Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2961: Enhance talent

Bu Tianjiao!

Ye Hao's eyes standing at the gate of Bu Tianjiao could not help narrowing his eyes.

He found that the mountain-protecting array of Bu Tianjiao turned out to be out of step.

"Yang Gongzi, what's wrong?" Cha Haner asked Ye Hao when he saw Ye Hao looking distracted.

"I still underestimated the world." Ye Hao said leisurely.

However, this also made Ye Hao realize that the so-called formation is just a reputation.

He did not believe that anyone in the field could arrange this level of formation.

It didn't take long for Yingzi to refresh her hope.

"I thought you didn't dare to come?" Hope said playfully.

"You are not Longtan Tiger Cave here, what dare I come?" Ye Hao smiled slightly.

"Is this...?" I hope to look at Cha Haner at this time.

"Cha Cha Cha Haner." Ye Hao introduced.

"Miss Cha." Hope said, holding out her jade hand.

Cha Han'er showed a flattered look on his face.

You have to know how I hoped this kind of existence might be looking at her.

But now I hope to shake hands with her?

"His Royal Highness, you just call me Haner." Cha Haner still understands the rules.

She knew all this was brought by Ye Hao.

Zha Han'er smiled and looked at Ye Haodao, "Ye son, I'll take you to see my Master."

"Good." Ye Hao nodded.

Now that I have come to Butianjiao, Yu Qingyi should see the headmaster of Butianjiao.

This is also a rule.

But when I hope to take Ye Hao to the parlor of Bu Tianjiao, I find that someone has already taken the lead.

"Hope, you came just right." Bu Tianjiao's head teacher waved at her when she saw hope. "How do you like this?"

I hope to look at it in the past.

I saw a young man in a black robe looking at himself with a staring look.

The young black robe is quite handsome.

It was just that there was a burst of anger in him, and at a glance he knew that this man had killed a lot.

"Not so good?" Hope said lightly.

Wen Yan black robe youth smiled lightly, "Maybe Her Majesty does not know my identity, then I will introduce myself, blood Jian Yang Jianbai. I have been wandering in the wild jungle all these years, so my reputation is not obvious, but I think few of the younger generation are my opponents?"

"Not many of them are your opponents?" Hope sneered, "I don't know how it is compared to the Yufeng Sword God? I don't know how it is compared to Dong Chengrui, the Taisuishan Young Pavilion Master?"

There is not much change in Yang Jianbai's face. "To be honest, I always wanted to play against these two."

Hope is too lazy to say anything to Yang Jianbai, she looked at the teachings of Bu Tianjiao, "Master Zun, Ye Hao visited."

The head teacher of Butianjiao glanced at Ye Hao, "You are Ye Hao, the friend of hope?"

"I have seen Yi Zhangjiao." Ye Hao stepped forward to salute.

The teaching of Bu Tianjiao is the pinnacle of the past.

As a junior, Ye Hao deserves to salute him.

Yi Lian nodded slightly and said, "I listen to hope that you have a lot of care for Bu Tianjiao in the league. I would like to thank you here."

"Everyone is a human race, and we should help each other." Ye Hao said softly.

"The younger generation is not much aware of this." Yi Lian gave Ye Hao a deep look. "Hope, you take Master Ye to the baptism place forbidden."

"Uh." Hope nodded.

And when he wanted to take Ye Hao to leave, Yang Jianbai stood up, "Slow down."

"What's the matter?" Hope frowned.

"Ye Hao, are you a suitor of hope?" Yang Jianbai said badly.

"I am a friend of hope." Ye Hao emphasized.

"Sorry, from today on, you are no longer a friend of hope." Yang Jianbai said a bit domineeringly.

"Your Excellency, you are a bit unreasonable." Ye Hao's face sank.

"Hope is destined to be my woman. She doesn't need a friend of the opposite sex. Am I saying so?"

"Yang Jianbai, who do you think you are?" Hope was angry.

"I Yang Jianbai spit a nail, I said you are my woman, then you are my woman." Yang Jianbai looked at hope, "I will step on everyone who likes you."

"You also have this ability." Hope sneered.

"Then I will start with him today." Yang Jianbai pointed to Ye Hao. "Aren't you going to accept baptism? Then we are more talented than anyone else?"

"Too lazy to take care of you." Ye Hao took this sentence and walked towards the distance.

Yang Jianbai caught up, "Are you afraid?"

"Don't force me." Ye Hao said coldly.

Yang Jianbai was about to say what Yi Lian's voice sounded in the audience, "Ye Gongzi, is not as good as the two of you? I also want to know how terrified Ye Hao of God Realm is?"

Ye Hao glanced at Yi Lian, "Since the seniors want to see it, let's see it."

"I'll step on you under my feet later." Yang Jianbai laughed.

Ye Hao didn't even look at him.

Is it necessary for such a jumping beam clown to ignore him?

The place of baptism of Bu Tianjiao is in the forbidden land.

A group of people walked through the forbidden system and finally came to a suspended stone.

"This is the baptism place for my make-up teachings." Hope said softly, "As for this stone, we call it make-up stone."

"How to baptize?"

"Just stand under this stone."

Ye Hao pondered for a while and then said, "I have a ruthless invitation here."

"Do you want Haner to be baptized?" Hope said with a smile. "Yes, Haner, you go now."

Cha Haner expressed his gratitude with excitement.

And when Cha Haner came under the stone, the stone shook, and then there was a lot of colorful colors above Cha Haner's head.



Three ways!

"What does Ruicai represent?" Ye Hao asked.

"A lot of times your potential is linked to qualifications, that is to say, where your potential is, your qualifications are also there, but there are some special circumstances, such as your qualifications are very high, but your potential is very low. "I hope to explain softly, "One Rui Cai represents your qualifications in the early stage of the Divine Emperor, two Rui Cai represents your qualifications in the middle of the Divine Emperor, and three Rui Cai represents your qualifications in the high rank of the Divine Emperor. And so on."


Five ways!

Six ways!

It ended when Chahaner had six lucky colors on his head.

"Mid-taboo, Cha Haner's qualifications are in the mid-taboo." Ye Hao's eyes lit up.

Potential determines how far you can go in the future, and qualification determines how much you can understand in each realm.

Why do some monks coerce the realm?

Not how strong his potential is, but his qualifications are stronger than his opponents.

The stronger the qualifications, the more overbearing the Tao is.

"Then make up Tianshi will help Cha Haner replenish talent." Hope said with a smile.

And Su Zhe's words fell down to make up Tian Tianshi, and there was a soft radiance.

The third is more, to be continued.

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