Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 226 The Battle of Revenge, Three V Two Team Battle. Commentary - Adam

The black queen didn't care about Deadpool, but just used her ability to control energy to knock Deadpool out.

It definitely flew out lightly.

The dust flying all over the sky and the big pit under Deadpool's body can all testify for the black queen.

The world is so beautiful, but I am so irritable, this is not good, not good.

But why is there a little excitement in my heart?

It's really cool to blow this cheap guy away!

I have changed?

I'm definitely not a good boy!

"Hmph!" The Black Queen snorted arrogantly, and gave Deadpool another look.

"The restlessness and rebellion of adolescence are so nostalgic." Deadpool patted the dirt on his body and crawled out of the pit. "But it's okay, Dad Deadpool loves you!"

While the two were teasing each other (Deadpool was joking, Black Queen might really want to kill him.), Francis, the target of Deadpool's revenge, finally showed up.

The boys brought by Francis came out, and a group of heavily armed soldiers pointed their guns at them. Francis stood on the top of the building and looked down at Deadpool and said, "Wade Wilson, my name is What is it?"

Deadpool watched Francis pretending to be on the building and whispered: "My God, do you still need me to teach him how to spell?"

Seeing the appearance of the dust angel, Deadpool grabbed Hei Hou and said, "The superhero is logging in, he is about to log in, look!"

After finishing speaking, he continued to pat the two people next to him, and Heihou avoided his hand with a look of disgust.

Watching the dust angel fall from the sky and knelt down on one knee, Deadpool clapped his hands and said, "Superhero login, thank you for donating your knee, kneeling on one knee at a height of more than 30 meters, it's an exaggeration."

He patted the Colossus next to him and said, "Brother, I don't hit women. I leave this to you. I'll go to Francis to fight one-on-one."

"Next is the show time for Master Deadpool!"

The heavily armed squad immediately opened fire, and countless bullets flew like Deadpool.

"Wait a minute! Cease fire!"

Deadpool was almost beaten into a sieve.

"Boys! It's a pity you work for that fool!"

Silently, he moved his hand to his lower back.

"I will give you a chance to lay down your weapons. In exchange, I will give you priority, gentle, almost loving treatment."

He silently took out a grenade, pulled out the ring and threw it over.


Soldiers within the blast range of the grenade were directly smashed to pieces.

"Full marks!" Deadpool yelled. "Tell me, who is the perfect score? Who is the mvp? Crush them!"

Black Queen frowned and looked at Deadpool, a little displeased with Deadpool's behavior, although he has always disliked it, the common problem of X-Men is understandable.

"Ha ha ha ha."

'Da da da da'

Deadpool picked up the guns that fell from the ground and started a crazy output.

As a trainee X-Men, Black Queen has not experienced too many battles, so he can only fight a group of miscellaneous fish by himself.

While looking at the screen on the computer, Adam said to the Terminator beside him: "I think Deadpool uses mouth cannons to confuse the enemy, and then kills the killer while the enemy is stunned by the mouth cannon. This is a very good idea. Tactical and fun."

"Let's evaluate the black queen. It's like what Jianjian said is a cannonball head, and the uniform on her body is really ugly. The ability should be to generate huge energy by itself to affect the surroundings."

Next, while watching the development on the computer, Adam began to explain to the Terminator.

"The trainee's battle is too boring. Let's take a look at the battle between Colossus and Sand Angel. This is the real battle. It's a head-to-head fight."

The Terminator was expressionless, listening to Adam's explanation, glanced at the computer screen, and saw the battle between Colossus and Sand Angel.

The strength and defense of Colossus and Sand Angel are similar, the two attack each other's body, Sand Angel seizes the opportunity to hug Colossus and push back.

Adam found out what the Terminator was looking at, and immediately started a new commentary.

"The sand angel's push is meaningless. Just look at Colossus' counterattack. He strangled the sand angel with his arms from behind."

The Dust Angel was strangled by the Colossus, struggling constantly but unable to break free.

Suddenly, Shachentian jumped up with all his strength, and the moment he landed, he took advantage of Colossus losing his balance and used an over-the-shoulder fall, knelt on the ground with one knee, and hit Colossus in the head with all his strength.

"The Jedi counterattacked, bang bang bang, we applauded, as expected of a woman who can shoulder throw a Colossus."

"My God, this punch has not reached the target at all. I still want to see if Colossus' face can be smashed flat."

The more Adam talked, the more excited he was, and then he snapped his fingers suddenly, and an authentic American fast food appeared on the computer table.

Adam smiled at the Terminator, took a sip of Coke and continued to look at the computer. Adam picked up a piece of pizza and said, "Those two guys were too fierce just now. Let's take a look at how to play technically."

The camera shifts to Deadpool and Francis, Deadpool holds two knives in his hands, and Francis holds two axes in his hands.

The speed of the two attacks is very fast, and each attack is very deadly, and sparks will burst out every time the double knives and axes collide.

"The battle between the two of them is much more entertaining. Jianjian uses a roundabout, but it's useless."

"Qijian attacked again, using a move to mention Francis' chin, throwing the knife out and

Not to attack, but to open a crack in the airtight capsule so that his girlfriend would not suffocate to death. "

The moment Deadpool threw the knife out, Francis attacked, and made continuous attacks on Deadpool, and finally hooked Deadpool's back and smashed him on the container.

"Francis' ax stuck in the container, let me drink."

"Oh my God, Chichi pierced Francis' leg with a knife. I think Chichi wanted to stab Tintin, and then Francis kicked him in the face."

Francis broke free from the knife stuck in his leg, and threw the ax in his right hand at Deadpool, who reached out to catch the flying ax and threw it back.

"Are the two of them really playing games? Throwing the ax around together, let's look for the figure of the mutant, or the superpower is interesting."

Sanddust Tian used a wire rope to ride on Colossus and stretched out his hand to strangle him around his neck. Colossus held his breath and grabbed Sanddust Angel with his backhand.

Angel Sanddust felt something was wrong and wanted to get out of the way, but he was a step too slow. Colossus' right hand had already grabbed Angel Sanddust's head. Angel Sanddust seemed to be pinched by fate, and felt his strength disappear instantly. up.

Colossus felt that the sand angel on his body didn't continue to exert force, grabbed the head of the sand angel, pressed it on the ground and smashed it wildly, looking like he wanted to smash the sand angel's head into pieces.

"A good mutant won't really kill another mutant." Adam pointed to the screen and said to the Terminator: "Tetsunan didn't actually use the ult, and his level a will definitely not get first blood."

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