Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 613 Confirming Identity and Reason

The Avengers, in fact, have a very close relationship with some financial groups and forces on the earth. After all, as a non-profit organization that maintains world peace, everyone in the Avengers also needs to eat well. watermark ad test watermark ad test

In order to ensure the independence of the Avengers, the entire Avengers does not accept funding from the coalition government and S.H.I.E.L.D.

On the contrary, many local tyrants, such as Stark Industries, Osborne Group, Wakanda royal family, etc., donate a large sum of money to the Avengers every year.

Even Kim Bin, the largest gang in New York, is in a sense the mastermind behind the Avengers.

Of course, for the Avengers, other people can donate money, but if you want the Avengers to help with things, or make a decision to participate in shares, then don't even think about it.

In fact, these benefactors are not considered disadvantaged.

For example, the Avengers captured in many wars, such as hell demon corpses, alien weapons, deep-sea relic technology, etc., will also flow out of the Avengers to companies and financial groups that are close to them. .

Not making profits, not doing business, not participating in politics, not participating in economics and commerce, this is one of the purposes of the Avengers.

In this case, if you are a member of the Avengers Alliance and make friends with some forces in your personal capacity, it is unavoidable.

Steve, the relationship with Osborne Enterprises is quite close.

Especially after the venom biochemical battle armor was developed, the Osborne Group, one of the biotechnology giants, was the most powerful in improving the battle armor on the one hand.

For a long time, the biochemical armor of Steve, Clint and others have been sponsored by the Osborne Group.

After Steve developed the evolution method of vindictiveness, Norman Osborn gave his son to Steve as a student early in the morning.

Although such things as master-apprentice and sects are not popular in Western countries, there are still some similar phenomena.

After Harry rushed out of the Osborne Building, a portal opened on the roof where Jordan and Norman were, and Steve came to Jordan from the roof of another building in the distance. Nenny and Norman are here.

Looking at Steve approaching, Jordani showed surprise on his face.

Norman's presence,

Jordan was not surprised, but Steve really surprised Jordan.

Glancing at Norman next to him, the other party was also a little surprised, and then Jordani said: "Steve, I didn't expect you to join in the fun?"

Steve frowned, and said, "Haha, Harry is my first student, so I must care about it!"

Jordani looked contemptuous, and said: "Steve, if you can not be so obvious when you lie next time, maybe I will believe your words."

Steve was stunned for a moment, more embarrassed, and whispered: "There is another reason, I live closer to here..."

Jordani said, "Queens is at least twenty miles away from here!"

Steve blushed in pain, and said, "Didn't Harry visit me a few days ago and gave me a high-rise duplex near the Osborne Building, as you know, if I'm alone, it's definitely nothing Yes, but there is Carter, I want to give Carter a better life, but the housing prices in New York..."

Jordani was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Steve, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to have been corrupted by the sugar-coated bullets of capitalism.

Norman felt that he had just picked a lemon, and said, "You son of a bitch, why has he never given anything to my father!"

Just when the three of them were chatting.

In the mid-air around the Osborne Building, Harry and the bright yellow figure disagreed with each other, and conflict broke out again.

The bright yellow figure looked like a guy who had just awakened superpowers. Although he was powerful, he looked rather clumsy and didn't know how to use his own advantages.

On the other hand, Harry, armed to the teeth with a biochemical armor, and has a flexible levitation device that can fly in the air, relying on the fighting skills he learned from Steve, was able to hold the bright yellow figure to death. Repress and live.

This level of battle, in the eyes of Jordani, Steve and others, is naturally as simple as a child's play house.

Jordani summoned Irelia with great interest, and said, "Irelia, have you found the identity of this superpower?"

There was light flowing above Irelia, and a picture was quickly projected in mid-air, saying: "Sir, according to the analogy, I found the information about this person in the New York Public Relations Office, Robert Reyroz, the former New York Gold Medalist Lawyer, Zeng..."

A series of information, extremely detailed.

However, according to the information obtained by Irelia, this Robert Reiros had completely disappeared a month ago.

The last record was a surveillance camera on a street corner, and it was just able to see that this Robert, in the dark, smashed the window of Dr. Otto's house, and then disappeared.

The subsequent monitoring records were completely deleted artificially.

After hearing Irelia's report, Norman frowned first, and said, "Dr. Otto again? Could it be that this Robert Reyroz came to Osborne Building this time to see Dr. Otto as well?" ?”

Steve shook his head and said: "The information shows that this Robert Reyrods is a reclusive gentleman, it's just a coincidence that he and Dr. Otto are neighbors, and the other party has served as a legal adviser in the Osborne Group for a period of time, will he Won't it be related to some things in the past?"

Norman shook his head and said: "I have an impression of this Robert. He has good eloquence and high professionalism. It's just that after the New York War, he couldn't afford it. The group has no business relationship with him. Two years ago , Robert also came to the Osborne Building to find a job, but was rejected by the personnel department, is it because of this reason?"

"No, it's been two years, and he was in a bad state at that time. Osborne's personnel department, out of humanitarian spirit, also subsidized the other party with a sponsorship of 1,000 U.S. dollars and a letter of introduction……"

There must be some involvement, but this Robert Reyoz disappeared for a month, and no one knows why the other party came to the Osborne Building to make trouble.

On the contrary, Qiao Danny is not at ease with Dr. Otto, an otaku. He always feels that the appearance of this person seems to have something to do with Dr. Otto.

Tech geeks, the psychology and behavior of this kind of people are hard to guess.

What's more, Dr. Otto is a person with a criminal record. He once incarnated as Dr. Octopus. He robbed banks and gangsters in order to conduct research. He even dared to cooperate with vicious anti-human organizations like rebel organizations.

But thinking about it the other way around, the other party is not short of funds now, and there are strong support from the coalition government, S.H.I.E.L.D....

Thoughts flickered in Jordani's mind, and he finally said: "Irelia, investigate Dr. Otto's behavior and actions in the past month, and see if there is anything wrong!"

Steve turned his head and said, "Joe, do you still doubt Dr. Otto? Although Dr. Otto has done many wrong things, I'm sure that the other party is a very pure person. You can't always look at Otto with colored glasses. Dr. To."

Jordan was in pain, and said: "Xie Te, since when did I look at people with colored glasses, Steve, it is because Dr. Otto is too pure a person that I want to investigate, this kind of person, very Obstinate!"

Just as Jordani was arguing with Steve, Irelia's voice sounded again.

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