Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 918 Arcane Road III

The infinite gems and the world tree are in a sense the same level of treasure. Only the infinite gloves formed by the combination of six infinite gems can be compared with the power of the mature world tree.

As for a single Reality Gem and a single World Tree Seed, between the two, no one can tell whether it is good or bad.

Using the Reality Gem to turn the World Tree into an illusory state similar to spirit and soul, and planting the World Tree seed into his soul, Jordan himself didn't know what kind of reaction would happen.

It's a big gamble.

There is too much power in Jordani's body. In just an instant, six branches and fruits of physical quality, life, death, light, darkness, and reincarnation have grown on the world tree in the soul. In addition, There are also various small skills condensed from dense branches and leaves.

Originally, Jordani thought that after absorbing his own godhead and divine power, the achievements of the World Tree would be temporarily suspended.

But what no one expected was that after Jordani's godhead and divine power were absorbed and transformed, even the power of the space backpack, which Jordani had never thoroughly researched, would be absorbed by the World Tree bit by bit. Breaking, corroding, absorbing and dropping, in front of Jordani, an extremely strong and secret dimension space was broken, a large number of rare metals, precious materials, holy swords, holy guns, Irelia, and even a lot of messy things The things scattered all over the place like explosive equipment.

At the same time, the world tree in Jordani's soul, as if it had been injected with hormones, jumped again, a branch came out, and a space backpack fruit came out.

It's just that on the branches of this space system, apart from the bare fruit of the space backpack, there are very few branches and leaves composed of various small space skills, almost none.

When the branches of the space grew, Jordani finally breathed a sigh of relief, ready to end this arcane journey and sort out his own changes.

But just when Jordani was about to end, Tony came to Jordani eagerly, and said: "Joe, the energy transmission map of heaven, the power of faith..."

It's no wonder that Tony is a little anxious. Jordani's purpose of embarking on the arcane path this time is more than 80%. It is to use the evolutionary path that is in line with God to test and decipher the secrets of heaven.

Hearing Tony's words, Jordani was also a little dazed. He didn't know how to promote the World Tree in his soul to continue to grow. As his eyes wandered, he involuntarily landed on the huge phantom towering above the holy mountain.


The moment he saw the huge phantom, Jordan's various world trees shook again, and the big fruits of life, death, light, and darkness burst out with bright light, and the world tree also began to rise rapidly again. But in the end, because of the lack of stamina, it just grew two illusory branches.

Although these two branches are illusory, Jordani can clearly feel that these two branches are an interpretation of the power of faith and the energy transmission map.

For a long time, the world tree in Jordani's soul was no longer motionless.

In desperation, Qiao Danny could only recover from this mysterious feeling, glanced at Tony, Stephen, Su Rui and others in front of him, and then said: "Sorry, maybe..."

Jordani was about to say something, at this moment, Jordani could clearly feel the branches and leaves of the world tree in his body trembling,

My whole body actually had a slight induction with the huge phantom above the holy mountain.

However, this kind of induction came and went even faster, making Qiao Danny a little stunned.

At this time, Tony and the others had recovered, with disappointment on their faces, but they still said with a little joy: "Joe, don't blame yourself, this is just an attempt, not to mention, we are not without any Harvest, before your transformation is completely over, we used the soul and emotion detectors to receive certain data from you. With these data, we finally have a direction and direction when we conduct research on the power of faith. Breach, I believe it won't take long before we can truly research the true mystery of the power of faith..."

Tony thought that Jordani was blaming himself for not being helpful, and kept explaining Jordani's emotions.

At this moment, Stephen suddenly said, "Joe, are you an Arcanist now? Do you feel any strange changes in yourself?"

Jordani was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "How should I put it, this is a more scientific, more rigorous, and more open path of life evolution. I can clearly feel that, whether it is body or soul, compared to before, They are many times more powerful, and many complicated ways of using energy have become simpler, and I feel that my soul and brain seem to have become a supercomputer. Maybe it won’t take long before I can To be as smart as Tony..."

Jordani described the changes in himself very seriously.

In the past, Jordani was considered a magic swordsman, but he was more inclined to physical quality, even if he had several kinds of divine power and infinite inheritance magic, but because the driving methods of those magics were too complicated, Jordani seldom used them. Convert all the divine power into a kind of extreme attack power.

But now, Jordani can clearly feel that the inherited magic power that he once accepted but was unwilling to use is like the best answer that has been printed, which makes him feel clear at a glance.

It's like a mage who was extremely slow in chanting a spell, suddenly became an instant mage.

This kind of change may not be able to improve Jordani's life evolution level much, but it can maximize the knowledge and strength that Jordani originally accumulated in his body.

Moreover, the way of being unscrupulous, able to absorb all nutrients and grow rapidly, even shortened the time Jordani originally needed to accumulate in the evolution process, and suddenly shortened it by an unknown number of times.

Compared with the previous evolution method of Asgard that relied entirely on fantasy, accumulation, and self-exploration, it is obvious that this evolution method of the arcane path is many times better.

Even if it is placed in the entire universe, Jordani can say without hesitation that this kind of arcane path is simply a super transformation on the path of life evolution.

It is like human civilization, a kind of leapfrog growth from paper civilization to electronic computer civilization.

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