Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 784 The Attack of the Space Battleship


The Reality Gem, which defies the laws of science, is able to rewrite reality.

In a sense, the Reality Gem can almost be regarded as the most powerful gem among the six Infinity Gems, but in fact, the Reality Gem is also the most difficult gem to use.

It's okay to use the Reality Gem to modify some things in a small area. After all, the Reality Gem itself has extremely huge energy.

But if one wants to use the Reality Gem to modify reality on a large scale, or even distort some fates against one's will, it will affect the entire universe, even the infinite future, and all multiverses that cannot be counted.

In that case, the price the user needs to pay will be unimaginably huge, even if the user himself is wiped out, it will be difficult to succeed.

Just like the current Jordani, when he just let the red king show data, he didn't think there was any problem.

However, in Jordani's mind, when the entire human beings on the earth were born with "player" attributes, Jordani felt an unprecedented sense of fear and death crisis.

Transforming human beings into real players, the growth potential and horror of the fourth natural disaster are undoubtedly able to subvert the entire universe, and even cover the level of the heavens and the world.

Not to mention that Jordan is only at the level of the sub-celestial father now, even if he is a real heavenly father, wearing the infinite gauntlet, collecting six infinite gems, plus twelve supreme artifacts, and sacrificing the entire World Tree, it is still impossible It may not be able to withstand this level of modified reality.

Don't you see, in the "Avengers" movie, after Thanos collected all six infinite gems, he only dared to randomly destroy half of the population in the universe, and he didn't dare to have other ideas.

The purpose of Thanos collecting infinite gems is to balance the universe so that the universe will not be consumed too much by the rapid development and highly expanding population.

There are many ways to solve this kind of problem, such as doubling the size of the universe, for example, modifying creatures to consume resources twice as fast, and so on.

With Thanos' knowledge, wisdom, and strength, can't he really think of other solutions?

Not necessarily, anyway, it’s just like making a wish. Just make up nonsense with a big brain hole. There are too many ways to solve the problem of universe balance.

Why Thanos didn't use those other methods? It's not that he couldn't think of it, but he didn't dare.

Immediately destroying half of the cosmic creatures is the easiest way to pay the least price. Even so, Thanos has to pay the price of an arm with his heavenly father-level strength.

In any other method, I am afraid that Thanos' wish has not been fulfilled, and he will be wiped out like ashes.

After figuring this out, Jordan immediately threw the tricky and weird thoughts in his mind out of the sky.

As long as Thanos' army can be dealt with, as long as the earth is peaceful and stable, Jordan feels that his current life is already very good.

There is no shortage of money, there are younger brothers and sisters, three girlfriends, three lovers, and a large group of good friends.

Tired of staying on the earth, you can also travel to the universe from time to time to see various styles in the universe.

This is already at the pinnacle of life. What more bicycles are needed.

Glancing at the Reality Gem in his hand, Jordani forcibly suppressed the little flames in his heart that were just about to move,

Soon, he turned his attention to the battlefield again.

With the arrival of Thor and Loki and the death of the Red King, the Avengers have slowly gained the upper hand on the battlefield.

As long as Thanos and his high-level combat forces can be wiped out, or the seal of Agamotto can be driven out, the remaining vanguards and Chitauri will no longer be a problem, and the war will be won sooner or later.

But just when Jordani was about to turn into an old cunt again, sneak into the battlefield secretly, and give the tyrant a brutal backstab, on the Agamotto seal on the outer periphery of the space ring, a huge super space battleship, But at some point, it had already avoided the fire blockade of the space ring defense system and appeared on the seal of Agamotto.

Ka Ka Ka!

The sound of mechanical deformation was like thunder rolling. When the space battleship slowly approached the seal of Agamotto, a huge hatch opened at the contact point. Inside the space battleship, There are powerful vanguards gathered among the giant siege machines, turning the ferocious gears, passing through the loophole in the seal of Agamotto, and crashing down on the space ring.


After the huge spherical machines hit the ground, they quickly transformed into an extremely ferocious fighting form. At an extremely ferocious speed, they rushed out of the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

Those giant machines are like beast-shaped super mechas, but they are more reckless and fierce. Wherever they pass, even the space rings made of steel are plowed open like chasms. same trace.

A large number of self-propelled guns, defensive fortresses, electromagnetic artillery emplacements, etc. on the space ring could not stop the crushing and collision of the giant mecha, and everything it passed was a mess.

Dozens of gigantic and ferocious mechas that are hundreds of meters long, once they spread, the internal defense of the entire space ring defense system will be completely disintegrated within a short time.

"Hold it, hold it for me!"

On the outskirts of the battlefield, at some point, General Ross had turned into a four-meter-high red giant, roaring loudly, and behind him were hundreds of giant soldiers of various colors, jumping vertically and horizontally in groups of flesh and blood. , frantically blocked in front of those ferocious mechs.

However, although the giant army's combat power is strong, it can't stop this super war weapon that is hundreds of meters tall.

In just a few moments, hundreds of giant soldiers have already suffered 60% casualties. In a few minutes, the entire giant army may be completely wiped out.


Under the critical situation, the powerful members of the Avengers Alliance who were besieging had to withdraw some of their people, trying to stop those giant and hideous war weapons.

During these successive battles, Hulk's body size has soared to more than six meters, and he is already the soul of Dr. Banner. At this stage, it is the limit he can bear.


The Hulk, who is only six meters tall, is small compared to that ferocious war weapon that is hundreds of meters high, but his punch is hard, breaking a large piece of armor of that war machine Immediately afterwards, Hulk rushed into the hideous war weapon like a ferocious and unscrupulous beast, and forcibly dismantled the entire war weapon from the inside.

At the same time, Wanda also broke out completely, with an incomparably bewitching red light blooming in her eyes, bursting out with incomparably tyrannical crimson power, abruptly lifted the two war weapons, and then collided with each other in mid-air .

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