Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2755: Incarnation Dayan

Hundreds of teenagers arrived here together.

Their eyes all looked hotly at a piece of gold in the mid-air that exudes endless magic.

Chilian Shenjin.

The supreme material that casts the taboo magic weapon!

In fact, almost every teenage supreme who comes here has prototype taboo magic.

But no one dislikes the taboo magic weapon. Isn't it?

"I want this taboo magic weapon." Just then a young man in a robe spoke coldly.

The faces of many young people's supremacy are all showing fear.

"who is he?"

"Why do you think you are so afraid of him?"

"Youth Supreme Destiny of the Eight Diagrams Domain."


After listening to the discussion of everyone, Ye Hao finally understood why these youth supremes were afraid of the Lord?

Dare to love is the supreme youth of the Eight Diagrams domain.

Few people dare to provoke such an existence?

"Fate, are you crazy?" A young man joking from a distance stepped on a Fuzhuan.

"Dun Jia, do you think you are my opponent?" Even in the face of the Juvenile Supreme of the Seven Gates, there was no fear in Destiny's face.

"It seems like you can beat me?" Dun Jia said lightly.

"Then come and fight." Destiny said that behind him appeared a huge gossip map.

"I think we are going to clean these miscellaneous fish before the war?" Dun Jia pointed to the hundreds of young men.

The faces of the supreme teenagers suddenly became somber.

Miscellaneous fish?

Want to know who is not the arrogant of the civilization?

"Your Excellency, don't you take us too seriously?" Then a secret voice sounded.

Dunjia's eyes swept over hundreds of monks, and then raised his hand and punched a fist towards a young man's supreme. Swallow the supreme boy.

And when the tiger returned to Dunjia, he burped.

There was a fear in the eyes of everyone.

A powerful teenager supreme just fell?

"Dun Jia, the existence of Destiny will destroy the balance of the battlefield." Just when Dun Jia thought to deter these young people's supreme, a middle-aged man came out, "For today's plan, we can only work together to hit them hard, otherwise wait until their strength. Further improvement, will there still be our way of life?"

"Not bad."

"If we sit back and die, we will find death."

"Everyone, don't hide it."


That middle-aged agitation worked.

Soon hundreds of youth supremes expressed their willingness to join forces to hit Destiny and Dunjia together.

"Look for death." The sound of Dunjia's words fell as the tiger next to him flew towards the middle-aged man.


A feather arrow traversed the sky and penetrated the tiger.

The tiger grunted and fell to the ground.

"Elf race." Dunjia said coldly, looking at a green-haired woman in the distance.

"Let's join hands together." The girl of the elven clan said that a feather arrow appeared in her hand again. When this feather arrow shot towards the front, it turned into thousands of feather arrows, turning the Dunjia All the figures of Destiny are covered.

Everyone saw this scene and shot.

Various magical skills came one after another.

Dunjia and Destiny looked at each other, and both saw dignity in each other's eyes.

No one thought that these hundreds of supreme teenagers would join forces?

They face one, two, even ten, and eight of them alone.

But when faced with the supremacy of hundreds of teenagers, they can't resist.


Only when they tried to escape did they realize that the back road had been cut off.

Their faces suddenly changed.

Is this to leave their rhythm?

"Are we shooting?" Yue Hua asked in a low voice.

"Symbolic shot." Ye Hao said after thinking for a while.

So Yuehua four also shot.

This caused the pressure of Dunjia and Destiny to increase dramatically.

Both Dunjia and Destiny are not unskilled in terms of body skills or supernatural powers.

But which of these youth supremes is the simple generation?

They may not be all-round masters, but they complement each other's short board, which makes these two can't run.

It didn't take long for the two to be hit hard.

They lay on the ground and watched it was almost impossible.

Everyone knows that this is of course an illusion.

They won't hang this easily.

At this time, everyone stopped shooting, and no one dared to kill them. After all, their civilization was dominated.




Everyone rushed towards Chilian Shenjin in the air.

Ye Hao pondered and rushed towards the front, and his appearance changed during the rush.

Yuehua has always followed Ye Hao's side.

When he noticed Ye Hao's change, his eyes were almost staring out.


"You take Xiaolu and run quickly." Ye Hao said.

"I see." Yue Hua immediately understood Ye Hao's meaning, and he quickly changed the direction of the charge.


Ye Hao rushed to the side of Chilian Shenjin first.

Just as he was about to catch the piece of Chilian Shenjin, a feather arrow came through the sky.

Ye Hao snorted, and there appeared nine vast worlds. These nine worlds burst out with hundreds of millions of glory, and wrapped Ye Hao's surroundings strictly.

With a thud, Yu Jian was blocked by the Nine Palaces.

"Nine Palaces."

"When did Dayan come?"


Everyone was stunned.

No one thought that Dayan would be hidden in secret?

At this time Ye Hao grabbed the piece of Chilian Shenjin, and then he threw it into the sea of ​​knowledge.


Without any hesitation, Ye Hao walked towards the distance.

"Leave Chilian Shenjin." Many teenagers roared.

These young supreme masters have played their magical powers.

Seeing this scene, Ye Hao held up the condensed nine-party world behind him.

But the nine-party world broke even without a breath.

The question is where is there any trace of Ye Hao?

"Run?" Everyone froze.

Dunjia and Destiny looked at each other and both smiled bitterly.

"I didn't expect that we made a wedding dress for Dayan." Destiny said with a wry smile.

"This bastard." Dunjia scolded.

The nine masters deep in the sky looked at this scene in amazement.

Master Liu Dao looked at Master Jiu Gong narrowly, "Your people are overcast."

The ruler of the Nine Palaces laughed, "This kid can learn the art of the Nine Palaces in such a short time, which shows that he is destined to me."

"Nine Palaces, Ye Hao is my man." Liu Dao said immediately.

"Let him decide at that time." Nine Palace Master said lightly.

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