Chapter 148: Win the General Election!

“In short, brother asked me to learn more from you… That’s it. ”

Horikita Suzune didn’t say much, and left directly after saying this. And looking at her back, Luo Lin shrugged his shoulders, and didn’t care.


In short, the final exam is a thrilling end.

And the arrival of winter has also plunged the school into a long-lost calm. But.

For Luo Lin, it was the final battle. The election is coming.

He was not particularly nervous, and after calling the heads of various classes to canvass, he began to plan how to spend Christmas. At Christmas, Megumi Karuizawa, Airi Sakura and Kikyo Kushida will be taken care of, and if you can, you can pull Chie Hoshinomiya out again.

However, Hoshinomiya Tomomiya seems to be more difficult, because during the winter vacation, although students can still only move around the campus, this rule does not apply to teachers.

Teachers are allowed to go out. Adults, after all.

It’s also unrealistic for adults to stay in one school all year round. Closed management is either in prisons or in schools.

This is when the teachers can take leave to go back, of course, if the school arranges it. 200········

Voting begins in the general election.

Luo Lin’s votes began to rise rapidly, and the second place was Nanyunya.

In just the first stage, Nanyunya’s complexion became extremely difficult to look at, and he noticed that Luo Lin had far surpassed him by a large margin.

“How so?!”

During this time, he was walking through various first-grade classes, trying to bribe with huge personal points, and then won the first-grade vote.

In his eyes, although he was suppressed by Luo Lin, his winning side should be great. Because he has a high degree of control over the second grade.

Nanyunya was furious, patrolling around the four classes of the second grade, and indeed relying on his personal ability to catch some people who voted for Luo Lin.

However, this group of people is quite determined, even if they do not speak, they will not change their votes. After investigation, Nanyunya found three groups of people.

The first batch were the students at the end of the second grade, who were anti-water, and Nagumunya could understand because these people were the object of his policy abandonment.

They went to Rollin.

But what really made Nanyunya feel dumbfounded were the other two groups of people, and the source of the second group of people was investigated, and it was the Maple of the Ghost Dragon Courtyard. Nanyunya didn’t expect that the Ghost Dragon Courtyard Maple Flowers, who had always been unconcerned about herself, would hook up with a first-year freshman. The third batch is from Kiyotaka Ayakoji.

Kiyotaka Ayakoji? Who is this!

At first glance, it is also a first-grader. Nanyunya was desperate.

He thought that with all the votes of the second grade, as long as he reversed some of the first-year students, it would be very easy to win the election.

But now, it is clearly Luo Lin’s big advantage!

“Well, I see.”

Rollin hung up the phone.

Kiyotaka Ayakoji, Kaede Oniryuin, Yusu Sakayanagi, Fanami Ichinose, Kikyo Kushida, Megumi Karuisawa, Chiaki Matsushita and Hikazu Shiina have all given him feedback.

He glanced at the votes and then walked to Class D. At this time, class D is between classes.

Seeing Rollin’s figure appear here, the entire class fell silent.

Luo Lin came to the podium: “Among you, some people still disobey me, and then they were bribed by Nanyunya’s points and voted for Nanyunya. ”

“But as a result, you also saw it, and it made no sense.”

“I’ll give you one last chance, change your tickets.”

“Otherwise, you will bear the consequences.”

After he finished speaking, he sat down on the chair and waited.

A moment later. Some students took out their phones to operate it.

Rollin’s vote rose again.

Seeing this, Luo Lin nodded with satisfaction and looked at Long Yuanxiang, who was reading a book alone: “Don’t you think about it?” As my subordinate, you are one of the few available [CE]. ”


“Excuse me.”

Long Yuanxiang said lightly, and then continued to read.

Luo Lin didn’t care either, and then turned around and left Class D. Next.

Rollin came to the student union.


“Congratulations, Tianqin Luolin.”

The third-year Horikita School student council members all sent congratulations at this time. The student council members of the Nanyunya faction were silent one by one. It’s over.

The election was won by Rollin’s overwhelming margin, and he became the next student president. It’s a vacuum.

There is still one month before Horikita Gaku abdicates, at which time Rollin will automatically become the new student president. And this time is also the time when Luo Lin began to form his own team.

At that time, the third-year student council members will be graduating after all. When they left, Rollin’s first-year team came.

After greeting with a smile, Luo Lin finally came to Nan Yunya. At this time, Nanyunya was still the vice president.

However, he will always be the vice president.

“Generally speaking, in the promotion of the student council, you become a cadre in the first year, then become the vice president in the second year, and then govern for a year and graduate.”

“Such a constant reincarnation.”

“But I’m sorry, I’m going to be president in the second grade. And whether you can keep this last vice president position depends on your ability. ”

Luo Lin looked at Nanyunya with a smile. One mountain does not allow two tigers.

Won the election, but Nagumo Ya is still the vice president.

It is true that the power of the student president is the largest, but the power of the vice president is not small, but it is not as good as the only president. The next thing Luo Lin has to do is to clean up the second grade and get all the second grades out of the student union.

Nanyunya was a little stunned. His expression was a little hideous.

Since the school’s inception, there has never been a first-grader winning an election and then ruling for two years. And Rollin set this precedent!

He Nanyunya is the background board of Luo Lin’s great cause!

Moreover, you have to resist next, otherwise you won’t even have to do it for the vice president!

“Don’t be too smug…..”

Nanyunya gritted her teeth,

“When you graduate in third grade, you lose your biggest ally. And I, still the vice president, and have a huge personal point! ”

During the period when Nagumun Ya ruled the second grade and was the vice president of the student union, the unified second grade swiped points in various exams arranged by the school.

At this time, Nanyunya’s personal points were overwhelming, and even Horikita Gaku could not compare.

“Yes, come on.”

Luo Lin looked at the hideous-faced Nan Yunya with a smile, patted him on the shoulder, and then laughed and left!.

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