Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2950: Strong repression

That figure, angry at Xiaohe, is overbearing.

This is a demonstration and a warning.

Ye Hao looked at Hao Cang as if smiling.

Do you scare children?

"Who allows you to walk with hope?" Hao Cang looked at Ye Hao coldly.

Ye Hao couldn't help smiling, "You manage a little more?"

"Whoever doesn't know that hope is my default companion."

"But I heard that I hope there are a few more suitors." Ye Hao said lightly. "For example, the disciple Yufeng Jianshen, a disciple of Heavenly Sword God, such as Dong Chengrui, the young patriarch of Taisui Mountain."

Hao Cang's face changed slightly, "Are you provoking me?"

"No." Ye Hao shook his head.

"Do you think you admit counsel now, will I forgive you?" Hao Cang looked at Ye Haodao with pity.

"This is to provoke you." Ye Hao said, holding hope in his arms in the shocked look of Hao Cang.

There was a shock in the eyes of hope, but then she nestled the bird in his arms.

It looks like a lover.

Hao Cang's eyes suddenly turned red.

"I'm going to kill you." Hao Cang squeezed his fists with five fingers and hurled towards Ye Hao.

The world is booming.

Thousands of visions and colors.

Endless killing intention, enveloped all around.

"What kind of boxing is this?"

"Zhu Caiquan, a town-teaching martial art of Bu Tianjiao."

"This is a magical power in the middle of the future, don't you know that this young man can contend?"

Seeing Hao Cang's fist is about to wrap Ye Hao's surroundings, two terrible eyes bloomed from Ye Hao's eyes.

What kind of glare is that?

Brighter than the stars:

More dazzling than the sun;

More vast than the sea.


Hao Cang's Zhenjiao martial arts collapsed.

Pedal Pedal Hao Cang backed off for more than a dozen steps before it stopped, and at this time a vomiting sensation came out of his internal organs.

Wow, he spit blood on the spot.

"Hope, this guy's strength is too bad." Ye Hao let go of his hope and asked with a smile.

Hope to look at Ye Hao's look a little surprised.

She felt that Ye Hao was stronger than before.

Hao Cang's eyes showed a very humiliating look, "You dare to insult me ​​so much?"

"Humiliated, why do you want me?" Ye Hao's eyelids dripped lightly.

Hao Cang felt that his heart hurt again, and it hurt fiercely.

"Okay, I don't have time to play with you." Ye Hao looked at Hope and said, "Let's go."

Hope nodded and left with Hao Ye.

Hao Cang is bitter.

I hurt myself like this, don't you want to ask?

"You go and see where the two of them went?" Hao Cang asked a disciple of Butianjiao to follow him while he was healing his knee.

The disciple hurried towards the two of them.

After a few days, the disciple returned.

"Hao Gongzi, how about the two of them buying materials at Gutuoxing's largest trading center?"

Hao Cang reluctantly depressed the injury at this time, and after hearing that he nodded toward the other party, he left.

The disciple looked at Hao Cang's figure, and his heart was full of dissatisfaction, "Mother, thought Hao Cang would reward some treasures? In the end, there was no Mao."

Of course, even if he lent him ten guts, he would not dare to say it.

Hao Cang went all the way to the trading market.

At this time, Ye Hao and Hope came to a booth.

"High-level divine magnetism." Ye Hao was shocked when he saw a stone.

Ye Hao, a high-level god, has never encountered it before.

And with the high-level divine magnetism, a teleportation between civilization and civilization can be built.

"How to sell this magnet?"

"Presumably, you know that this is a high-end **** magnet." The boss of the stall said with a smile, "I believe you are very clear about its value. In this way, I need a nine-turn golden pill."

"This piece of high-order magnetism is not as valuable as Jiudan Jindan?" Hope frowned.

The strategic resource of Jiu Zhuan Jin Dan does not have much, even if it is Bu Tianjiao.

"But in terms of rarity, I think this high-end **** magnet is more valuable than Jiu Zhuan Jin Dan?" said the boss's boss, God.

"Ridiculous." Hope coldly said.

What a joke?

With the passage of time, the resources of higher-order **** magnets will increase in the future.

"If the two of you don't have Jindan, then you can look elsewhere."

"Here you are." What hoped unexpectedly was that Ye Hao threw a jade bottle to the stall owner.

The stall owner was stunned, and when his mind swept away, his face showed an excited look.

Immediately he handed the magnet to Ye Hao, "Two clear."

"Two clear?" Ye Hao smiled lightly, "Are you sure?"

Wen Yan’s stall boss was a bit embarrassed, “I don’t have much valuable things on my body?”

"That's it." Ye Hao thought and pointed to dozens of items in front of him. "Give me these?"

"No problem." The stall owner said without thinking.

The sum of the value of these dozens of articles is far inferior to that magnet.

"The deal." Ye Hao took the Qian Kun bag passed by the boss and said softly.

"Stupid-than." Ye Hao's ear sounded a taunt.

Ye Hao couldn't help looking at Hao Cang around him, "Is the body hurt?"

Hao Cang exasperated, "Don't go too far."

Ye Hao laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Hao Cang pointed to Ye Hao, "Do you know the value of a first-class nine-turn golden pill? You can buy three to five high-end **** magnets, but you use one one each Waiting for Jiu Zhuan Jindan in exchange for these garbage?"

"Junk stuff?" Ye Hao smiled slightly, "Who told you that I bought junk stuff?"

"Isn't it rubbish?" Hao Cang sneered, "I have read all those things just now, and there is no value."

"Hao Cang, Hao Cang, you just say your fighting ability is not enough. I didn't expect your brain to have a problem." Ye Hao said with a bit of sigh.

"What did you say?" Hao Cang felt humiliated.

"Hao Cang, what you can see at a glance, do you think I might not see through?" Ye Hao said that he summoned dozens of items sold to him by the stall boss just before him.

Wen Yan Hao Cang looked at it carefully, but after a while he still couldn't see the reason.

"Is there anything special?" Hao Cang was not so sure at this time.

"In fact, it's normal that you can't see it. After all, you are just a layman." Ye Hao said that he broke a bodhi.

This bodhi has some value for the **** king, but it has no value for the **** king.

But at the moment when the bodhi was broken, a bright golden light spread out.

"What is this?" Hao Cang shocked.

He felt a vast sense of Dao.

"Is this the legendary fragment of the avenue." What does Hope seem to think of?

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