Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 44: Powerful supreme mage

   The Supreme Mage maintained the mirror space, felt the fighting spirit of Adam and Dugu Bai, and frowned slightly.

   "Child, you may not know what you are going to do." The Supreme Mage waved his hand gently, and the surrounding world became blank, leaving only a circular ring. Adam and Dugubai were in the center of the ring. "I don't want to do anything to you, I just hope that the other you beside you will return to his original universe."

   "Twenty-Three Swords of Destroying Heaven and Destroying Earth!" Dugubai ignored what the Supreme Mage thought, and said after a fight.

   The sword aura on Dugubai's body soared into the sky, making the surrounding space in a solidified state, countless sword auras flying around, aiming at the Supreme Mage.

   The power of Adam’s whole body poured into the mad dragon staff in his hand, and the mad dragon staff exudes a dazzling light. Adam leaped and jumped into the sky above the Supreme Mage, bending his body into a bow shape, and hitting the Supreme Mage with all his strength.


   With a sigh, everything around him solidified. Whether it was sword aura or Adam flying in mid-air, it seemed that it was a bug in amber that couldn't even be checked.

   "You don't know anything about power." The supreme mage's eyes lit up with silver light, and with a light wave of his hand, Adam slammed Dugubai's body, and the two fell to the ground and rolled into a ball.

"I made a deal with the goddess of death and rescued you from Odin's exile, but I didn't expect you to be so...ignorant, if so, let me banish you." The Supreme Mage's eyes flickered. With silver light, his hands kept flicking in the air, as if there were invisible strings in the air. "As for the existence of this alien universe, I will send him back if he does not pose a threat to this world."

   The space around Adam and Dugubai became colorful, with countless lines entwining the two, Dugubai’s figure became more and more faint, and he was about to be expelled from the universe. Adam was also overwhelmed, just like being sealed by Odin's divine power, a sense of powerlessness rose in Adam's heart, and the divine power in his body slowly fell into silence.

   "No one..." Dugubai had a crazy smile on his face. "No one can do this to me!"

   Dugubai's body trembled slightly, and the colored lines surrounding him became blurred.

   "I am the sword demon Dugubai, I am the devil in the sword! Do you think you will kill me?" Dugubai laughed up to the sky: "Hahaha...Six extinctions without me!"

   Dugu white and black hair, instantly turned silvery white, and his body exuded an ominous aura, countless gray-black sword qi burst out of his body, cutting the surrounding space into pieces of broken glass.

   "Regular information." The Supreme Mage murmured softly, and the movements on his hands accelerated, and he kept making gestures one after another.

   The figure of the Supreme Mage suddenly changed from one to two, and two to four. In no time, the figure of the Supreme Mage was filled in the air. Every supreme mage threw a golden whip in his hand, entwining Dugubai.

   "Is it the multiple shadow avatar again?" Adam's eyes were a little gloomy, and his heart was full of sorrow. He didn't expect that he was the weakest one in the field.

"Six Destruction Sword Twenty-Three. I have gone through thousands of tribulations, and experienced the sufferings of the six reincarnations for several times. Finally one day I can stop the water without waves, change without fear, and no longer fear the sufferings of the six paths, thus becoming the strongest. The Sword-Twenty-three Sword of Six Destruction Wumei." Many wrinkles appeared on Dugubai's face. "At the price of my life in this life, let you **** strongest sword!"

   But with Dugu Bai's words, the black-gray sword energy shook a few times in the air, and the Supreme Mage filled the sky like smoke blown away by the wind, disappearing without a trace.

   "You are a respectable strong man." The Supreme Mage was still standing in the original position, with a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. "I can't catch this trick of you. No one of the people I met can catch your sword, including the **** Odin and the lord of hell, Lucifer! So I'm sorry."

   The supreme mage snapped his fingers after speaking, and an emerald green gem appeared in his hand. This gem contained a mysterious atmosphere and exuded a dazzling light, which shocked Adam's heart.

   The green jewel flickered lightly, and everything around it seemed to be restored quickly as if the frozen screen in the movie had been pressed by the reverse button.

   The gray-black sword energy around Dugubai returned to his body, the wrinkles on his face quickly disappeared, and the silver-white hair returned to the black mystery.

   "Respected strong man, I hope you don't come to the universe that I guard." After Dugubai returned to its original condition, the Supreme Mage snapped his fingers gently, and Dugubai's figure disappeared in this universe.

   "Gu Yi, I underestimated you, I not only underestimated you, but also underestimated Odin." Adam looked at the Supreme Mage bitterly.

"Child, I saw your plan to hunt Odin in the course of time, and I have to say that you are really bold." The Supreme Mage fell in front of Adam from mid-air, and everything around him returned to its original state. It became a villa of the Terminator. "I am very interested in your plan to hunt Odin, and I have watched tens of thousands of results."

   "What's the result?" Adam's eyes were slightly narrowed, and he listened carefully to every word of the Supreme Master.

"Success is of course impossible, but the good news is that you never died." The silver light in the eyes of the Supreme Master gradually faded and returned to normal Believe me, no one will be willing to face it. A crazy goddess of death, especially a goddess of death who broke through the limits of the Asa Protoss. "

   "You mean my mother broke the limit of the Asgardians?" Adam was delaying time while thinking of a way, he didn't want to be banished by the Supreme Mage.

   "I prefer to call you Asgardians Asa Protoss." A single sofa appeared behind the Supreme Mage, and she sat on the sofa. "Jehovah is a powerful existence. Although I haven't seen him, Lucifer is my old opponent. The goddess of death combined with the faith of Jehovah to become a god, and it is indeed a terrible existence."

   "Then can you give her a face?" A smile suddenly appeared on Adam's face, a smile with only eight teeth. "Release her beloved son?"

"Everyone in this world has the time of his death, including me and Odin. As long as you promise me not to interfere with Odin's death time, I agree to let go of your mischief this time." A smile appeared in front of Adam, an embarrassing smile rather than a polite smile. "Although you have never succeeded in hunting Odin every time, you did change the time of Odin's death, which makes things a little difficult to handle."

   "I suddenly remembered something." Listening to Master Gu Yi's topic about time, a storm surged in Adam's heart. "You can see the future, haven't you seen a purple sweet potato... isn't it... a purple Titan, he..."

   "Stop." The Supreme Mage interrupted Adam. "Everything has a law, that's not what I should face."

   "I suddenly feel that you are a person who likes to do transactions, so let's make a transaction first." Adam's eyes suddenly turned milky white and said, "I want the time gem in your hand."


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