Chapter 132: Transactions.

In this special test for academic ability, the academic ability gap is the most important indicator. Suzune Horikita said. She has been recognized by her students for her talents.

Although she is usually a guy with few friends, at this time, the students still set their eyes on her.

“Our best bet is Class D, which is currently led by Hikazu Shiina. And their former class leader, Long Yuanxiang, is no longer the class leader, and class D should be a good target. ”

“But we also have to beware, the senior classes are targeting us. Among them, the most troublesome may be the current class B…”

“Class A should not choose us, the most likely situation is A choose B, C choose D. And B is to choose C, D to choose C. ”

“Our Class C is in focus.”

“Class D can only choose C, because there is no weaker choice. But class B may also choose class C. ”

Well analyzed.

Rollin yawned.


Midday. In a fancy restaurant.

Luo Lin looked at Ichinose Fanami and Shiina Hiyori in front of him and said, “Let’s start eating directly.” I treat you. ”

Ichinose Fanami and Shiina Hikazu were just reserved for a moment and began to eat expensive Sichuan food. Luo Lin also eats Cantonese food.

This Chinese restaurant is a place he likes to visit.

“Originally, Sakayanagi Yusu would have come, but she refused.”

Rollin said,

“I probably want to challenge me.”

Luo Lin said lightly, but Ichinose Fanbo over there was stunned: “Why?” She should aim for Class A.”

“That guy is a gambling type, in other words, she knows that I helped you in Class A, not your own efforts.”

Rollin said,

“So instead of aiming for A, she should target me.” By the way, Ichinose, her surname is Itagi, don’t make any mistake. ”

“Ah. Also. ”

Ichinose Fanbo nodded,

“Is it a big lady who doesn’t need to go to class A and can live a successful life?”


Rollin nodded,

“So this kind of rich child is trouble, Sakayanagi Yusu, Koenji Rokusuke, including me, we can’t get along in school, so we have to go home and inherit trillions of family property.”

Ichinose Fanami: “…..”

Hikazu Shiina: “….”

Although their family lineage cannot be said to be bad.

But compared with these young masters and eldest ladies, it is ordinary. Seeing this, the chopsticks of the two of them ate a little faster.

Rare opportunity, hurry up and slaughter. And it’s really delicious…

“In short, I came to you this time to talk about the final exam.”

Rollin said,

“I have a deal with Sakayanagi and she challenges me about this and it will not affect the election. Just like my agreement with Ichinose, there is a bottom line. ”

Ichinose nodded.

Because Luo Lin showed too much strength, she would turn over the previous agreement from time to time. Make sure there are no issues.

Her bottom line is not to prevent class promotion and not to drop out of any student.

This is the bottom line of Ichinose Fanbo, if Luo Lin’s request tries to touch this, then she can also justifiably refuse Luo Lin’s request according to the agreement.

“I’m going to drop Class C to Class D, and Class D to move back to Class C.”

Rollin spoke calmly.

“Huh? Why? ”

Ichinose was at a loss.

Shouldn’t Class A be targeted in the rules of this school?

How is Sakayanagi Youqi too, and the Tianqin Luolin in front of him is also disdainful of Class A!

“This involves me asking Long Yuanxiang to abdicate, which is more troublesome to explain, so I will avoid it. Anyway, I’m going to do that. ”

Luo Lin said, and then naturally handed over a tissue.

Ichinose wondered.

“The corners of my mouth are stained with rice. Do you want me to wipe it for you? Well, I really can’t take you. ”

Luo Lin muttered to himself, helping Ichinose Fanbo wipe the corners of his mouth.

“Hmm… I’m sorry. ”

Ichinose blushed slightly. By the way.

In fact, there is no rice. It’s just a routine.

Rollin continued: “In short, I hope that this time Class C will drop 100 class points in one go, that is, it will not be able to withstand B’s attack, and at the same time attack Class D will fail. At that time, I will give the answer to the class test paper to Hiyori Shiina. ”

“And Hikazu Shiina, I need you to let Class D choose the target of attack as Class A. Gain 50 points from Class C, but fail to attack Class A and give 50 points to Class A. ”

“In the end, AB will each have +50 class points, while class C will deduct 100 points alone, and class D will not be deducted.”

“That’s what this business is about, how’s it going?” Two, are there any objections? ”

Ichinose Fanami nodded naturally: “This is very beneficial to us, even if we fail to attack the B class, the big deal is just to get 0 points in total.” What’s more, we don’t plan to lose. ”

“Me too, class D currently has no combat strength, presumably no class can defeat it.” This final exam made the class panic, and this business is also good for us. ”

Shiina Hiwazumi.

“Okay, then it’s decided.”

Rollin nodded.

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