Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 251 Biochemical Doomsday 3

"Alien? Virus?" Claire was confused, wondering if she should continue talking to this alien, but she couldn't hold back her curiosity, and asked, "You mean it's all because of a virus? Including that monster?"

"When did I say that?" The clown instantly made a funny face. "But it's true. There must be something wrong with the lines given by the director! I just don't know which of us has something wrong with the lines."

"Bruce, where are you from? Raccoon City Center Nursing Home? Raccoon City No. 2 Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center?" Claire suddenly felt that this man might also be dangerous, and he was a little safer than that big monster.

Claire swears, just a little bit!

"Hehe, I'm from Arkham Sanatorium. Now is not the time for you to ask questions. You'd better step aside now, because it's not dead yet." The clown smiled nonchalantly, and pointed to the tyrant who stood up slowly.

Claire was startled, looked at the standing tyrant, then at the clown in fear, and stepped back.

The terrified look at the clown?

Why not be afraid of tyrants?

After the tyrant stood up, he stared at the clown with a pair of scarlet eyes without whites. Although there was no expression in the tyrant's eyes, both Claire and the clown knew that the tyrant would fight the clown desperately.

The clown took the first step, the blood on his body flashed, and he punched the tyrant's face with the red light and the biological coercion emanating from the blood.

The clown has already used all his physical strength to punch this punch.

The tyrant also punched the clown's face with a piercing sound. A tyrant with extremely low intelligence has no fear, and he is fearless, even at the expense of his life.

Fist against each other, no one loves the other, so...

They were blasted out by the opponent's fist at the same time.

The floor has already been marked by clowns and tyrants.


The clown and the tyrant fell to the ground at the same time, making a deafening noise!

Claire couldn't help covering her ears, looked at Wan Liu who fell on the ground in surprise, and couldn't help but wonder in her heart, what's wrong with this guy? Wasn't it possible to hang and beat this monster just now?

"How can this guy go berserk? A relative of Madhu Hulk?" The clown muttered dissatisfied. "A virus creation, without caring about physical damage, can actually launch a silver-level attack."

"Wow! Justice will only be late, and it will never be absent!"

The clown let out a strange cry, and he didn't know whose lines he read out, and he used a tenth of the divine power in his body.

In an instant, the tyrant's body sank, and two deep footprints appeared on the ground again.

Moreover, it can be seen that the corset on the tyrant has begun to show several cracks, and the tyrant may break the corset at any time and enter a state of rampage.

"Can it be enhanced?" The clown's eyes lit up.

Although the tyrant would harm his own origin by running so violently, this virus does have merits. I wonder if Adam would like it?

The clown has strengthened a trace of divine power output,

Even greater pressure appeared on the tyrant, causing the tyrant to half-kneel on the ground.


The tyrant let out a roar, and cracks slowly appeared in the corset on his body, but within a few seconds, the entire corset turned into a pile of fragments and fell to the ground.

The tyrant's true colors are fully exposed in the eyes of the clown and Claire.

The whole body is as gray as death, but the extremely huge body and the explosive muscles on his body make the tyrant extremely shocking.

The hands had already turned into huge claws, the claws were exceptionally sharp, and their length was several times longer than that of a saber, and there were still traces of blood on them, making the claws terrifying and bloody.

Claire next to her was completely numb. Are these two monsters just that perverted?

"Although I think it looks pretty, but Adam's aesthetic point of view is really a bit ugly." The clown muttered in a low voice. "If this is the case, Adam must not like it. After all, Adam, the Hulk's blood, has never been used by his subordinates. It must be that the big guy is too ugly."

"No!" The clown patted his head as if thinking of something, and continued to mutter in a low voice. "Frost giants are not good-looking in the first place! Could it be because of the color? Do you like this big gray guy like Adam?"

The tyrant charged at the clown again, and attacked with even greater speed.

The clown curled his lips and clenched his right hand into a fist, using nearly half of his divine power.

boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, and gunpowder smoke began to fill the surrounding area.

The clown clenched his right hand into a fist and struck the tyrant like a giant hammer, directly smashing the tyrant to the ground, and his entire body sank into the floor.

Now the tyrant is in a very embarrassing situation, almost all his claws are broken, his head has been smashed and deformed, and his body is miserable!

However, it still has a blank expression on its face, because it's just a monster walking dead.

"Who is this monster!"

Claire stared dumbfounded.

The floor where the tyrant was was covered with cracks like spider silk. It seemed that the destructive power of the clown's punch was terrifying.

After a few seconds, the body of the tyrant on the floor moved slightly, trying to stand up and continue to fight the clown, but all the bones in his body had been shattered by the clown. recover within.

On the other hand, the clown didn't need to accumulate energy at all, as if the powerful attack just now was just a random blow from him, and in an instant, another heavy hammer hit the tyrant's body.


There was another loud bang, and the big pit that was smashed on the floor got deeper. The pit was filled with gunpowder smoke, and the tyrant was in it.

Although it is still unclear what the current state of the tyrant is, it is certain that if he is not dead, he will lose half his life!

After the smoke cleared, the clown and Claire walked to the edge of the pit to take a look, but I had already turned into a pile of rotten meat.

"It's not fun!" The clown muttered while looking at Claire who was on the side. "I really want to find a living creature to try again."

Claire's first reaction was to run away, she was very scared! Scared that this mentally ill man is going to treat himself like he's treating that monster!

Because the clown's eyes were too scary, as if he would punch him in the next second.

But Claire, who had just taken two steps, stopped, with a look of lovelessness on her face.

She thought of something, this man is so powerful, if he wants to kill her, it will be useless no matter how far she runs!

It is impossible for her to escape this mental illness.

So, she stopped, she didn't think about living anymore, she could only think that dying would not be so painful.

And this mental illness may not necessarily be hands-on.

Claire glanced at the clown next to her secretly, and found that the clown didn't continue to look at her with that terrifying gaze, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

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