My Green Pavilion wants to invite Master Xinghe to become a worship of my Green Pavilion."

"Enshrined?" Ye Hao's face changed slightly. "It seems that the background of your Green Pavilion is deeper than I thought."

Ye Hao's identity?

Holder of the diamond card.

Third place in the Jiugong area.

However, Qingge is now only willing to give Ye Hao a dedicated position.

"My owner of Qingge is also a diamond card holder." Qingzhu said proudly.

"Dijiang?" Ye Hao immediately thought of the second-ranked Dijiang.

"Don't you know that Xinghe is interested now?" Qingzhu asked without answering.

This is admitted in disguise.

"Where is Dijiang now?" Ye Hao said coldly.

Qingzhu's face changed slightly, "What are you going to do?"

"Challenge Emperor Xinjiang." Ye Hao stared at Qingzhu Road, "I said that Emperor Jiang took himself too seriously?"

"Master Xinghe, the power of Emperor Jiangxi is not what you can imagine." Qing Zhu warned.

"Contact Dijiang and say I want to challenge him." Ye Hao took out the token and said lightly.

The system in the token immediately contacted Dijiang, and soon the token responded to Ye Hao.

[Dijiang is in retreat, the retreat time is about three years. 】

"Three years? Can't wait." Ye Hao thought of looking at Qingzhu Road here, "You can go now."

"Master Xinghe, don't you think about it?"

"Did you understand what I said?" Ye Hao said, his eyes burst into two cold lights.

Qingzhu's face changed, "Master Xinghe, you will regret today's behavior."

"Repent?" Ye Hao's eyes mocked.

Just after Qing Zhu left Dong Chengrui came to Ye Hao.

"Master Xinghe, who is this?"

"Qingzhu, the person in charge of Qingge," Ye Hao said lightly.

"Did she come to solicit the galaxy?"

"Give me a dedicated position."

Dong Chengrui's face changed uncontrollably, "How dare she?" And after saying this, Dong Chengrui seemed to think of something, "Does Qingge...?"

"Yes, the master behind the Green Pavilion is Dijiang."

"Dijiang." Dong Chengrui exclaimed.

Then his expression became restless.

Because Baisui Mountain has uprooted the Qing Pavilion's residence in the 100-year-old city.

"The Qingge will not be made public to the public." Ye Hao glanced at Dong Chengrui. "Moreover, Dijiang wants to grow to the point where it is comparable to Baisui Mountain. I don't think it would be impossible without thousands of years."

"But this is a hidden danger after all."

"The Green Pavilion is now a rat crossing the street, and it is not only you Baisui Mountain who moves the Green Pavilion." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Do you still think I will let go of Emperor Xinjiang?"

"Do you want to challenge Dijiang?" Dong Chengrui surprised.

"I just contacted Dijiang, and Dijiang is still closed," Ye Hao said softly. "So I have to wait until I challenge him later."

Dong Chengrui left with a heavy heart.

Later on, Ye Hao continued to help Tianjiao treatment in the Jiugong area.

By the 20th day, there was no Tianjiao to come to Ye Hao again.

But Ye Hao did not leave.

Instead, he continued to wait here for ten days before leaving.

Cha Cha!

As early as a month ago, the Cha family sold all related industries, and even the resources in the Cha family's ancestral courts were put into Cha Shaohui's small world.

The current Cha family can leave at any time.

When Ye Hao arrived, Cha Shaohui and other members of the Cha family immediately gathered.

"Young Master Ye, we can leave at any time." Cha Shaohui said softly.

"Let your clan enter your small world." Ye Hao nodded.

As soon as Cha Shaohui ordered the Cha family to settle into his small world.

Soon the entire Cha family was left with Cha Shaohui, Cha Haner, and Cha Wener.

The reason why Cha Shaohui left Cha Haner and Cha Wener was also to let them both wait for Ye Hao.

"Let's go." Ye Hao appeared next to him as soon as he moved.

"Master Galaxy." Just then Natasha and Athena drove from a distance.

Ye Hao looked at Natasha a little helplessly, "You are really persevering."

"I don't know if I'm calling you Ye Gongzi or Gong Xinghe?" Natasha said with a smile.

"Just whatever you want," Ye Hao said lightly.

At this time, Cha Shaohui, Cha Han'er and Cha Wen'er were stunned.

"Mr. Ye, are you the third-ranked galaxy?" Cha Han'er said with a strange look in his eyes.

Zha Haner has long known that Ye Hao is very powerful.

But anyway, she did not expect Ye Hao to be so powerful?

You know, Hope just got a gold card, and Hope ranked more than 300.

Cha Haner felt that Ye Hao might be ranked in the top two hundred or even more than one hundred.

Now she realized that Ye Hao turned out to be the third in the legend.

Holder of the diamond card?

"Yeah." Ye Hao nodded.

There is no need to conceal such things from Cha Cha.

After they go to the **** realm, they will be arranged in the territory of Yanhuangzong.

And Yan Huangzong is a serious xenophobic force.

Cha Haner didn't know what to say for a while?

"Natasha, I said that, I'm not interested in you." Ye Hao looked at Natasha now.

"Young Master Ye, believe me, I will be your virtuous helper." Natasha said solemnly.

"I already have a wife." Ye Hao emphasized.

"I never thought of replacing your wife, as long as you give me a name." Natasha looked at Ye Haodao.

Hearing here, Cha Shaohui felt like he was dreaming.

The holy lady of the elven clan, now willing to let go of her figure, just asks Ye Hao to give her a name.

Who believes this kind of thing?

But when they thought of Ye Hao's identity, their hearts were relieved.

The third-ranked existence, what kind of woman do you want?

"Natasha, in the future I will strike the dominance." Ye Hao said for a while in silence.

"You impact your dominance, I will help you stabilize your rear." Natasha didn't seem to mind Ye Hao's impact on the dominance.


"Young Master Ye, you can't get rid of me. If you don't take me away, I'll go to God Realm to find you." Natasha said seriously.

"If you want to follow it, follow it." Ye Jiu said for a long time.

Natasha's face suddenly showed surprise, "Thank you, Master Ye."

After talking, she stood quietly behind Ye Hao.

Holy area!

When the Top Ten Tournament was held in the Nine Palaces, the Top Ten Tournament was also held in the six regions.

However, there are only a few people in Tianjiao who are on this list.

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