Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2972: Strong defeat

"Do you think I only have three ways to open the sky?" Ye Hao sneered.

At the same time as his voice fell, one after another the air of heaven appeared in front of Hongmeng. These air of heaven formed an ancient formation according to a certain direction as soon as they appeared.

"Eighty-one Daotianqi." Hongmeng's face became dignified.

At first, Ye Hao was only able to smelt the three heavenly spirits, but as his background continued to improve, he could melt more heavenly spirits.

As for the source of the open air?

Ye Hao slaughtered so many prides of heaven at that time, and among those prides of heaven, there are no lack of children of heaven, who does not have some air of heaven?

After continuous smelting Ye Hao finally smelted eighty-one heavenly spirits.

After these eighty-one celestial qualities formed the formation, the power soared again.

Hongmeng's galaxy was no longer able to suppress, and the two sides confronted each other in the boundless world.

"The trial is over, Ye Hao, you are qualified to be my opponent." Hong Meng's words made Dong Chengrui confused.

Such a horrible method is just temptation?

What a joke?

"Yeah, let's decide the outcome in one hit." Ye Hao said indifferently.

"Hongmeng Tiandi." As Hongmeng's voice fell, this world changed.

The whole world has returned to the original state of Hongmeng World.

There are energy fluctuations that make Ye Hao scared between Hongmeng's hands and feet.

"Yes, I am invincible in the world of Hongmeng." Hongmeng said, patting Ye Hao with his big hand.

Ye Hao's body seems to carry a mountain.

Fine blood poured out at once.

Dong Chengrui's heart was slowed by half a beat. "Hongmeng's Hongmengtiandi can instantly cover his opponents, and he is invincible in Hongmengtiandi's control of Hongmeng. How can this be solved?"

At least Dong Chengrui couldn't figure out how to crack it?

Ye Hao glanced at Hongmeng, "Your Hongmeng world is indeed good, but everything has limits." Ye Hao has become an enormous black hole here.

Black holes can eat everything.

Whether it is tangible or intangible.

The order and Tao in the Hongmeng Heaven and Earth are broken one after another, turning into a Tao of invisible energy into the black hole.

Hongmeng's face couldn't be changed, "My Hongmeng world is invincible. Set me."

Nine real dragons around Hongmeng roared into his body, screaming, and Hongmeng's momentum instantly increased several times.

"Nine Chongtian is the second chongtian." At the same time Hongmeng started, Ye Hao also started.

A balance was quickly reached between the two.

"I want to see if your black hole can bear my blow?" When Hongmeng looked at his disadvantage, a pair of gasified big hands fell towards the black hole.

With a bang, the black hole shook hard, but then swallowed the gasified big hand.

In the dark, Ye Hao spurted blood, and he murmured, "It's a little difficult."

That being the case, it will be completely detonated.

Ye Hao ignited his blood as a human king.

The energy factors contained in the blood of the human king burst one by one, and turned into a layer of pure energy to supplement Ye Hao's body.

"I'm invincible, I can't lose." Looking at the situation on my side, Hongmeng decided to detonate the whole world.

This is also his last resort.

He didn't believe Ye Hao could stop it?

"Xinghe, you still have time to admit defeat." Hongmeng stared at Ye Haodao. "Once I detonated Hongmengtiandi, you will be dead or alive, and I can't control it."

"Let it detonate," Ye Hao said indifferently, "I also want to taste how scary your Hongmengtiandi detonated?"

"As you wish." Hongmeng said with his hands pinched, he directly detonated Hongmengtiandi.

Suddenly, the entire Hongmengtian world collapsed, and at the same time, it continued to compress.

When compressed to the extreme, it burst apart, and the terrible shock wave tore the entire ring.

Baisuishan's high-rise buildings hidden in the dark all change color.

They all tried to stop the energy from escaping.

"This blow definitely reached the taboo level."

"Even if I didn't have much confidence in this early taboo to survive?"

"I don't know if the galaxy can survive?" The senior executives of Baisui Mountain looked at the gradually calming dust while talking.

When the dust fell, they saw a figure.

Although the figure was covered with blood, his momentum was as dazzling as the same sword.

"How is it possible?" There was an incredible look in the eyes of Hongmeng.

After detonating Hongmeng Tiandi, Hongmeng lost almost all its fighting power.

On the contrary, Ye Hao still maintains a strong-strong fighting power.

Then the result is self-evident.

At this time Ye Hao strode towards Hongmeng, "How?"

Hong Meng shook his body, and then his face showed a bitter color, "I'm defeated."

My family knows their own affairs.

Now the Hongmeng station is not stable, but Ye Hao strides forward and makes a verdict.

And when Hongmeng said this sentence, Gao Xuanyutian's list suddenly changed. Everyone noticed that the original fourth-ranked Xinghe ranking rose to third place. On the contrary, Xinghe's ranking retreated from the fourth place. One.

"Xinghe defeated Hongmeng."


"I just don't know if Xinghe will find Dijiang?"

"I don't think I will find it in a short period of time. Really think that Galaxy defeats Hongmeng easily?"

"It's also said that most of the galaxy has to heal for a while."

The monks throughout the Nine Palaces area are discussing this matter.

Natasha and Athena, who were waiting near the Cha family, were stunned.

"He really did." Athena murmured.

"I now feel that my decision is correct." Natasha said with a smile.

Ye Hao's growing strength proved that Natasha's investment was correct.

Bu Tianjiao!

Hope to silently watch the name flashing in the air for a long time.

"Stupid boy, you should go with Ye Hao."

"But what if he fails?" Hope to watch the ancestor said leisurely.

"Then I don't know how many years later." The ancestor of Butianjiao shook his head. "And can our Butianjiao persist until that day, is it between the two?"

"What? Hopefully his face changed a lot.

"I noticed that there is an undercurrent between heaven and earth, but I don't know who this undercurrent is for?" The ancestor of Butianjiao said slowly, "and the intelligence of all parties is mostly directed at our human race."

"Aiming at our human race?" Hope was shocked.

"Yeah, for our human race." The ancestor of Bu Tianjiao said with emotion, "Who makes our human race the first big race in the world, but there is no master level? Who does not target our human race?"

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