Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 218 The Unable to Find Deadpool

After Balder controlled Wonder Woman, he flew into the air and hid again, secretly protecting Aurora's safety.

Neither Aurora nor Haven noticed what happened before, and they were still chatting happily.

As the chatting time got longer and longer, the smile on Aurora's face became brighter and brighter, but the bright light in Haiwang's eyes became more and more dull.

Adam observed all this with eyes beyond space, and seeing that everything was about to settle, he smiled with satisfaction, retracted his gaze, and turned his attention to what was happening in front of him.

In addition to accompanying Carrie and cultivating every day, Adam would occasionally keep his eyes on the earth to see if there was anything new happening.

Just now, Adam saw a figure that surprised him.

A character Adam likes very much, and Adam once tried to find him in other worlds.

He likes to wear red tights, and like Balder, he likes to carry two weapons on his back, except that he carries a knife on his back, while Baldr cups a sword.

Adam just saw him in a taxi, but Adam just happened to see that place, and didn't observe carefully. When Adam thought of who he was and turned his gaze back again, he was no longer in sight.

Adam magnified his perception infinitely through the Supreme Throne, covering the entire earth, but he couldn't find any clues related to him. Adam suspected that something was protecting him.

So Adam himself turned into an ordinary-looking middle-aged American man and took the taxi he had just taken.

Adam wanted to find him, just because he was curious about why he appeared on this earth, and he obviously shouldn't appear in this universe.

Adam got his wish and sat in a taxi, the driver was an Indian brother.

"Where are you going?" The Indian brother showed a row of big white teeth to Adam.

Adam looked at the decoration on the car and said, "Brooklyn 3rd Street."

"I was really unlucky today. I received a customer who didn't give me any money." The Indian brother talked happily with Adam, and found that Adam pointed to a photo of an Indian woman after looking at the decoration on the car and said, "It's very beautiful."

Adam looked at it and said, "It's beautiful,

she is your wife "

The Indian brother said with some vicissitudes: "Geita, she is very cute. I could have married her, but...she fell in love with my cousin Panda."

Turning a corner, the little Indian brother continued, "Although he is shameless, he is very charming. Fortunately, the guest who didn't pay me enlightened me."

After a pause, he continued: "He said that when you encounter love, you must hold on tightly, don't let go, and don't make mistakes like him, otherwise the whole world will be filled with the smell of fat moms finishing yoga."

Hearing this, Adam had a very familiar feeling, and asked the Indian brother: "What does the fat mother smell like?"

The Indian brother said with a disgusted expression: "He said, it was like the smell of two homeless men drying each other in shoes full of urine, oh, it's so disgusting that I can't go on."

Adam's expression was also a little disgusted, he had already confirmed the identity of that person, Marvel's first mouthpiece, Deadpool. The man who has an immortal body and can break the dimensional wall.

Arriving in Brooklyn, Adam got out of the car, took out a banknote and handed it to the Indian brother, saying: "Don't change it, the extra money belongs to that customer."

The Indian brother looked at Adam's back and said, "Merry Christmas, sir.

Adam looked at the taxi driving away with a very happy smile on his face. He finally knew why dead bodies appeared in this universe.

Adam has always known that there are mutants on this earth, but unfortunately these mutants are too weak, and there is no X-Men and mutant brotherhood at all, so Adam doesn't know too much about these mutants.

And now Adam knows that there is also a Deadpool in his own universe who can break the dimensional wall, and he is the strongest Deadpool in all universes, the guy with an independent movie.

Adam has always wanted to find Deadpool, because Adam likes Deadpool very much in this life. Now that he has the opportunity to meet a real person, why not do it?

Adam was standing on the street, ecstatically thinking about his own affairs.

A taxi stopped in front of Adam, but when he saw the familiar Indian brother, he couldn't help opening the door again and got in the car.

"Merry Christmas, sir, have you finished your work?" The Indian brother was also very happy to see Adam.

Adam had nothing to do at first, so he nodded indifferently, closed the car door and said, "Have you figured out how to compete with Bandu for Geeta?"

Facing Adam's question, the Indian brother said with a helpless expression, "I don't know how to compete. The bastard Bandu is much more attractive than me."

Adam smiled and looked at the Indian brother. After thinking about it, death was what he said to the Indian brother, and said, "Do you think that you have no chance to compete with Bandu for Geeta?"

The Indian brother was even more helpless, turned a corner and continued: "Yes, there is no chance, that bastard in Bandu is more attractive to Geeta than me."

Adam held his face with his right hand and smiled, resisting the urge to laugh in his heart, and said seductively, "Are you willing to commit a crime for Geeta? Or are you willing to commit a crime for your love?"

The Indian boy replied naturally when he heard this sentence: "Yes, sir, I am willing, but I don't know how to do it."

Adam did not know where to pull out a gun, put it in front of the Indian brother and said: "That bastard is your rival in love, you have to catch him and kidnap him. Throw that bastard at the door of Gita's house and threaten her , and you have your love."

Hearing this crazy plan, the Indian boy's reaction was...  

Surprises are surprises.

He is indeed a man who can attract Deadpool's attention!

The Indian brother said to Feng Ren: "Sir, thank you for your guidance. Yes, I'm going to kidnap that bastard Pandu, dissect him and throw him at the door of Gita's house." After speaking, he smiled happily.

Adam patted his head and looked at the Indian brother who smiled like a child. For the first time, he found that someone with an IQ similar to himself was so simple and direct.

Adam thought about it again, and felt that he couldn't make himself look as incompetent as the Indians, so he said with some contempt: "Are you Indians thinking so amazingly?"

Thinking about the driver in the movie, Adam also knew that he was a funny guy.

I planned it myself, and I did kidnap Bandu, and with a pack of cheap guns, I got into a car accident. It's a pity that the movie didn't tell the ending of the Indian brother.

And now it's Adam, an Indian brother who provides ideas and asks him to kidnap his cousin.

The Indian brother did not answer Adam's words and continued: "Sir, I had an idea just now, and your suggestion gave me a complete idea. Kidnap him and dissect him like a charcoal grilled fish. He is still in front of Gita's house."

Looking at the Indian brother, Adam had to lament that India is also a fighting nation, and a love triangle can make it, kidnap, kill and dissect. Summoner of a certain manga

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