Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2746: Rewards of the Six Lords

The whole world is too big.

The nine masters are responsible for a part of the area after consultation.

The God Territory is in the area where the Six Dao Dominates.

After Master Liu Dao and Master Yin Yang made gambling appointments, they looked at the pride of the heavens in their respective areas.

"There is a blond young man who has ruled Yin and Yang over a half way."

"The fastest one of the six masters here has only gone one third."

"Six dominations hang."

"Yeah, the blond young man's pace is very steady, and it will probably not take long to reach the end."

Just as the rest of the masters discussed, the master Yin and Yang said with a smile, "That blond young man is the first person in the space generation to be empty."

The six masters heard the place suddenly angry, "despicable."

Spatial domain?

The six masters have forgotten this matter!

Monks in the space domain are naturally close to the laws of space.

What's more, Kongkong is the first person of the younger generation in the space domain.

Master Yin and Yang said with a smile, "I bet against people without knowing the state? Who is to blame?"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the six masters.

But he said nothing.

I don't know how long in the past a master said indifferently, "Empty and empty have already gone three quarters of the way."

Master Liu Dao glanced at the empty space and retracted his eyes.

As for her on her side, she didn't see much.

At this point, is it possible to make a comeback?

It's impossible.

So why pay attention?

Just then another master was surprised and said, "Maybe it will turn over."

The six masters looked at the mirror image.

I saw a figure running like a leopard quickly towards the front.

This feeling is like there is no space folding and space distortion in front.

"It's coming."

"Empty and empty will soon be surpassed by this young man."

"Why do I feel that the space mystery has no effect on this young man."

"It is not that the space mystery has no effect on this young man, but that this young man has seen through the space mystery here."

Master Liu Dao said with some excitement, "I said why he was slow before. I dare to be that he has been studying the spatial meaning of this place."

"This kid's space talent is very high." An old man with fiery red hair said with burning eyes.

This old man is well aware that there will be a master in the future.

And the words that dominate the accident will arise from these days of pride.

Therefore, some celestial wizards, they are also concerned.

"His talent for space is above the air." A woman with long green hair said lightly.

"How do you know you are doing your best in empty space?" Yin Yang master snorted.

The green-haired woman smiled disapprovingly.

"Empty, if you don't get the first one this time, don't blame me for destroying the space behind you." At this time, the voice of the Yin and Yang Master turned into a thunder sound and exploded above the empty head.

The empty face changed wildly.

I am afraid that there is no one other than the legendary ruler who can transmit sound in this place.

Or why did I let me take the first place?

I don't understand.

But this is not important.

What he has to do now is get first.

Otherwise, the spatial domain may really be destroyed.

Thinking of the empty eyes in this way, the fluctuation of space burst out.

Eye of space!

Void also has the eye of space!

And under the blessing of the eye of space, the speed of air and sky soared rapidly.

What makes the Yin-Yang master feel depressed is that even if the air and space are struggling to catch up, the figure is still close to the finish line little by little.

And as the figure set foot on the battlefield, the face of the Yin and Yang Master was glistening dripping water.

"Waste." Master Yin and Yang growled.

Immediately, his big hand caught the empty space still running.

But he was blocked by the fiery old man with long hair.

"Yin and Yang rule, don't forget the agreement between us."

The eyes of Master Yin and Yang flickered, and finally he didn't start.

Master Liu Dao smiled and stretched out his hand towards Master Yin and Yang, "Bring it."

The yin and yang master throws a black bottle to the yin and yang master with a black face.

After taking over, the Yin-Yang master took another jade bottle, poured a small half of the Taiyi spirit liquid towards the jade bottle, and then threw it towards the first figure who stepped on the battlefield.

Ye Hao stared at the jade bottle suspended in front of him.

what's the situation?

"This rewards you."

Ye Hao is a little unknown.

"I am the master of the Six Dao, and your God Realm is my civilization." At this time, the voice of the Master of the Six Dao rang in Ye Hao's ear.

"Meet the six masters." Ye Hao said respectfully.

"Just now I made a bet with the Yin and Yang master, to see who's civilization first entered the battlefield?" Liu Dao master said lightly, "You are very content, the genius beyond the space domain is empty, the first stepped here."

Ye Hao's cold sweat suddenly flowed down.

Did he offend Yin and Yang?

"Senior." Ye Hao's face was disturbed.

"You don't need to worry about the Yin and Yang Master will retaliate against you. As long as I am still a day, the Yin and Yang Master will not be able to move you." Liu Dao Master looked at Ye Hao's expression, how could he not understand what Ye Hao was thinking?

"Senior Laborer." Ye Hao said respectfully.

"The next thing you have to do is to perform well." Master Liu Dao said seriously, "If you can get the top ten, I will send you a volume of supernatural powers."

Ye Hao's eyes lit up suddenly.

The supernatural power?

I'm afraid there is no whole God Realm?

"What if I get the top three?" Ye Hao asked immediately.

"If you get the top three, I will send you a small six-way reincarnation."

"Xiao Liudao Samsara?" Ye Hao heard this kind of magic pill for the first time.

"Boy, Xiaoliu Daohuan Pill is refined by the Liu Dao master himself. This kind of divine pill can greatly enhance your potential. There is not much compared to the whole world." At that time, the fiery red-haired old man Said lightly.

Ye Hao's heart shook, "Can I take it now?"

"I guess you can only take it if you have an intermediate level."

"Thank you senior for solving the puzzle."

Master Liu Dao pondered for a while and said, "If you can get the first place, there will be a bigger reward."

As for rewards, the six masters did not say.

But presumably, the value is far above Xiaoliu Dao reincarnation Dan.

Ye Hao felt something fierce at the same time, and saw a young man dressed in white rushed over panting.

His eyes suddenly turned red when he saw Ye Hao.

"You-I'm going to kill you."

Ye Hao froze.

What is the situation?

But passively being beaten was not Ye Hao's character. He slammed his finger at the young man with his five fingers.

Liuhe Bahuang Supreme Boxing!

Empty face changed.

As the so-called expert knows if he can do it?

Ye Hao's punch made Kongkong feel tricky.

"The space collapses."

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