Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 725: I Have a Spy Girlfriend, It's So Stressful

Inhuman races, alien races (abnormal races), and eternal races, the essence of these people is all human beings. If they restrain their own strength and walk in human society, even the most sophisticated medical instruments may not be able to detect any differences. Come.

But the Inhuman race has its own unique social order and values, and the shadow of the Cree is still standing behind it.

Not to mention the alien race, once the power is stimulated, it will form another creature that is almost completely different from human beings, and even hook up with the Hydra. Since ancient times, it has not been a good thing.

The Eternal Race should have been a solid shield among humans. These people are extremely powerful and born out of humans. If they want to continue, they must attach to humans.

But now, according to Jordani's information, even the Eternals have split into two factions.

After all the information about Jordani was narrated, Nick Fury, Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, and Hobbs all fell silent.

Jordani's worries are not unreasonable.

Although Jordani had said before that most of the intelligence and information he had obtained had no real evidence, but this kind of problem is enough to threaten the entire human group, and no mistakes can be tolerated.

Evidence or no evidence, the Dark Avenger itself is a unique dark institution that is above the law and the truth.

Enemies on the surface of the earth, such as the Cree Empire, Thanos, Hell, etc., the current earth already has enough resistance.

But this kind of hidden danger hidden in human beings is very different.

Once the concepts of Eternal Race, Alien Race, Inhuman Race, and Ordinary Human Race become popular all over the world, will the entire human race be completely divided because of this?

Will mutants seek refuge with other races? Will superpowers move closer to the eternal race?

No one can even guarantee what many ordinary human beings will do for great power and long life.

Because no matter the eternal race, alien race, or alien race, strictly speaking, they all belong to human beings.

Even if people move closer to these groups, they will not feel guilty of betraying their own race, but will think that this is the direction of human evolution.

At that time, the entire earth that has just been united will fall into unprecedented divisions and even wars.

Once there is turmoil within human beings, what kind of actions will those powerful beings in the universe who are eyeing tigers look at, these are potential crises that the earth needs to face.

If it is not kept in order, this will become the fuse for the complete destruction of human beings on the earth.

After a long silence, Tony spoke first: "I suggest that the Dark Avengers need to be expanded to a certain extent. Only a few of us can't deal with the crisis that may erupt!"

The Dark Avengers are full of plans, and there are only 7 people now.

Even if some clues are found, the current strength of the Dark Avengers is simply not enough to deal with them.

You must know that before the concepts of Eternal Race, Alien Race, and Inhuman Race are fully exposed, any actions by Jordani and others must be carried out in the dark. act in name.

If possible, even through assassination, secret annihilation, etc., it is best to solve the matter in the dark.

Steve said resolutely: "I agree with Tony's proposal, but every new member of the Dark Avengers must be subject to the strictest investigation and even testing!"

The Dark Avengers is the purest secret organization that maintains the unity of mankind.

To join the Dark Avengers, the most basic one must be a pure human being, whether it is bloodline or belief in heart.

Such as Carol, Saul, Cypher, Star Lord, etc., these people are inherently superior, so they cannot enter this organization.

Another example is Dr. Banner, Giselle, Heidi and other people whose bloodlines have mutated,

It also needs to go through enough values ​​and loyalty tests.

This expansion will also be screened by Nick Fury, Tony, and Steve.

Clint and Hobbs will be merged into S.H.I.E.L.D. Authorized by Nick Fury, they will use S.H.I.E.L.D.'s powerful intelligence network to investigate the relationship between the Inhumans who already have clues. As long as there is a little bit of accident, the two can even forcibly kill and exterminate them.

As for Jordani and Natasha, they are going to investigate the situation of the Eternal Race.

After all, the most obvious clues that everyone has discovered about the Eternal Race have appeared beside May Riley, and behind May, there may be Jordan's lover Jenny.

After assigning their respective tasks, Jordani and the others quickly left from the secret base of the Dark Avengers.

The addition of newcomers will start from the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., such as Dr. Banner, Geisel, Heidi, Minty, Dr. Pym, Mary Jane, etc. People who have both experience and temperament , will become the first batch of expansion members after rigorous investigation and testing.

For example, Stephen, Coulson, Wanda, Pietro, Peter, Harry, Ant-Man, and some people who are biased towards the state of the Virgin Mary will be included in the second batch of expansion member lists as pending supplementary personnel.

The missions of Clint and Hobbs are also clear, to directly conduct secret arrests, interrogations, and then secret executions of some high-ranking Inhumans that S.H.I.E.L.D. has found.

Rough work, even extremely bloody.

The main reason is that it is not appropriate to entrust two people with too delicate work.

As for whether Clint and Hobbs complained or not, it is out of everyone's consideration. At this time, Jordan followed Natasha with a bit of pain and came to New York City. , in a secret safe house of Natasha.

The previous Shura field is still going on, and it is not so easy to settle.

Ever since she came out of the secret base of the Dark Avengers, Natasha hadn't paid attention to Jordani.

Until I came to the safe house and looked at the entire wall, detailed information about Gizelle, Heidi, May, Jenny, Serena and others, and even occasionally Tony, Clint, Hobbs The information about any woman revealed in the less rigorous tone of the waiting person is neatly arranged on it.

Jordani's whole person has a bit of Sparta.

Made, with a spy girlfriend, is under a lot of pressure.

"Honey, these..."

Seeing these things, Jordani didn't dare to pretend to be a dead dog anymore. He was very flattering, smiled at Natasha, and asked.

Natasha glanced at Jordani very calmly, and said: "These are the things you have done to forgive me during our relationship. If one day we break up, these are the things I will use against you!"

Qiao Danny shivered, smiled more and more flatteringly, and said: "No, Nata, you are the woman I love the most in my life, unless I am disabled or dead, otherwise, I will definitely not let you leave me , nothing can stop my love for you..."

Natasha ignored Jordani, and walked to another room of the safe house, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

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