Summon the Emperor System

Chapter 207 Ten Lights Policy!

"I will never surrender, even if I die in battle, I will never surrender!"

The emperor of the sun was so frightened that he lost control of his body, and the liquid flowed down the trousers, but his determination was still there. He drew out his command knife and kept shouting: "Quickly mobilize all the troops on the four major islands of our sun kingdom, the emperor will fight to the death with the imperial beauty kingdom."


"My lord, give the order to attack the island."

Seeing that the momentum was almost created, Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and said. Now, according to Zhao Hao's intention, he is going to let the army of 8 million rich wolves in Nanyue be killed.

Of course, in the process of dying, at least a thick layer of blood had to be pulled off from Sun Nation.


Liu Bei's expression lifted, and he immediately raised his command sword: "The army is attacking the island."


Suddenly, an army of eight million wolves surged out of the majestic fog like an erupting torrent, roaring and rushing towards Honshu Island.

The people of the Sun Kingdom looked at the overwhelming soldiers pouring out of the fog, stretching hundreds of miles along the coastline. They didn't know how to judge for a while, they thought there were really 800 million enemy troops, and suddenly, their throats were so frightened. Almost fell into the stomach.

"The Imperial Army is attacking."

The people of the Sun Kingdom shouted in horror: "The army of eight hundred million is attacking."

"Kill, let me kill you."

The Sun Emperor was so frightened that his whole body trembled and peeed continuously, but his body was weak and his will was strong. He held up his command knife and kept roaring: "Quickly gather all the troops of our country and swear to defend the Sun Country to the death!"


When the Nanyue Kingdom's army of eight million rich wolves attracted the troops of the four major islands of the Sun Kingdom, the strong ships and guns of the Shenlong Kingdom sailed to the outside of Tama Island without any haste. Zhao Hao walked out of the cabin with a yawn and squinted. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath of the fresh sea breeze.

Immediately, his expression lifted.

"The army is attacking Tama Island."

Pull out the king sword and point the sword at the big island in front.

Boom boom boom boom...

Following his order, hundreds of warships fired huge cannonballs one after another, like falling stars all over the sky, drawing fire marks in the air. Explosion sparks.

"The army landed and occupied Tama Island."

After a round of bombardment, Zhao Hao pointed his sword at Tama Island and ordered him to drink again.


Hundreds of warships docked, and the 500,000 murderous Dragon Kingdom army rushed towards Tama Island one after another.


"Come on!"

A large group of bloody men originally planned for a life-and-death bloody battle, but what they didn't expect was a scene that they didn't expect. They didn't encounter any obstruction from the Sun Nation's army, and they easily landed on Tama Island.

Zhao Hao smiled inwardly, what the hell, the Sun Nation army has gone to protect Honshu Island, so there are no soldiers and horses on Tama Island.

But immediately, Zhao Hao grimaced again.

The killing of Sun Nation has really begun.

Sun Nation, next, I want to show you what real means are! Those who bully our country and those who insult our people, I will repay them with insane actions.

"The three armies follow my orders."

When the army landed, Zhao Hao flew high into the sky, facing hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the Dragon Kingdom, and ordered: "On the territory of the Sun Kingdom, our army does not need to have any restrictions, and we don't need to follow any rules. From now on, the army will crush Tama Island will be flattened in the same way, and the Ten Lights Policy will be implemented wherever it passes.”

"Please show me, Your Majesty, what is the Ten Lights Policy?"

All the soldiers shouted in unison.

"Listen to me."

Zhao Hao looked around at the army in all directions, and his voice resounded all over the earth: "Men are killed! Women are taken away! Houses are burned! Crops are destroyed! Gold and silver are taken away! Resources are taken away! Chickens and dogs are taken away! Cows and sheep are taken away! Goodness is wiped out! Humanity is ruined!"

After the reprimand, he shouted again: "All officers and men, do you hear clearly?"


There was a bang in the army.

Everyone was astonished as if struck by lightning.

Ten light policy, their emperor actually promulgated such a frenzied policy! In particular, the last "Light of Conscience" and "Light of Humanity" shocked everyone.

For the emperor, he used such a method to indulge and demand his own army!

Raping, killing, humiliating, plundering, burning, plundering, and looting are all worth it, but you want your soldiers to be heartless and inhumane, my God, this is not only an act of a tyrant, it is an act of injustice, it is simply inhumane.

If the emperor is here, there will be no way in the world.

"Have you heard clearly?"

Zhao Hao was unquestionable, and shouted again, the emperor was mighty, and he was decisive in killing.

"Listen clearly!"

The shocked army suddenly yelled again, and then began to shout like a torrent: "Ten Lights Policy! Ten Lights Policy! Ten Lights Policy!"

The warriors fighting for their lives in the bloody battlefield are all bloody men, and they are also beastly men. Zhao Hao's actions have completely inspired their bloodliness and the most primitive animal nature in their hearts.

"Listen to my emperor's order and implement the Ten Lights Policy!"

A warrior with ferocious eyes held his long sword and roared while spitting.


Without any orders, the 500,000 troops, like 500,000 frenzied beasts, crazily rushed into the Tama Island in the land of thousands of miles.

"Men kill, women steal, burn, steal, grab, grab..."

Soon, the big island of the Sun Country was filled with beast-like roars.

"Men kill all, women steal..."

Wherever Zhao Hao's army went, they raped, killed, humiliated, plundered, burned, plundered and seized. They did all kinds of evil, and every soldier became a madman full of evil.

Under the misfortune of the army, the Sun Country people on Tama Island are like stray dogs all over the mountains and plains. There are countless people who were raped and died tragically. There are also a large group of people who escaped from the knife by chance, and rushed into the sea frantically, and swam to the other three islands of the Sun Kingdom like desperately.


Looking at this scene, Zhao Hao's expression remained calm and indifferent.

What is war after all?

Zhao Hao has long seen this point very clearly. Throughout the ages and dynasties in the future, wars are nothing more than three things: robbing money, turf, and women! When it comes down to it, there is absolutely no fourth reason.

Even if the so-called dignity fights, it is because the money, territory, and women are lost first! insulted. Otherwise, what is there to fight for dignity?

Even those so-called benevolent emperors, such as Tang Taizong Li Shimin, took over his wife and killed his brothers! When the war was launched, which one of them was not a beast without conscience? That being the case, why bother to pretend to be benevolent and compassionate? To kill, to kill, to kill. The enemy hurts me, and I am happy with the enemy.

"Xiang Yu, Dian Wei, bring ten thousand soldiers and follow me to the main city of Tama Island."

First let the army do rampant mischief on this land, Zhao Hao only took the second general Xiang Yu Dian Wei and a small number of soldiers, and headed towards the main city of Tama Island, Mount Fuji Palace.

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