Hank Pym sighed deeply, a hint of worry in his eyes. He begins to tell the truth about the Hawker Group, revealing the dark plans behind this seemingly tech company.

"Stark, you may have thought that the Hawk Group was just a tech company, but in reality, they are agents of the destroyer of the world. Their goal is not simply to conquer this world, but to gain endless resources and power by conquering parallel universes. Hank Pym's voice was filled with concern for the future.

Tony Stark heard this, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face. He thinks he knows a lot about superhero affairs, but he doesn't know anything about the true intentions of the Hawker Group.

And, parallel worlds? Are you making me laugh?

"Why are you looking for me?" Tony Stark asked, frowning slightly.

"We need your technology and experience. You're one of the best tech masters on Earth, and you've created equipment that can withstand powerful enemies. We need your help, Mr. Stark. Hank Pym's eyes were full of anticipation.

Tony Stark's brow furrowed slightly, and he couldn't believe what Hank Pym said about parallel universes and world destroyers. It sounds more like the plot of a superhero movie than it happens in reality. He is accustomed to confronting realistic, rational questions rather than fictional entertainment stories.

"Hank, don't you think that's a little too bizarre? Parallel universes, world destroyers, it sounds like the plot of some second-rate science fiction novel. Tony Stark's tone revealed a hint of banter.

Pepper Potts reminded softly: "Tony, we can't simply ignore Hank's statement. We've faced the unthinkable before, and this time it could be a threat on a much larger scale.

Hank Pym took a deep breath and said with a solemn expression, "Stark, I know this is hard for you to accept, but trust me, we don't have time to debate. The plans of the Hawker Group are already underway, and we need your help to stop them.

Tony Stark is still skeptical, but he can also sense Hank Pym's sincerity. After all, trust between superheroes is based on each other's actions and strength. After thinking about it for a moment, he decided to take Hank Pym's word for the time being, and offered to help.

"Well, Pym, if what you're saying is true, then we're here to stop this alternate universe threat. But I need more information, and I can't act rashly. Tony Stark said firmly.

Hank Pym nodded in understanding and left.

And in this moment.

"Jarvis, can you analyze the person in front of you who claims to be Hank Pym?" Tony Stark whispered.

"Of course, sir. I do biometric analysis, voice matching, and behavior pattern comparison on my targets. Jarvis's voice responded.

Tony Stark's armor pops up with tiny sensors and begins to scan Hank Pym in front of him. At the same time, he launched the advanced analytics program of the artificial intelligence Jarvis.

"Target scanning... Biometric analysis is complete, voice matching is ongoing... Behavior pattern comparison..."Jarvis's voice came, and the whole process proceeded quite quickly.

Moments later, Jarvis gave the result of his analysis: "The biometric and vocal matching results match the previous Hank Pym. Behavioral pattern comparisons also showed a high degree of consistency. The current data supports his claim, and this gentleman is indeed the Hank Pym you know.

Tony Stark breathed a sigh of relief, he was confident in his technology, but still felt strange and unbelievable about the concept of parallel universes. However, at least the Hank Pym in front of him is real.

"Thanks, Jarvis. Archive the results of this analysis as we prepare for the upcoming battle. Tony Stark ordered.

"Yes, sir." Jarvis responded.

"Tony, are you really going to be an enemy of Nathan Hawke?" Pepper Potts asked worriedly.

Tony Stark smiled in response to Pepper Potts: "Pepper, we're never gullible. Although Hank Pym in front of him is real, his words may or may not be true. We need more evidence and intelligence to confirm everything he said.

Pepper Potts nodded, knowing that Tony Stark's decisions were usually well thought out and not to be believed. However, she was still uneasy about the situation in front of her.

How can a press conference be like this? Pepper Potts looked at Tony Stark worriedly, not wanting to see his lover hurt again.

"Tony, we need to be careful. Whether Hank Pym's words are true or not, we cannot take them lightly. The safety of the whole world is at stake. Pepper Potts reminded.

In the midst of the chaos, Tony Stark's heart is full of mixed thoughts. Although Jarvis's analysis showed that Hank Pym in front of him did match the scientist he knew, Tony was skeptical of the whole situation.

His technological scans and Jarvis's analysis were only superficial, and the notion of world-destroyers, parallel universes, seemed too surreal for him to accept. What's more, why would he trust someone who could have attacked the Hawker Group's press conference?

Tony Stark's brow furrowed slightly, and he began to think. If this is really a threat from parallel universes, why not those from parallel worlds who break into their worlds? Why was the Hawker Group attacked?

Is it because of the superheroes of the Hawker Group? And then to the Avengers?

Suddenly, he thought of something, and his heart moved. If he wants to find the truth, the best way is probably to investigate it himself. Tony Stark decides to leave the scene and head to the headquarters of the Hawk Group to learn more about it for himself.

Pepper Potts watches Tony Stark's decisions, she knows his character and knows that he is always willing to take risks and solve problems himself. She clenched her fists nervously, hoping that this time Tony wouldn't be in too much danger.

"Tony, you have to be careful. Don't be too impulsive. Pepper Potts reminded with concern.

Tony Stark turned to look at her and smiled, "Don't worry, dear. I'll be careful. We need to know the truth. With that

, Tony Stark activated his armor and flew in the direction of the Hawk Group headquarters. He knew that only by investigating deeply in person could he uncover the truth of this surreal mystery.


Captain Marvel flies through the air, targeting the direction of the Hawker Group's headquarters. Her power allows her to travel through the sky in an instant, ready to reach her destination in the shortest possible time.

Suddenly, a blinding beam of light slashed into the air, aimed at Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel immediately dodged, and was greeted by a mysterious figure wearing a black cloak, none other than Polusalino, one of the admirals, the yellow ape.

"Oh, the newcomer, doesn't look like a resident of this world. Could it be the miracle of some parallel universe? Porusalino said slowly, a subtle smile on the corners of his mouth.

Captain Marvel stared warily at Porusalino, she didn't know the person in front of her, but judging by his aura and the way he appeared, it was clear that he was no ordinary enemy.

"Who are you? Why are you holding me back? There was a hint of caution in Captain Marvel's tone.

Polusalino laughed, the katana in his hand shimmering. He approached with a light step, and his expression revealed an elusive confidence.

"I am the Admiral of the Navy, codenamed Yellow Ape. I've been called here to eat, drink, and be merry for a while, and something interesting is finally going to happen. As for why it's holding you back, hey, that's to test your strength. After Polusalino finished speaking, a powerful domineering aura emanated from him.

Captain Marvel frowned slightly, she didn't know if there was a similar organization in this world, but the opponent in front of her was obviously unusual. Her heart was alert, ready for this unknown battle.

Porusalino's body suddenly flickered, and he used the ability of the Nature Sparkling Fruit to transform his body into a ball of shining light. At the speed of light, he vanished in place, instantly appearing beside Captain Marvel.

A light-speed katana slashed down, and Captain Marvel reacted quickly, using her energy shield to fend off the powerful attack. With a loud collision, Captain Marvel and Polusalino distanced themselves in the air.

Captain Marvel's heart was a little hesitant in the confrontation just now. She didn't know much about the yellow ape of this world, and the strength he showed made her feel a little pressured. Despite her powerful superpowers and determined will, the opponent's mysterious abilities and combat skills make this battle even more complicated.

"He's got more speed and attack than usual, and this guy isn't a fuel-efficient lamp." Captain Marvel pondered in her mind, and she realized that this could be quite a fierce battle.

And Polusalino secretly praised Captain Marvel's strength in his heart. He sensed the powerful aura emanating from Captain Marvel by seeing and hearing the domineering aura, an opponent beyond the ordinary. However, he didn't want to reveal his cards easily, after all, he needed more information in this strange world.

"This girl's strength is quite extraordinary, but it seems that she doesn't know what I'm capable of. Try using flash speed to dodge her attacks and gradually figure out her strength. Polusalino's eyes gleamed with battle, and he was looking forward to the fight.

Polusalino smiled slightly, his body suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant, turning into a ray of light that passed through the space and headed straight for Captain Marvel.

"It's scary." Polusalino's voice echoed in the air, as if taunting his opponent.

Captain Marvel wasn't surprised, her pupils flashing with determination. Her body also turned into a golden light, meeting the impact of Polusalino. The two quickly passed through the air, leaving a trail of gold and blue light.

"You're fast, but I'm not that easy to catch up." Captain Marvel wields an air-splitting force field, trying to create some obstacles before Polusalino attacks again.

Polusalino stared at the force field in front of him and chuckled, "What a tearing force field, but it's not a threat to me. "

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