Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 221 The End of DC

It took only seven days for the army of frost giants to kill almost all the creatures in the DC universe who did not believe in the goddess of death.

After the army swept the entire earth, they did not carefully search for the humans hiding in the ruins. Instead, they gathered those humans who believed in the goddess of death together to form a huge gathering place.

There are not many human beings who believe in the goddess of death, even more than those who do not believe in the goddess of death.

This is thanks to Aurora.

Aurora is different from the Frost Giant. He came to this world to spread the faith for the Goddess of Death. Adam once named him the first saint of the Death God Cult, so Aurora took it as her responsibility to spread the faith. See After the army formed by the frost giants did not spread the faith, but slaughtered wantonly, the angry Aurora launched her own method.

The killing started on the first day the Frost Giants came, and Aurora also knew that the Frost Giants had no intention of spreading faith on the first day the Frost Giants came.

Angry Aurora, at that time contacted the human beings who could make decisions on the earth, but these humans did not trust Aurora, let alone Aurora's words.

Aurora told them that as long as they believed in the goddess of death, they could avoid death, but none of these humans believed it. Even the persuasion ability Aurora used could not convince these determined guys in a short time.

The longer the time delays, the more human beings will be killed and injured. I don't feel sorry for these human beings, but if too many human beings are killed or injured, then her work of spreading the faith will become very difficult.

So Aurora directly let Balder control all the communication equipment on the earth, and then launched a speech facing the entire earth, and she wanted to ensure that everyone on the earth could hear her speech.

Aurora's persuasive ability was transmitted to the entire earth through wireless devices, making the entire earth recall Aurora's praise of the goddess of death.

But although Aurora's ability is powerful, it will be greatly weakened after being transmitted through wireless devices, so only those who are extremely unsteady can be persuaded by Aurora.

Only a very small number of extremely unstable people from all over the earth were persuaded by Aurora, which made Aurora very unhappy.

But there is no unparalleled road, and Aurora finally understands what Adam often thinks is what it means to find nowhere to find, and what is the meaning of another village.

When the Frost Giants started killing on the second day, those who already believed in the Goddess of Death were not firm in their will, and were not attacked by the Frost Giants.

Although the frost giants didn't mean to spread faith, they would not attack humans who already believed in the goddess of death.

Other humans found that these guys who believed in the goddess of death were not attacked, and believed Aurora's words in their hearts. On the third day after the arrival of the frost giant, a large number of humans began to believe in the goddess of death.

Faith does not mean that you can believe it if you want to. It needs to go through a very complicated psychological struggle, and even human beings cannot control their own thoughts.

Fortunately, there are speeches that Aurora keeps spreading. People with strong will hypnotize themselves and listen to Aurora's speech crazily.

On the fourth day after the arrival of the Frost Giants, basically the remaining humans began to believe in the Goddess of Death, so the Frost Giants could only keep looking for those who did not believe in the Goddess of Death.

These people who don't believe in the goddess of death are all extremely determined fighters who are not afraid of death. They used to be either policemen or soldiers, or those who were in high positions themselves.

These guys not only have firm beliefs and strong combat effectiveness, but also are very tolerant. They hide in every corner of the earth, making it very difficult for the frost giants to find them.

On the fifth day after the arrival of the Frost Giants, the Earth of the DC universe launched a counterattack, and the Frost Giants finally suffered casualties.

The first frost giant to die was killed by a group of friends led by Green Arrow in a corner of Star City.

An angry Laufey couldn't accept that his heroic warriors died on this backward planet that had been ruled by Adam.

Laufey killed Green Arrow and all the superheroes under Green Arrow himself, and kept looking for those superheroes with extraordinary fighting power, which made the earth's resistance force slump.

On the sixth day of the arrival of the Frost Giants, the entire earth of the DC universe turned into a battlefield, and the Frost Giants were constantly entangled with the superheroes who were fighting alone.

Because these superheroes hide very well, they keep fighting against Frost and the giants are playing guerrilla attacks, so that Lau Fei cannot quickly find these guys even if he takes action himself.

The most active of them was a mercenary called Deathstroke. This guy didn't believe in any gods at all, and he was a combat master with a very high combat awareness. Even Laufey couldn't find him from the earth that had turned into a battlefield.

The death knell kept shuttling through the ruins of the earth, gathering a group of surviving warriors with combat effectiveness.

These guys crazily opposed the Frost Giants, but the Frost Giants had nothing to do with them.

Because the frost giants can't attack humans who already believe in the goddess of death, these guys often hide around the believers of the goddess of death, so that the frost giants cannot take advantage of large-scale attacks, and can only slowly fight against these hateful unbelievers struggle.

On the seventh day after the arrival of the frost giants, all humans who believed in the goddess of death gathered together.

Because the frost giants have never been a patient race, Laufey came up with a very good way.

All humans who believed in the goddess of death were gathered together, and the frost giant built a gathering place for them. This gathering place was protected by the god of light Balder, and then the frost giant Wang Laufei took his inherited treasure cold Ice Box, with a cruel smile on his face, walked outside the gathering place.

Balder already understood what Laufey wanted to do.

Countless rays of light appeared on Baldr's body, covering the entire gathering place. The people in the gathering place only felt a burst of warmth all over their bodies, as if they were lazily basking in the sun.

Laufey communicated with the Ice Box, the inherited treasure of the Frost Giants, exuding a cold aura, and countless frosty air burst out from the Ice Box, spreading towards the entire earth.

On the evening of the seventh day after the arrival of the frost giants, except for the humans who believed in the goddess of death who were protected by Balder, the whole earth fell into an ice age.

After the entire earth was frozen, the frost giants gained the advantage on the battlefield. Most of those who resisted the belief of the goddess of death were directly frozen to death. It is no longer the opponent of the frost giant.

In this way, the earth of the DC universe became the paradise of the frost giants, and those outstanding superheroes also died in the way of resistance.

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