Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 766 Attack of the Thanos Army

At the beginning of the space ring defense system, it was just a simple super defensive war fortress, which was to prevent enemies from outside the earth, quickly break into the earth's interior, and cause excessive damage to the earth during the war.

But with the development of time, as the supreme sanctuary and the earth's human beings become more and more closely integrated, the space ring defense system and the Agamotto seal are highly integrated, and now they have become an indispensable part of the rapid development of the earth.

However, because of this, the demand for energy and energy of the entire space ring defense system has doubled. The infinite energy reactor originally developed by Tony can no longer support the operation of the entire earth defense system.

With the space gem and the time gem, two gems that can provide unlimited energy, the entire defense system of the earth can truly be fearless of all foreign enemies.

Now, when the earth is facing a disaster, Thanos temporarily turned against the water, took away the space gem and the time gem, and erected the entire earth's defense system again, which has become a top priority.

The Eternal Palace in the Eternal City did not disappoint.

The super heritage accumulated by the Eternal Race for countless years, no one knows how many white dwarf meteorites have been collected in the universe and piled up to create the Eternal Palace.

And what's even more sharp is that even if humans on earth used to hold the space gem and the time gem, they couldn't really use the true power of the two infinite gems, and they could only use them as passive energy output sources.

But this Eternal Palace is different. This is the super foundation of the Eternal Race. Naturally, there is a way to use the energy of the Eternal Palace, which is integrated into the entire space ring defense system. It may not last as long as the Infinity Gems, but if it explodes instantly , but it is sharper than the infinite stones.

When the entire defense system was backed up again, Jordani and everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

Following that, the entire defense system was activated, and the accompanying interstellar network and detection system were also activated in a mighty manner. Immediately afterwards, an incomparably sharp alarm sounded throughout the entire space ring and even the entire coalition government. All the important institutions resounded.

"It's the legion under Thanos. The opponent's actions are very fast. In three hours at most, they will enter the envelope of the solar system. We need to make a decision in the shortest possible time!"

Tony is an expert in information technology. When the people in the coalition government were still in chaos, Tony had already sorted out the intelligence and information from the detection system.

Accompanied by Tony's voice, Jordani and the others, who had just relaxed, became tense again.

Steve was the first to speak: "Can you detect the number, equipment, and command of the enemy legion..."

Tony's face was not very good-looking, and he said: "It's the Dark Elf Army and the Vanguard Army. This should be the Ebony Maw Army under Thanos's expedition to the space and space, and defeated the Dark Elf Clan's Ebony Maw Army. But who is commanding the battle? Our detectives Measuring technology, unable to peek!"

Just when Tony's face was extremely ugly, a portal opened, and Nick Fury, also with an extremely dark face, walked up to everyone and said, "No, this time, it's the Thanos army's all-out attack, and we got some According to the information on the Harm planet inside the Kree Empire, apart from the vanguard army and the dark elf army on the bright side, the Chitauri people and the Red King army in the Kasa star field have all assembled in the Milky Way, and they can gather in the Milky Way in a very short time. Here, insert it into the solar system battlefield!"

This is more than an all-out attack. Under Thanos, there are only two major armies, the Vanguard Army and the Chitauri Army. Now, there is also an army of Dark Elf and Army of the Red King.

With this kind of strength, even if it is to fight a long-term interstellar war with the three major empires of the universe, it is completely enough.

Nick Fury, Tony, Steve, Carol, and the others were constantly discussing how to deal with the war that Thanos was coming to, but at this moment, Jordan was constantly turning in his mind, always It feels like something is missing.

Similar to Jordani's performance, there are also mages from the Supreme Sanctuary such as Stephen, Calisias, and Modu. Friends Bookstore

These people are also not very suitable for this kind of war considerations, but as the guardians of the earth, they are all waiting for the defensive counterattack of the earth side.

"Joe, I remember that you have always been brave, handsome, and resourceful. Don't you have any suggestions for the arrival of the Thanos army this time?"

Wang was also in the mage team and had a very good relationship with Jordani. He winked at Jordani and teased in a low voice.

Qiao Danny's ass hurts, if it's normal, he would accept all the words of praise, and even brag about it for three days and three nights, but now, let's forget about the real war deployment and so on.

Usually coming up with an idea or something is too different from this kind of real war deployment. I am just a salted fish killer.

He took out two cigars and handed one to Wang.

Only then did Jordani open his mouth and said, "Go out and have a drink together?"

Wang sniffed the cigar skillfully, with some emotion on his face, and said: "This is not good, everyone is so anxious to find a way, hey, it would be great if the teacher was here, with the teacher's ability... "

Wang babbled a little, but at this moment Jordani's whole body suddenly seemed to be struck by lightning.

Finally found something wrong.

Since Jordani and others solved the Red Skull and Mephisto in Asgard, the Ancient One Mage disappeared.

In an instant, Qiao Danny grabbed Wang's arm and said, "Wang, where is Ancient One?"

It stands to reason that the Earth is now facing such a severe form of war, the Ancient One mage should have appeared long ago, and even the reclusive Odin boss should have shown his face or something.

"Tony, can you contact Thor and Loki?"

A series of questions flickered in Jordani's mind, followed by a feeling of extreme uneasiness. Jordani directly interrupted the discussion of Nick Fury, Steve, Tony and others, shouting .

In an instant, all the people present were slightly taken aback.

Not long after, Tony's expression changed slightly, and he said, "I can't get in touch, the signals from Sol, Loki and others are not on Earth!"

Jordani's face became more and more ugly, and said: "Jarvis, immediately project a real-time satellite map of the Norwegian North Sea area!"


As Jordani's voice fell, a picture of smoke and dust and continuous ruins completely appeared in everyone's sight.

In the entire Norwegian North Sea, almost all of the uninhabited land of more than tens of kilometers has been broken up and submerged by the ocean.

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