Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 745 I wish for peace in the world

One hundred kinds of rice feeds all kinds of people, just like some people are vegetarians and others are meat eaters.

Vampires are no exception. Among thousands of vampires, there will always be some strange births.

Dracula is the leader among them. During the hundreds of years of being a dog, Dracula has discovered and taken in many vampires who are like him, causing the entire vampire town, which is Dracula's The prestige of the territory is getting bigger and bigger in the supernatural world such as vampires, wolves, the Church of Light, and the London sanctuary.

Until the earth changed, there were more and more superpowers, mutants, superheroes, super villains, etc. on the earth, and even later, even magicians, grudges, and aliens gradually appeared. After becoming a very common existence in society, Dracula just began to gradually open up his territory.

And in the same way, because of Dracula's "prestige", even the abnormal race hidden in the dark of the earth regards Dracula as one of the most powerful vampires, and invited Dracula and Serena People, participated in the plan of the abnormal race to rule the world, and even bestowed the blood of life and the blood core of the ancestors of the two blood clans, Dracula and Serena, so that the strength of the two people has undergone earth-shaking changes.

When he first entered the Abnormal Race, Dracula still had a heart, especially Serena's prestige among vampires, but it was real, killing Victor, Marcus, and the werewolf William Waiting for a large group of powerhouses to truly gain fame.

But later, Dracula discovered that although Serena was also invited to the abnormal race's world domination plan, Serena, like himself, was also a heterogeneous vampire.

When Serena was only at the first stage of strength, she was not afraid of the sun, she was able to eat and drink like a human being, and even became a lover of a pure human being.

In Dracula's eyes, although Serena was not as cautious as himself, she was by no means the same person as ordinary vampires and those monsters of the abnormal race.

Not long after that, when Dracula was absorbing the blood of life and the blood core in the Forgotten City, in an accident, Dracula also discovered that Serena was secretly passing information about the Abnormal Race to the outside world, even to the Eternal Race.

An undercover spy among vampires and deviants!

After learning of this secret, Dracula hesitated for a long time, and because he was afraid that Serena would kill her, he didn't dare to tell the abnormal race.

After absorbing the blood of life and the blood core, the abnormal group began to let Dracula and Serena go to the outside world to subdue and inform the entire vampire group, and join in when the abnormal group's plan to rule the world broke out.

This made Dracula even more uneasy.

hundreds of years ago,

Dracula didn't dare to fight with people, and he didn't even dare to catch people and suck blood. He could only rely on acting to scare the world and hide himself.

Now let Dracula rule the entire vampire group, and then cooperate with the abnormal race to fight against the Eternal Race, the United Government, the Avengers, SHIELD, etc., Dracula is naturally even more frightened.

So as soon as Dracula and Serena came out of the Forgotten City, Dracula found Serena and confessed everything.

At Serena's suggestion, the two came to Dracula's territory together.

On the surface, Dracula and Serena told the abnormal race that they planned to turn the vampire town into a vampire headquarters, using tourist attractions or something to cover up the development.

But in fact, Vampire Town is a real tourist attraction.

On the one hand, they fooled the Abnormal Race, and on the other hand, they became deeply attached to cover up Serena's connection with the Eternal Race.

In this way, Dracula will be able to not offend both sides. When the war breaks out in the future, when the situation becomes clear, Dracula will stand up and throw himself into the arms of the winning side.

At the same time, Dracula also hides his last escape route, that is, in the secret base deep in his vampire castle, there is a passage to the dimensional world. If it is really necessary, Dracula will escape into the dimensional world hide among them.

However, all this was in vain after Jordani's arrival.

During the stage play, Serena recognized Jordani very early on, and Dracula also felt the strength of Jordani.

After the stage play ended, Dracula only had a brief communication with Serena, and soon made a decision to completely betray the abnormal race and join the side of "justice".

Because in Jordani, Dracula felt a power that could kill him.

You must know that Jordani has the inheritance of God, the way of holy light and the way of life, and the restraint of vampires is extremely serious.

Moreover, Jordani has long shown incomparably powerful combat power in the disasters on the earth again and again, and even in some circles, he is called "the strongest avenger", "a man beyond God" and so on.

This is also the reason why Dracula told everything honestly after meeting Jordani.

Listening to Dracula's rambling, telling about all his experiences from birth to becoming a vampire, and now, Jordani fell into a strange feeling.

The brutal Duke Dracula, this f*ck is among the top three vampire celebrities in all vampire legends, and even his reputation can vaguely be compared with the ancestor of vampires.

Even Serena's superb record among vampires over the years is only barely able to be valued by the abnormal race like Dracula.

Who would have thought that Dracula would be such an existence proficient in the way of "dog".

Under the strange emotions in his heart, Jordani was stunned for a long time. In the end, Jordani could only pat Dracula's shoulder with complicated emotions, looked at Dracula's anxious expression, and spoke to comfort him. Said: "Your Excellency, don't be nervous, don't be afraid, neither the coalition government nor the Avengers will do anything to a peace-loving person like Duke Dracula!"

Saying such words, even Qiao Danny felt his ass hurt.

However, Dracula still had a face full of surprise and gratitude, and said, "Your Excellency Jovovich, thank you for your understanding. You really said that in my heart, my greatest wish in this life is to achieve world peace. There should never be wars, casualties or anything like that..."

Dracula looked aggrieved, and wanted to chatter with Jordani.

Qiao Danny quickly interrupted the other party, and said: "Okay, I understand, we will talk about the matter later, where is Serena?"

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