Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2793: Crisis resolution

"Li Mi, today is the day when your distant pavilion is destroyed." An old man headed at the middle-aged woman said with cold eyes.

This old man is none other than the ancestor of Yaoyuan Pavilion.

Longyuan is the descendant he valued, but now indirectly died in the hands of Yaoxiangge, how could he not be angry?

He vowed to kill all of the Xiangxiang Pavilion.

Li Mi's face was very pale, but her eyes were very bright, "Miao Yu is coming with that young son Ye, and everyone will be rescued as long as they persist."

Hearing Li Mi's words, everyone immediately got excited.

What people fear most is that there is no hope.

But now they have burst out of the potential of twelve points.

"When Ye Gongzi in your mouth arrives, Yaoxiang Pavilion is already in ruins." The old man sneered.

And just then an ancient warship tore up the space and appeared above the battlefield.

The pervasive coercion of that battleship made the monks all feel a sense of trepidation.

Long Falcon was frightened.

"this is--?"

Long Falcon is only the cultivation of the God Emperor's Peak, but he is precisely the cultivation of the Tenth Floor of the God Emperor, and this battleship has reached the limit of the God Emperor Realm.

The difference between the two sides is not a bit of a star.


The black warship suddenly burst into a terrible shock wave of energy.

The shock wave imprisoned Ryzen directly into it.

Long Falcon roared and summoned a battle armor. At the same time, a transparent water mirror appeared in front of him.

But in front of that shock wave, both the transparent shock wave and the Raptor's armor were shattered.

Raccoon fell bloodlessly towards the rear while spurting blood.

Just then the second shock wave fell towards him again.

"Rao Ming." Long Falcon shouted.

He knew he had no chance of blocking the blow.

It's a pity that Ye Hao never thought of taking care of him until the shock wave shattered the Long Falcon into fragments, neither the soldiers like Yaoyuan Pavilion nor the monks on the side of Yaoxiang Pavilion reacted.

Long Falcon is the existence of God Emperor Peak.

Even if this is a great world.

But it is not common for God Emperor to be at the peak.

"Master Zu, are you okay?" Miaoyu flew down from the battleship and shouted in front of Li Mi.

Li Mi woke up like a dream, "Miaoyu, is this--?"

"Master Zu, this is Ye Gongzi I mentioned to you just now." Miao Yu said busy.

Li Mi quickly saluted Ye Hao, "Li Mi has seen Master Ye."

Ye Hao stood on the battleship and said with a smile, "Senior Li, this makes it impossible. Strictly speaking, am I still a junior?"

"Ye Gongzi, you're welcome." Seeing Ye Hao's self-confidence, Li Mi had a better impression of Ye Hao.

"Senior Li, do you want me to help these guys in Yaoyuange?" Ye Hao pointed at many masters in Yaoyuange.

Wen Yan Li Mi was lost in thought.

"Patriarch, you can't be a woman's benevolent at this time." Miao Yu thought for a moment and said, "Our Yaoxiang Pavilion has forged a life-and-death feud with Yao Yuan Pavilion, and now Yao Yuan Pavilion has just fallen into the strongest level of war. Power, but they still have many masters."

Li Mi gritted his teeth and saluted Ye Hao, "I also asked Young Master Ye to help."

At the next moment, the warship that Ye Hao was riding suddenly spit out hundreds of shock waves. These hundreds of shock waves were mainly aimed at the distant king or **** emperor.

But inevitably killed many monks in Yaoyuan Pavilion.

After a few waves, the monks above the Yaoyuan Pavilion and the God Realm were killed.

"The rest is for you." Ye Hao said with a smile.

You know that Ye Hao is not only killing many masters of Yao Yuan Pavilion, the army from Yao Yuan Pavilion was accidentally killed by Ye Hao by nearly one third.

And how much combat power can the remaining two-thirds have?

Li Mi said in surprise, "Everyone will follow me."

Although the top of Yaoxiang Pavilion has been hit hard.

But no matter how hard it is, it will still be the God Emperor.

And in the Yuanyuan Pavilion, who lost the master, the Yaoxiang Pavilion was slaughter for them.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Two quarters of an hour passed.

Three quarters of an hour passed.

Ye Hao discovered that Yaoxiang Pavilion hadn't killed all the soldiers in Yaoyuan Pavilion before using Skyeye.

The monks of Yaoyuan Pavilion were all imprisoned under the hood of heaven.

The monks of the Medicine Incense Pavilion had not yet understood what was going on, but then they excitedly offered the war sword in their hands.

After a few breaths, the monks of Yaoyuan Pavilion all fell.

"Thank you, Master Ye." Li Mi came to Ye Hao and said seriously.

"Senior Li." Ye Haogang said that Li Mi was busy here, "Ye Gongzi, I don't dare to be the word senior?" Li Mi thought that Ye Hao might not be as good as him, but now he found Ye Hao's cultivation base is far above him.

"Senior just called me Li Mi." Li Mi said Ye Hao was stunned and said immediately.

"That's good." Ye Hao said after thinking for a while.

"Right, don't you know if you want to take advantage of your victory?"

"Yonggongzi means--?" Li Mi asked excitedly.

"Take down Yaoyuange in one fell swoop?"

"Young Master Ye, do you want to help us?"

"I dispatched this God Emperor's Peak Battleship to you." Ye Hao said here and looked at Miao Yudao. "The time I spent in your Yaoxiang Pavilion, this battleship is under your control."

"Thank you, Master Ye." Miao Yu said in surprise.

Emperor peak!

With this battleship, how could the Yaoyuan Pavilion not be taken down?

"This warship has sufficient energy reserves, you don't need to worry about insufficient resources at all." Ye Hao said his voice here, "but I have two things that need to trouble you."

"Yang Gongzi, please say." Miao Yu busy.

"Let's find a place to talk." Ye Hao glanced around softly.

"Go to my place." Li Mizheng was about to say that when taking Hao to the VIP room, Miao Yu said first.

Li Mi glanced at Miaoyu without a trace, his eyes showing a thoughtful look.

As the chief disciple of Yaoxiangge, Miaoyu's residence is naturally an excellent place for the sect.

But this is nothing to Ye Hao?

He has seen too much beauty.

Graceful, graceful, majestic, never seen anything.

After arriving at Miaoyu's study, Ye Hao took a sip of tea and said straight away, "First, I need to borrow your classics from Yaoxiang Pavilion."

Wen Yan's eyes were all surprised.

Ye Hao can own the battleship of the peak of the God Emperor. It stands to reason that Ye Hao's inheritance cannot be bad.

How could he be fond of their medicine Xiangge practice?

"I'm not a monk of your Dan domain." Ye Hao said slowly in response to everyone's doubts.

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