Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2830: Why did it look like this

Ye Hao rolled her eyes and said, "Since you know, do you still ask for wool?"

Yan Jiao said shyly, "I'm not wondering if you have any Cultivation of the Imperial Peak?"

"Do you think my age is possible?"

Normally, Ye Hao is possible.

But no teenager supreme would improve his cultivation practice so quickly.

Because only by constantly polishing the foundation can we climb higher in the future.

"Maybe you are an old monster?" Yan Jiao looked at Ye Hao with a pair of beautiful eyes, flashing Linghui's luster.

"Did you know?" Ye Hao pretended to be surprised.

"No?" Yan Jiao was frightened.

"Teasing you." Ye Hao laughed.

Yan Jiao glared at Ye Hao, "Don't make such a joke."

Yan Jiao regretted saying this.

Did she expose her mind?

She glanced at Ye Hao secretly, and she was relieved when she saw that Ye Hao was no different.

"Yun'er, I solemnly warn you now that Bi Chun's son-in-law meeting, you are not allowed to show up." At this time a serious voice came from the courtyard not far away.

"Dad, my younger brother died in Bi Chun's hands. Why didn't you let me take revenge?" An angry voice immediately sounded.

Ye Hao and Yan Jiao looked at each other, and then entered the dimension space.

"Tune out the picture for me." Ye Hao said softly.

At the next moment, the warship of the peak of the emperor class clearly transferred the picture in the room to their eyes.

I saw a woman wearing a goose yellow dress with red eyes looking at a middle-aged woman in front of her.

The middle-aged man looked only 30 or 40 years old, but his temples were already pale.

"Huangluo, why is it so old?" Yan Jiao was shocked to see the middle-aged man.

"Who is he?"

"The owner of the Huang family, Huang Zhong's father." Yan Jiao introduced, "That woman is Huang Zhong's sister, in the younger generation can only say average."

Ye Hao looked in the direction Yan Jiao pointed.

Huang Yun's cultivation base is the pinnacle of God King Realm.

This state also fits her identity.

You have to know that only top-notch passers-by have set foot in God Realm now!

"No matter whether Zhong'er died in Bi Chun's hands, you won't be allowed to pursue this matter anymore." The middle-aged man's eyes showed a bit of misery, but he immediately squeezed away.

"Dad, younger brother is your son?" Huang Yun looked at Huang Luodao incredulously.

"Then tell me, what should I do?" Huang Luo seems to be stimulated by Huang Yun's words, "Is the army with the Huang family asking for a statement?"

"Shouldn't it?"

"I'll ask if you have evidence?"


"If there is no evidence, do you dare to persecute?" Huang Luo roared. "And then step back, even if we have evidence, can we go forward and question?"

"Is there still less power to be killed by the Bi family in these years?"

"But can't they be unreasonable?"

"Reasonable? This world has always been weak and strong, you know?"

Huang Yun fell silent.

Soon two lines of tears fell.

"Aren't this thing gone?"

"Not mentioning does not mean forgetting." Huang Luo patted Huang Yun on the shoulder. "Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, can the Bi family guarantee the last laugh?"

Huang Luo didn't say that Huang Jiali tried to avenge revenge?

Is it realistic?

The Bi family's heritage is too strong.

Even if they are stagnant, the Huang family can't keep up with it in this life?

"Dad, I know." Huang Yun thought for a while, then nodded.

"Go rest." Huang Luo whispered.

Huang Yun left.

When she pushed open the door of her own room, she saw two figures.

The sweat on her body exploded.

Want to know this is her room?

Not everyone can come in?

"Miss Huang, do you remember me?" Yan Jiao said softly.

"Miss Yan?" Huang Yun froze before seeing who it was.

"Yeah, I'm Yan Jiao."

Huang Yun asked in a daze, "Miss Yan, are you--?"

"I want to find you to understand some things." Ye Hao said.

"Who are you?" Huang Yun made sure he didn't know the man in front of him.

"This is for you." Ye Hao handed Huang Yun a jade bottle.

Huang Yun's divine thought swept away and was shocked, "This-is this a three-turn golden pill?"

"Exactly the first-class three-turn golden pill." Ye Hao calmly said, "I think this will greatly benefit your cultivation."

"What do you want to know?" Huang Yunyu said with a dignified expression while holding the three-turn Jindan. "But I have to say some things in front of me. It involves family secrets. I won't tell you."

"I'm not interested in your family." Ye Hao changed the subject by saying, "You said Bi Chun killed your brother?"

Huang Yun's face changed greatly, "You-how do you know?"

"I hide in the dark when you talk to your father." Ye Hao said frankly.

"Why do you have to know this?" Huang Yun said very much.

"Because I'm here to pursue Bi Chun, I value personality more than appearance." Ye Hao Hu said, "If I determine that Bi Chun is a heart-warming person, I won't have anything to do with her. Now."

"You don't want to set my words?" Huang Yun dare to say more at this time.

This kind of thing is related to the survival of the family?

"Miss Huang, I'm taking my personality as a guarantee. Ye Gongzi is definitely not talking to you." Yan Jiao said in a deep voice, "You can say what you know, you can rest assured that it will never hurt you or yours. family."

Huang Yun pondered for a while and said, "My brother told me that he had gone to see Bi Chun before he disappeared. Three days later, I found Huang Zhong didn't show up, so I went to Bi's house to find Bi Chun demon, but Bi Chun said I My brother left that evening."

"My brother's good fortune in Mingcheng is also a personal thing, and the army on patrol will never check my brother."

"I found through some relationships that my brother has not reappeared since entering Bichun's other court."

"So I concluded that my brother was killed by Bi Chun."

Huang Yun said here that Ye Hao asked, "What is the motivation?"

"Who doesn't know that my brother is the first person of the younger generation in Mingyu, perhaps Bi Chun feels that my brother will threaten her status in the future."

"Oh, when did your brother disappear?"

"Bi Chun returned from the ancient battlefield the next day."

Ye Hao's face changed slightly.

Isn't Bi Chun killing because of him?

After thinking about it, Ye Hao thought it was really possible.

Thinking of Ye Hao's heart here is very uncomfortable.

Isn't this the case with Bi Chun in the ancient battlefield?

She was slender and weak, she was generous, she had bright eyes.

Ye Hao didn't understand why it became like this?

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