Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 161 Restricting Harley Quinn

Arkham Asylum, half a month ago.

Batman captured the clown and personally escorted him to the Gotham Police Station. Director Gordon immediately arranged the most rigorous guards to transfer the clown to the Arkham Asylum.

If someone had been paying attention at that time, they would have noticed that all the staff of the asylum who greeted the clown's arrival watched the devil lying on the bed and being tied up and sent in with eyes of awe and fear.

The doctor at the door for a routine examination was shaking his hands when he was drawing blood for the clown. The clown suddenly raised his voice and laughed wildly, scaring the poor doctor so much that he sat down on the ground, his legs were so weak that he couldn't sit up.

Everyone in the asylum knew that the facility had completely fallen into the hands of this madman.

Although he was tied up and locked up, everyone had the illusion that the person locked in the cage was himself, and this lunatic was outside the cage, watching everyone struggle in pain, but he laughed loudly laugh.

No psychiatrist was willing to see him, but he asked to see a doctor.

"Why not? Without the psychological communication therapy that you insist on every time, it doesn't feel like... without the feeling of home, hahaha, that's it, the feeling of home." The clown himself said so.

In his opinion, Arkham Asylum is a place like home.

A poor psychiatrist sat in front of the clown. She felt that it was impossible for her to be as nervous as she was when she received a crazy patient for the first time in her life.

She moved her fingers uneasily, her lips trembled, and she dared not look directly at the opposite side, but the scene of the bright red lips grinning in the darkness in front of her with a terrible smile kept appearing in her mind.

"Why don't you speak? My dear doctor?" he asked unexpectedly.

"Well, what do you think is good?"

"Oh! You are an expert, how can you ask me?" The clown yelled, and then said, "I can't help it. Well, I have the habit of keeping a diary, I think you might like study patients through words Psychology, right?"

He turned the only head that was still free to move, and pointed to his hospital gown with his mouth.

"Look, here it is. Don't be afraid, come get it."

The doctor hesitated for a moment, but got up and found a notebook from his hospital gown. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the clown looking at her, those black bead-like eyes seemed to be admiring her own toys with playfulness.

It was a black leather diary with a beautiful bow tied with a purple ribbon.

The doctor opened the diary with trembling hands and studied it for a moment.

The book is full of characters with various paint pens, in a mess, like a child's graffiti.

"I...I don't understand," the doctor whispered.

"Let me explain. See that purple little one? Her name is Erica, yes, Erica, what a cute name, isn't it? Well, it's a pity that the fate is so tragic in the end, and the world is difficult material..."

The doctor shouted in despair: "That's my daughter! Please...she's only ten years old..."

"Well, let's move on to the next chapter.

Oh, you must be wondering what that red one is. Let me explain, it was a man, a very jerk man named Nash, who worked in a shoe store. Poor man, he can't get rid of his stinking habit of drinking, alas...and this bad habit finally made him die on the street, it's really pitiful..."

"Don't...don't..." The poor doctor seemed to have finally begun to understand the weird scribbles in the clown's diary, begging in a voice as soft as a mosquito.

"I don't want to, but that's the way things are," said the clown. "Sometimes good people get rewarded, and sometimes they don't...I keep diaries, not scripts for second-rate soap operas. They're all It's a record of events that really happened, so that everyone can know that the world is really cruel... well, that's it."

"What the hell are you trying to do?" The doctor broke down and cried. "What does this have to do with me!"

"Quiet, you go out first." Accompanied by a deep voice, the figure of Batman appeared.

"Look who this is!" The clown shouted excitedly. "My old friend came to see me!"

"Why are you threatening them?" Batman hit the Joker's body hard. "You think you have the final say here?"

"Try harder!" The clown's mouth was bleeding, but the smile on his face was even happier. "Why did you send me here? Is there anything more important than playing games with me?"

"You are very smart, but there is no time for you to make trouble now." Batman said coldly.

After Batman broke several of the clown's bones, he sent the clown to an airtight basement, and the daily food would be sent down through the pipeline.

Above the basement is the crocodile's cell. Batman does not allow anyone to touch the clown, and few people can pass the guard of the killer crocodile.


"That's all I know." Harley, who was wearing a white coat, sat in front of Adam like a lady. "The crocodile man stubbornly thinks it's good for me not to let me see the clown, so I don't have a good solution for the time being. I know the crocodile man. This guy is not easy to persuade, even if it is me."

"I've said it all, I don't want to hear stories about clowns, why do you still tell me?" Adam looked helplessly at his sister sitting opposite. "I don't care how he was caught, and I don't want to know how much prestige he has in Arkham. In short, he should stop thinking about going out this time."

"Oh, dear brother, why do you think you can kill him?" Harry tilted his head and looked at Adam.

"Can't you live without the clown?" Adam looked at Harry, his eyes full of inquiry. "Perhaps the clown has some strange abilities. I once saw a little girl with such abilities. She called them persuasion."

"What are you talking about?" Harry looked at this increasingly unfamiliar brother, a little confused.

"No matter how powerful his ability is, after killing him, I think everything will return to normal." Adam showed a gentle smile. "You don't think my three months in Gotham City were wasted?"

"Is my brother so smart? Could it be that he has arranged other means!" Harry looked pleasantly surprised.

"I just got Ivy's phone number, and I got the guard's phone number yesterday." Adam took out a cell phone from his hospital gown and shook it at Harry. "I have already called Ivy, she will come here to take you away, you may not have much freedom until I kill the clown."

Harry's pupils shrank for a while.

"elder brother…"

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