Super Almighty Student

Chapter 10: Hurriedly like a law

"Teacher Xu, I don't understand what you mean." Ye Hao looked a little ugly.

"You don't understand what I mean? Well, then I ask you what happened to your grades this time?" Xu Li said angrily, "It's shameful that a person's grades are poor, shameful plagiarism."

"Do you know what plagiarism is? Plagiarism is stealing, it's just a thief, you know?" Xu Li scolded with a stern face.

In fact, many students have long suspected this matter.

It's just that no one said it.

Now Xu Litang said with great enthusiasm that the students whispered one by one.

Ye Hao stared at Xu Lidao, "I don't understand."

"You don't understand?" Wen Yan Xu Li was even more angry. "Ye Hao, you really can't help the wall with mud."

"Teacher Xu, don't you think you are too much?" Clay figurines still have three points of anger, not to mention Ye Hao?

"I'm too much? Ye Hao, it seems that you don't know the seriousness of the matter yet." Xu Li looked at Ye Haodao coldly, "Blatant plagiarism of the monthly exam will be written into your file."

After saying this, Xu Li turned and left.

"Slow down." Ye Hao said in a deep voice.

Xu Li stopped, "Do you have anything to explain?"

"You said I plagiarized? Yes, come up with evidence." Ye Hao's eyes gleamed harshly. "If you can't produce evidence, don't blame me for going to the Education Bureau to tell you."

"Do you want evidence?" Xu Li was irritated by Ye Hao. She walked towards Ye Hao. "I will give you evidence now."

When Xu Li spoke, she came to Ye Hao. She picked up the history book on Ye Hao's desk. "If I remember correctly, you got 98 points in history?"


"That is to say, almost all of the content in the history book?"


"What is the significance of victory in the Opium War?"

"Humen's sale of cigarettes is a great victory for the Chinese people in the fight against smoking, and it shows the Chinese nation's strong will to oppose foreign aggression." Ye Hao recite it word by word.

Then Xu Li asked several questions in the history book.

Ye Hao's answers were straightforward, and there was nothing wrong.

Unbelievable Xu Li picked up Zhou Shuai’s college entrance examination simulation paper, and after a while she found a big question and asked, “Song Zhiren said in the Song Dynasty: “It’s an indispensable taste of the Three Religions. Xing Wuchang, Zheng Sangang, the road to human relations, Confucianism is Yan; sacred to abandon wisdom, guard females to protect the weak, and Tao is Yan; self-caused, result-reversing, true, and ever-changing.

After Xu Li read this paragraph, many students' faces appeared blank.

Because they have never heard this sentence.

Xu Li sneered when she saw contemplation on Ye Hao's face: "What phenomenon does this material reflect at the time in the field of thought?"

"The above materials reflect the combination of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism." Ye Hao said after considering the language.

Xu Li's face stiffened, but then he asked, "What is the reason for this situation?"

"Since the Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties, social unrest has led to the prosperity and development of Taoism and Buddhism, and Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism have absorbed and infiltrated each other, forming a situation where the three religions are united."

Xu Li looked at Ye Hao in shock, "Have you seen it?"

"No." Ye Hao shook his head.

"Don't see how you can answer the same as the answer?" Xu Li couldn't accept this fact.

"It's easy to draw such an answer according to the background of the time." Ye Hao said in a deep voice.

"I'll ask you one more." Xu Li found a few jerky questions, but Ye Hao gave reasonable answers.

At this time, Xu Li really believed that Ye Hao had not copied.

Because there is no certain knowledge reserve and a flexible brain, this is simply not possible.

"Politics, biology, and geography. Teacher Xu might as well test me?" Ye Hao said indifferently. "I don't want to bear the reputation of plagiarism."

"You--why did you hide your strength before?" Xu Li's mind flashed suddenly and he understood what it was.

The reason why Xu Li had such an idea was also because of such a situation.

"Because I don't want to be high-profile." Ye Hao didn't want to be so shocking, so he replied following Xu Li's words.

"You." Xu Li pointed to Ye Hao and didn't know what to say.

This is undoubtedly Xu Li is very passive.

But what can she do now?

Xu Li left.

The whole class boiled.

They looked at the classmate who was not valued by them in surprise.

"I'm fucking, you are hiding so deep?" Zhou Shuai patted Ye Hao with a slap.

Ye Hao stood up and walked towards the outside of the classroom.

The mockery of the classmates and the cold eyes of the teacher made Ye Hao tired.

Ye Hao couldn't help but think of staying away from this school.

Walking and walking, Ye Hao came to the pond again. He stared at the turquoise pond, and the scene a few months ago appeared in his mind.

When Ye Hao was thinking about it, a woman in a robe suddenly appeared in her eyes.

what's the situation?

Mei Xuxue didn't think there were students by the pond. She looked at Ye Hao with a disgruntled look and said, "Why not go to class this time?"

"I'm in a bad mood," Ye Hao replied.

"You shouldn't come to this place if you are in a bad mood," Mei Qxue sneered coldly.

"Why?" Ye Hao moved.

"Because of this place." Mei Xiuxue shut in time, "In short, leave here."

"Did you feel the enchantment here?" Ye Hao asked tentatively without seeing Mei Xiuxue.

Mei Xuxue's eyes burst into light, "You can't see that you are also a fellow."

"No, I'm just a student." Ye Hao said shyly.

"Then you just said there was demonishness here?" Mei Qxue stunned.

"I guess, don't you priests like to pretend to be a ghost?" Ye Hao said so, but he would never think so.

Otherwise, how to explain that day's monster? How to explain that mysterious middle-aged?

"Dare to say that your aunt and grandma pretend to be a ghost? Is your kid impatient?" Mei Qxue Liuliu said angrily.

"I was wrong." Ye Hao said honestly.

Mei Xiuxue saw Ye Hao's expression on his face slightly slower, "You leave now, the next scene is not suitable for children."

"May I be able to help you here?" How could Ye Hao leave?

"I remind you again, you leave me here." Mei Xiuxue warned.

"I." Ye Haogang said that Mei Xiuxue's face showed an impatient look here.

When Mei Xuxue spoke, a yellow rune appeared in his hand.

And as soon as her voice fell, the paper burned instantly.

At the same time, the clearness in Ye Hao's eyes disappeared instantly.

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