Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2958: Royal Wind Sword God

"Who knows if it's a chance?" Ye Hao said leisurely.

"Yong Gongzi, why do you say that?" Cha Haner said puzzledly.

Ye Hao was silent.

"Mr. Ye, are you ready to leave?" Cha Han'er's eyes showed a deep reluctance.

"When the dust in the dense realm is settled, I will go to Bu Tianjiao." Ye Hao nodded.

Cha Han'er's eyes suddenly dimmed.

"If you have time then, let me go with you." Ye Hao glanced at Cha Han'er.

"Ah! Is that okay?" Cha Haner said in surprise.

Ye Hao, this is to give her a chance?

"I think there should be no problem." Ye Hao smiled slightly.

Through various channels, Ye Hao learned that Bu Tian Jiao has improved talents for many masters.

Therefore, he felt that there shouldn't be many problems in helping Cha Haner improve his talent.

Just then Cha Wener ran in.

"Young Master Ye."

"Is it time to go to the secret realm?" Ye Hao said.

"Yeah." Cha Wener said.

"Then go."

The secret border between Cha and Yun is not far from Cha.

So it didn't take long for a group of people to arrive in the secret realm.

After arriving, it was discovered that the Yun family had arrived first.

Yun Zhe and others saw Ye Hao standing next to Cha Haner at first glance.

"Yong Gongzi is indeed looking at the family." Yun Xi's eyes flashed.

"But today Ye Hao is useless even here." Yun Feng said coldly.

Yun Xi frowned, but said nothing.

"Yun Ao, come out." Cha Shaohui scolded loudly.

The ancestor of the Yun family glanced at Cha Shaohui, "Cha Shaohui, I don't think we need to compare."

Yunao is not stupid.

His realm is one realm lower than that of Cha Shaohui.

"What do you mean?" Cha Shaohui asked in consternation.

"The Secret Realm is the Yun Family's from today." Cha Shaohui's words fell and came out of the darkness.

This figure is carrying a blue war sword.

And when he walked out, the whole world made a sound of swordsound.

He seemed to be the son of Kendo.

Cha Shaohui's face changed a bit, "Are you the **** of swords?"

The figure looked at Cha Shaohui indifferently. "It's still a bit of eyesight."

Wen Yan Cha Shaohui's eyes dimmed.

Who is Yufeng Sword God?

Sorry for the disciples of Sky Sword God?

It is regrettable that the God of Sword is the ultimate existence of the peak of the future.

Who dares to contend with such existence?

"The secret realm was discovered by the Cha and Yun families, don't you seem to be qualified to participate?" Ye Hao stood up.

Yufeng Sword God's eyes suddenly burst into a bright eye.

This squint, hot like fire, overbearing like this.

Cha Haner around Ye Hao and other soldiers screamed and retreated.

"Crazy." Ye Hao snorted coldly.


Ye Hao's eyes bloomed more brilliantly.

What kind of glance is that?

Brighter than the stars;

Hotter than the sun;

More vast than the sea.

The eyes of Yufeng Jianshen were instantly crushed, and at the same time his whole body was ignited.

The Yufeng Jianshen desperately operated the source technique, and it took several minutes to extinguish the flames on his body.

And at this time he didn't say how miserable it was.

"Ye Hao..." Yufeng Jianshen looked at Ye Hao's eyes full of cold light.


No one thought that Ye Hao slapped a fan on the face of Yufeng Jianshen.

Yufeng Jianshen was slammed down on the ground, and half of his face swelled immediately.

The whole audience was in an uproar!

Who is Yufeng Sword God?

Regrets the disciples of Sky Sword God.

What you are practicing is the peerless exercises in the later period of the future, but now you can't even take Ye Hao's tricks?

"Ye Hao..." The spirit of Yufeng Jianshen burst out.

He is angry.

In recent years, he has been showing respect to the younger generation, even the older ones.

Who dares to hit his face in public?

But Ye Hao dare now?

He vowed to break Ye Hao's body to pieces.

The full-strength Yufeng Sword God seems to be an ancient **** of war. The explosive momentum turned into a terrifying hurricane, and there is a tendency to tear this world.

This momentum made many half-step taboo strong people present at the scene.

"I think I have gone a long way in the realm of half-step taboo, but in terms of momentum, I think it is still not as good as Yufeng Sword God?"

"Yufeng Sword God is now only the eighth floor of the Divine Realm, which spans four small realms."


As the strong men on the Yun family discussed, they saw Ye Hao slap in the direction of Yufeng Jianshen.

Ye Hao's attack is common.

It is a simple gasification master.

But what made them dumbfounded was that Yufeng Sword God was slapped on the ground by Ye Hao again.

But this time Yufeng Sword God was hit hard.

He struggled to get up, but found his bones were smashed.

Yufeng Jianshen stared at Ye Haodao, "I don't understand why your strength is so strong?"

"You don't understand more things." Ye Hao said indifferently.

"As far as I know, you are practicing the immortality of the Zhao clan, and even the missing version of the immortality is only in the middle of the past." The eyes of Yufeng Sword God are full of daze.

"Do you think that the immortality of the Zhao family can control me?" Ye Hao sneered.

"Yeah, how could you and others be controlled by the immortality?" Yufeng Sword God sighed.

"From now on, the secret realm is from the Cha family, who of your cloud family has objections?" Ye Hao looked at the cloud family's senior at this time.

The senior officials of the Yun family looked at Yufeng Jianshen one after another.

Yufeng Jianshen said bitterly, "Do you see what I do? I am not his opponent? Is it possible that I will still ask for respect?"

Ye Hao defeated him in an upright manner.

There is no bullying.

Therefore, his esteemed master can't be bothered.

Hearing Yufeng Jianshen saying this, the Yunzu ancestors had to announce that they would completely abandon this secret realm.

"Ye Hao, I want to know what level of the original source of your practice is?" At this time Yufeng Jianshen asked.

"What do you think?" Ye Hao asked narrowly.

The eyes of Yufeng Sword God shrank, "Don't you tell me that you are practicing this world-level practice?"

"The future is at its peak." Ye Hao said lightly.

"Is the level of practice in a realm so different?" Yufeng Sword God was a little unbelieving.

Ye Hao smiled.

"I can only say that you take yourself too seriously." Ye Hao smiled slightly.

Yufeng Sword God is silent.

After a long time, he arched his hand towards Ye Hao, "Farewell."

When the words fell, Yufeng Jianshen left.

"Mr. Ye, what are you practicing at the peak of the future?" Cha Haner asked in a low voice.

"Yeah." Ye Hao nodded.

On that day, God of War gave Ye Hao many exercises in the third secret.

In the future, the best practice of the peak was given to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao chose a practice that suits him.

After all, the phagocytosis level taught by the Galaxy is too high and too flamboyant.

In fact, Ye Hao also practiced a set of exercises at the beginning of this world. As for the middle of this world, the exercises at the later stage of this world have not had time to practice.

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