Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 187 Scattered Memory

Although Adam was very dissatisfied with Batman's attitude, the ending was always what he wanted, and he accepted it in order to get the main body as soon as possible.

Wonder Woman was silent for a moment. Although she felt that Adam's current condition was very pitiful, a super strong man who was about to die from the hidden wounds he suffered from fighting with him, she still said, "I will keep an eye on you."

Adam ignored the members of the Justice League again, and walked towards the mother box with a smile on his face.

Glancing at the steel frame who was trying to communicate with the mother box, Adam gently put his right hand on the mother box

Adam only felt a pain in his head, and countless memories appeared in his mind, and these memories were very scattered.

Vaguely, Adam saw the Arkham Asylum.

Arkham Asylum, this is also a famous scenic spot in Gotham, where the most dangerous and terrifying criminals in Gotham are imprisoned. It is located in the suburbs of Gotham. According to legend, a long time ago, the famous doctor Amadeus Arkham Treating patients with mental illness like his mother, established the Arkham Asylum, which was also named after his mother, Elizabeth Arkham!

But unfortunately, this place seems to be cursed. As early as during the construction period, the architect of the hospital went crazy for no reason and hacked his workers to death. Not long after, the accident happened again. Mad Dog Martin, a high-risk criminal admitted to the Arkham Asylum, escaped and then killed Amadeus Arkham's wife and daughter when he was not at home.

This incident greatly stimulated Amadeus Arkham, and he began to remodel the Arkham Asylum, making the asylum a treatment center for criminals with serious criminal tendencies and mental illnesses. And his first patient was Mad Dog Martin.

Six months later, Martin the Mad Dog was electrocuted to death by Amadeus Arkham.

Although this incident was finally judged as a medical malpractice, Amadeus Arkham was still so stimulated that he also became a patient in his own madhouse, where he eventually died of old age. It is said that his ghost still roams here!

Adam was imprisoned in Arkham once, so he recognized it at a glance.

Adam found that time seemed to have stopped, the people around the Justice League remained motionless, even the dust flying in the air stopped, and only the memory and consciousness in his mind were still functioning.

Adam looked at the Arkham Asylum in his memory again, and suddenly saw a familiar figure.

A huge man with a thick back walked into the Arkham Asylum. Even through his clothes, he could feel the man's strong muscles like an iron tower.

What is even more noticeable is that this guy also wears a set of wrestler masks on his head, and several inexplicable tubes are inserted into his body.

"Eh?... Isn't this Bain?" Adam said subconsciously.

Speaking of Bane, he can be regarded as a ruthless character in the Batman world. It is said that Bane grew up in a prison, and he was born with the genius and wisdom to compete with Batman. It was in that place that he used all the resources at hand. He came to train himself, and taught himself a lot of knowledge including language, mathematics, philosophy, and strategy. In addition, he continued to carry out brutal physical training to strengthen his body to gain living space, and was selected by the military as an experimenter for poison-strengthened soldiers. , and used the poison device to strengthen the body density, gained nearly two tons of strength and thus escaped from prison and became a mercenary. The most important thing is that this person relied on his own wisdom to analyze that Batman's true identity is Bruce .Wayne! He even beat the superhero until he was paralyzed.

"So whose are these memories?" Adam had a headache, he was disturbed by these memories, and his consciousness could not be linked to the mother box. "Arkham's doctors or patients? Or those who died in Arkham?"

Adam remembered the weird situation that happened when he killed the clown. If Adam guessed correctly, he was tricked at that time.

In his memory, Bane led a group of mercenaries and Arkham's guards, rushed into Cam after a battle, and only lost four or five of his men. But after opening a cell in Arkham Asylum, the people inside released poison gas, poisoning seven or eight to death.

Bain led his men to aim at the cell, but no one came out, and Bain and others did not dare to go in.

"Arkham Asylum really hides a dragon and a crouching tiger! It's a well-deserved reputation!" After an unknown amount of time, Baine finally withdrew his domineering aura, gave a sigh of praise, turned his head and left.

And his younger brother also put away his gun, skillfully set up a doctor, and took out tools to copy his fingerprints. After all, Arkham Asylum detains serious criminals, and most of the fingerprint locks here need to verify this doctor. After finishing everything, this group of people packed up the guys and ran away without a trace.

And the scene in Adam's memory still stayed at the gate of Arkham, and did not follow Bane's figure.

The memory continued to run, and at this moment, the footsteps of the guards of the Arkham Asylum also appeared at the gate of the Arkham Asylum. Didn’t the police and security guards wait until the end of the story in the TV series? Are you late?

Why are you so diligent this time?

Could it be that the master of these memories is a dead guard?

"Listen, people inside, you are surrounded, I hope you think about it carefully, turn your back on the shore, and don't make unnecessary resistance." The guards below shouted into the inside with a loudspeaker. They didn't dare to rush in directly. I know what kind of danger exists inside.

"Um...can I ask a question?" A voice that Adam had never heard appeared in memory. "What good is it if I turn myself in now?"

"There are many benefits!" The guards immediately cheered up when they heard the drama, and it would be best to solve it without resorting to violence. "You make a big fuss in Blackgate Prison, and you will face 2 years in prison. Participating in the escape from Arkham Asylum will face 60 years in prison. Injuring Dr. Hugo will face a year of detention in the Arkham Asylum, as well as breaking the walls. The repair fee is 10 million, the cleaning fee plus the mental damage fee of our security personnel, plus redecoration and waxing, etc., if you If you surrender yourself now, your sentence can be reduced to 50 years, your economic compensation can be reduced to 5 million, a toilet can be prepared for you in the cell, you can add meat once for extra meals on weekends, and free lottery activities can be provided every Christmas. Arrange the flavors you like, white or black...."

who is it?

Master of memory?

"Oh, ho ho ho ho..." The originally ordinary voice became a little strange, and he said in a strange tone: "What if I don't surrender?"

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