Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 129 The Power of Time

Adam and Dormammu had a cordial and friendly conversation, and expressed deep sympathy and condolences for what happened to Dormammu.

Because Dormammu had too many grievances in his heart, this friendly conversation went on for a month. Afterwards, Adam happily returned to Asgard with the "Never-Aggression Treaty between the Dark Dimension and the Nine Kingdoms" signed by Dormammu.

"Is the universe still calm?" Adam greeted Heimdall on the Rainbow Bridge.

"It's better to say it's an undercurrent." Heimdall said blankly, "I saw Loki in the atrium three days ago."

"For me, this is good news." Adam smiled meaningfully. "Send me directly to Earth."

"Are you going alone this time?" Heimdall showed his big white teeth. "Chris has done his job."

"Send me to Karma Taj first, then let Chris take my sword and find me."

The peak of the Himalayas, in a snowstorm, a colorful light flashed.

"Gu Yi, here I come."

Adam looked around, but couldn't find anything like a palace, so he could only look up to the sky and shout.

"You should learn to learn magic." The figure of the supreme mage appeared beside Adam. "As the God King of the Asa Protoss, you can't even see through a very ordinary barrier."

"Don't mess with me, it's useless, pay with one hand and deliver with the other." Adam rolled his eyes, and took out the "Never-Aggression Treaty between the Dark Dimension and the Nine Kingdoms" signed by Dormammu himself.

"As expected of the lovely Adam." The Supreme Mage took the scroll with a smile, and handed the Eye of Agamotto with the time gem to Adam. "The responsibility to maintain world peace is on you."

"Are you leaving so soon?" Adam was a little surprised.

"Everything about me is over, and I don't really want to participate in the next thing." The supreme mage smiled and shook the magic scroll in his hand. "There is a little girl on Earth who possesses the power of chaos, maybe she will be of some help to you."

After the Supreme Mage finished speaking, he disappeared without a trace. This time the disappearance was different from before.

Not only the supreme mage disappeared, but other mages on the earth also disappeared without a trace, and the three holy temples also disappeared on the earth.


Adam always had some bad premonitions. There must be a reason for the Supreme Mage to run so fast, right?

After Adam got the time gem, the tattoo on his back radiated light, and the Supreme Throne did not appear physically, but directly absorbed time in the state of the tattoo.

Adam stood on the top of the highest mountain in the world, closed his eyes, and immersed himself in the ocean of time.

The time gem allows the user to reach any point in time, whether it is the long past or the distant future, and use this power to watch or experience any era.

If the user has a lot of knowledge, he can do more things, even manipulate time and cause and effect. This makes it possible to use gems as a weapon, trapping enemies and entire worlds into infinite time loops.

Adam's overall assessment is that he is not of much use to himself.

Fortunately, power not only allows the user to master and control all the power and energy that they try to master. It also supports other gems and enhances their effects.

Using this gem alone, the user can even copy all physical superpowers, and make his own physical attack and defense capabilities invincible.

People who use gems can have almost the strongest energy in the universe. Even the slightest release can release an energy shock wave that knocks down a large number of enemies. The maximum power can even trigger an energy explosion that destroys the planet.

The two gems of power and time are inlaid on the Supreme Throne at the same time, allowing Adam to have the ability to control a certain amount of time. Although nothing can be changed, Adam is no longer afraid of the erosion of time.

The power of the gem cannot be applied to the gem itself, so Adam cannot use the time gem to see other gems in the river of time.

I have to find it myself.

Adam came to New York where the Terminator was located as quickly as possible, ready to learn about all the recent events from the Terminator.

"The new house is nice."

Adam appears directly in the Terminator's new villa.

The Terminator was expressionless, sitting in front of the computer and didn't know what he was doing.

"Master, I'm one step too late." The Terminator raised his head and said to Adam, "I found the location of the Rubik's Cube, but it was snatched away before I could do it."

"How long has it been?" Adam sat on the sofa and asked casually.

"It's the fifth day now, S.H.I.E.L.D. has summoned the Avengers." The Terminator's fingers kept typing on the keyboard. "Captain America is already in place, Black Widow and Hulk are on their way, and they are expected to arrive at SHIELD's space carrier before this evening."

"Where's Loki?" Adam snapped his fingers, and an apple flew out of the villa's kitchen and landed in Adam's hand.

"Who is Loki?"

The Terminator didn't stop tapping the keyboard.

Adam took a bite of the apple and said, "It's the weak chicken who robbed the Rubik's Cube."

"I can't find him yet." The Terminator turned off the computer. "But I will find it soon. He contacted Hydra through Hawkeye's contacts, and Hydra provided him with many scientists."

"There's no need to look for it, we'll just wait." Adam shook his head and threw the finished apple core on the floor.

Adam was about to wipe his mouth after eating the apple, when he suddenly looked up at the sky, a colorful light flashed, and a big hole appeared on the roof of the villa again.

Holding Thor's Hammer in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, Chris appeared in the hall of the villa, looking at Adam with surprise on his face.

"Is this idiot Heimdall out of his mind?" Adam's head was full of black lines. "Stupider than that idiot Bald! Can't you see the lawn in front of the villa!"

Chris didn't know what Adam was thinking, walked up to Adam and raised the sword in his right hand.

"Your Majesty, your sword!"

"Oh, my sword is your sword."

Chris: "???"

"I mean, I've modified the Twilight Sword for you, and it's very easy to use now." Chris scratched his head.

"Him?" Adam took the sword. "You are the god of thunder, not the god of forging."

"Oh." Chris nodded. "Understood Your Majesty, who are we going to fight now?"

"Thor, Thor!" Adam covered his head. "Do you have some misunderstanding between Thor and God of War?"

Chris scratched his head and asked weakly: "Then what does Thor do?"

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