Chapter 118 Illegal Operations.

Kushida Kikyo rested again due to physical discomfort.

Of course, with his popularity, there is naturally no dissatisfaction. Many people are even sending messages to comfort her.

After all, what’s wrong with Kushida cherub going to rest? Let the little angel rest!

The boys in the class screamed, eager to immediately appear in front of Kushida Kikyo to offer their respects. Naturally, the sports festival is also promoted according to the established plan.

Because of the mobile phone, all messages can be accurately pushed. As soon as he said one, Luo Lin wanted to spit on his past life.

In my previous life, I participated in a project.

At that time, there was usually a radio to remind, but for some reason the project in which Rollin participated did not broadcast to inform the contestants to participate.

So Rollin was directly judged not to participate. Difficult mussels.

It gets annoying when I think about it.

The first event was the 100-meter 757 run, an activity similar to a baton that was completed by running back and forth over a fixed distance.

Luo Lin naturally participated. But he wasn’t going to Carry.

After all, this time he and Horikita Gaku belong to two different camps. The AD camp is better off beating the BC camp.

After the boys’ 100-meter race, the rest of the girls went. Rollin came to the winery girl.

“Don’t be too tired, just do what you can.”

“Remember, don’t get hurt.”

“Just do your best.”

“I’ll treat you to ice cream after the run.”

Luo Lin, a warm man who turned into a central air conditioner, said.

Hearing Luo Lin’s words, Sakura Ai was blushed and felt very shy.

However, the rest of the people felt that it was nothing, and they felt that it was a very normal help between friends. Airi Sakura is as cute as ever.

Rollin is good for this.

He always wants to be in charge, in everything.

But because of this, Rollin is uneasy about the troublesome level of the current election. In fact, Rollin has already considered using extra-rule means to turn the situation around.

Just need to adopt a reign of terror and lure some people to replace Luo Lin with benefits, then it can cripple Nanyunya. In a previous contact, Luo Lin knew that Nanyunya was a guy who was not full of culture and martial arts.

This guy’s force value is not high at all.

In this case, Rollin can cripple him, and if he doesn’t know him, he will have to kill him. But Rollin is still a little jealous of that off-court power.

Before coming to this school, Luo Lin had heard from the head of the Tianqin family that this school had a not weak background. Even the Tianqin family, which is quite powerful now, cannot say that Ruyi will affect the inside of the school.

But the off-site forces related to Kiyotaka Ayakoji can influence, which reflects that the off-field forces are not weak.

“Although I am also very confident in my family power.”

“But if you can, I still hope not to trouble my family.”

Rollin pondered countermeasures.

Then, in a-for-tat, if his option to also use off-field power is hidden. That is only the ability to act within the rules.

The good news is that with Long Yuanxiang’s character and means of acting, he will probably also use gray means. While thinking, the girl’s 100-meter race was over.

Airi Sakura came to Luo Lin’s side breathlessly: “Luo Lin-san… You, how do you think I ran? ”


Didn’t look at it at all.

“Very good.”

Luo Lin gave a thumbs up and a sunny smile appeared on his face.


Airi Sakura had no doubts and immediately believed it, and a look of surprise and emotion appeared on her face.

At this moment, Luo Lin’s heart actually produced a sense of guilt. It is really a crime to play with the heart of such a simple girl.

The next second, the guilt disappeared.

Luo Lin hit the snake and followed the stick: “At noon, let’s go to dinner together?” ”

“Good, good!”

Airi Sakura was unexpected, surprised by Luo Lin’s invitation, and hurriedly replied. As a result, I accidentally bit my tongue and made a cute cry in pain. Girlfriend ranking UP! UP!!

Rollin’s inner rank changed again. The game went on after that.

This is a barb contest, a special sport on the neon side, that is, each side has a flag.

If you take down the opponent’s flag, you win, and if your own flag falls, you lose.

As soon as he saw this kind of activity, Luo Lin could immediately feel what kind of small movements Long Yuanxiang would make. For example, this kind of sports with physical contact is easy to exploit loopholes in the rules.

For example, running over and stepping on the feet of hostile members. That could be said to be careless.

This kind of coincidence is perfectly capable of such an occasion. Sure enough.

In the confrontation between the two classes of the CD, Ryu Yuan Sho took advantage of the chaos and kicked Ken Sudo’s back. Sudo Ken grinned in pain and almost fought directly with Long Yuan Xiang.

As a result, Long Yuanxiang was accidentally bitten to death and ran directly. This Sudo is angry enough.

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