Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2742: You have a grudge against me

As representatives from various forces handed over the site, many monks turned their attention to Yan Huangzong.

They wanted to know what Yan Huangzong should do at this time?


Yan Huangzong has this strength as well as this heritage.

"How are you going to do it?" Gou Zun stood beside Ye Hao and said.

"Yan Huangzong always wanted to say something?" Ye Hao said after thinking about it.

"Did you give up the existing site?" Gou Zun seemed to perceive something.

"There is no need to fight against the city of the sky, right?"

"You have to know that it's really possible to get rid of poetry?"

"Transcending is never an easy task," Ye Hao said lightly. "Moreover, if the poems really want to transcend, it's not bad."


"When the Lord of Time is missing, there is a detached existence in God Realm, which is a good thing for God Realm."

"Your heart is broad."

"Who keeps you from fighting?"

Gou Zun froze for a while, "How come it got me?"

"If you can be detached, how can I retreat? Even if I try my best, I will fight for you?"

Gou Zun's face showed an embarrassed look, "This-this."

How can it be so easy to achieve invincible?

"You help me announce to God Territory that Yan Huangzong will abandon the nine hundred and ninety-nine territories in the Southern Territory from today." Gou Zun's complexion changed uncontrollably, "All the interests of the Southern Territory have been abandoned?"

Ye Hao nodded.

"Is this sacrifice a bit big?"

"Compared to other forces, Yan Huangzong gave up not much." Ye Hao said calmly.

"Are you thinking about it?"

"In fact, the power of the South Region was intentionally transferred as early as ten years ago," Ye Hao said softly.

"That's good." Hearing Ye Hao saying this, Zun Zun stopped persuading.

In the next moment Gou Zun's voice resounded through the entire **** realm.

"From today, Yan Huangzong will abandon the nine hundred and ninety-nine large territories in the southern region."

The dog's oath made many monks look disappointed.

Because they thought that Yanhuang Zong could stand up and fight against the sky city?

Who would have thought that Hao Ye, who was so used to it, also chose to give in.

"Is the sky city so strong?"

"Yan Huangzong still has the cards in the hands of the city master who checks and balances the sky, but that kind of cards Yan Huangzong won't easily use."

"Yes, in fact, the forces of all parties are only giving up the site now, and they do not mean that the forces of all parties will admit defeat."

"As long as the lord of the sky city is not detached, who will eventually be the hegemon of the **** realm is still in between."

"Don't look at Ye Hao's compromise and retreat now, but after Ye Hao grows up, the owner of the Sky City may not be Ye Hao's opponent."

"Ye Hao is king within the same rank."

Shi Yin looked at Yan Huangzong's direction, his eyes showing inexplicable colors.

Before that, she was worried that Yan Huangzong would not give up her own territory, because in that case, the two sides would fight.

And this is not what Shiyin can do without hitting.


The major forces of the entire Divine Realm have given up their own territory, but Yan Huangzong did not show anything?

What does this mean?

Isn't this the sky city?

At this time the sky city must send troops.

To be honest, Shiyin did not have much control over the taboo-class battleship in Ye Hao's hands.

Don’t forget that Qingqiu’s old invincible fox almost didn’t fall.

It is true that the runes on that battleship have been consumed a lot, but the question is can you contend with the remaining runes?

This is undoubtedly a problem.

If this fails, many forces may counterattack.

The great situation created by the city of the sky is likely to be buried.

She dare not gamble.

Fortunately, Yan Huangzong gave up the southern region in time.

It is well known that Yanhuang Zong has three major forces.

Yan Huangzong, Huaxiazong, Tianyan organization.

The Tianyan organization is an intelligence organization, and their headquarters also has only one large domain, which has little impact on the overall situation.

But the site occupied by Yan Huangzong and Huaxiazong will affect her layout.

Fortunately, Yan Huangzong gave away all the land of Hua Xiazong.

"Thank you." Shi Yin whispered while looking at Ye Hao's direction.

Ye Hao said nothing.

He knew that the Sky City would enter a state of mad expansion.

At that time, the city of sky will become the overlord of God's domain name.

However, the overlord of God Realm is not so easy to do.

Ye Hao shook his head and turned back to Yan Huang Zong.

When he came to the meeting hall, he found that almost all the senior officials of Yan Huangzong had arrived.

"Sect Master, do we really want to give up the territory of the Southern Region?" Kong Ying'er felt uncomfortable.

In fact, she knew that Gou Zun wouldn't say that kind of words casually.

But there was still a luck in her heart.

"From today onwards, Yan Huangzong will fully cooperate with Hua Xiazong's relocation." Ye Hao glanced at the audience and said slowly.

The eyes of Kong Ying'er and others suddenly dimmed.

They knew that this matter could not be recovered.

"We Yanhuangzong's strength is not inferior to the city of the sky, why do we want to give up the territory of the southern region?" Qiluo struggled and said.

"Because Yan Huangzong wants to lie dormant and develop his own strength." Ye Hao looked at Qiluo and said softly, "Temporary concession is not a failure, understand?"

"It's not a failure, why should you give in?" Qi Luo stared at Ye Hao.

"Because Yan Huangzong has no taboo powerhouse." Ye Hao was silent for a moment and said seriously.

"But did Yan Huang Zong have--?" Qi Luo just said that he was interrupted by Ye Hao. "Yan Huang Zong's two cards are gone, and once they are consumed, there will be no more. Yan Huang Zong is in danger." At that time, what do we use to resist?"

Qi Luo didn't know how to answer.

"Ying'er, you are solely responsible for the relocation, and since you want to relocate, don't leave any tail." Ye Hao looked at Kong Ying'er and said slowly.

"I understand." Kong Ying'er nodded.

The absence of tails means that no intelligence personnel are left.

Yan Huangzong's efficiency is fast.

Soon the monks in the southern region moved to Yanhuangzong territory.

In fact, Yan Huangzong's territory is huge.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine large domains.

Many of these large areas have not been developed.

The arrival of Hua Xiazong's soldiers made these wild places reclaimed.

On this day, an uninvited guest came to Yanhuangzong.

"I didn't expect you to come to Yan Huangzong." Ye Hao in your living room looked at the figure in front of her with some emotion.

"I came here to discuss something." Middle-aged Dao robe looked at Ye Hao lightly and said.

"Senior laughed, there is something that you ordered." Ye Hao's eyes flickered.

"Do you have a grudge against me?" The middle-aged robe heard something.

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