Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 581 The Exploding Artificial Sun

Jordani's inexplicable words made everyone present startled for a moment, and they all looked at Jordani strangely.

What a weird and absurd idea to resurrect a prehistoric body that has been dead for an unknown number of years.

But immediately, attracted by Jordani's words, the eyes of Tony, Dr. Banner, Dr. Pim and others quickly shifted to the monitor connected to Superman's corpse.

A technological idiot like Jordani doesn't move, but Tony and the others can see it clearly.

The corpse that had been dead for an unknown number of years seemed to be continuously increasing its activity.

In an instant, Tony, Dr. Banner, Dr. Pim, and others all became extremely vigilant. For example, Tony, who was more impulsive, opened the door directly and was about to rush into the laboratory.

A corpse that has been dead for an unknown number of years, but it is still alive and well.

It is conceivable that this corpse was definitely strong to a certain level when it was alive. If this corpse is really revived and called the enemy of the earth, it will be a super battle. disaster.

But just as Tony and the others were preparing to act, in the laboratory, Dr. Otto's excitement had reached a limit, almost fanatical, and he pressed an instrument button that he had prepared earlier.

Soon, a green liquid was instantly injected into the superman's body.

In an instant, the more intense activity in the superman corpse, under the force of the green liquid energy, all gathered on the left little finger of the superman corpse.


There was a crisp sound of breaking, and a piece of the little finger of the left hand of the Superman corpse fell off, and a bright golden light bloomed.

But soon, under the control of Dr. Otto, a green tool hand bound that small finger, bloomed a green light, sealed it tightly, and transferred it to another super solar experiment instrument among.

With the evacuation of the green tool hand, the small piece of finger exploded instantly in the super solar experiment instrument, like a spark falling into the oil pan, causing a monstrous flame to come.

Buzz buzz!

A burst of energy that was so strong that it was about to explode instantly tumbling in the super solar instrument. The energy base meter connected to the instrument exploded in an instant, and it was still hitting the peak continuously. The appearance of coming.

"Yes, I succeeded, I succeeded!"

In the laboratory, Dr. Otto yelled in ecstasy like a lunatic.

At this time, Tony had also rushed into the laboratory, and he knew the specific situation in the laboratory just by scanning it on the computer, and then his face became serious and ugly again.

"Dr. Otto, now is not the time to be happy. Is there any control and shutdown measures for this super solar instrument you designed? The energy in this instrument is generated too fast. If it can't bear it, it will explode!"

With Tony's words, Dr. Otto calmed down all of a sudden.

Immediately afterwards, Dr. Otto's face turned pale instantly, and cold sweat burst out from his forehead.

Obviously, Tony's words reminded Dr. Otto of something.

After panicking for a while, Dr. Otto forcibly calmed down and said, "I have designed an energy connection outlet, which was originally used to supply energy to the Osborne Building..."

While Dr. Otto was speaking, Tony had already summoned Jarvis, forcibly took over the entire laboratory, and quickly found the energy interface that Dr. Otto mentioned.

"Jarvis, try to connect the experimental equipment to the Osborne Building, and switch the energy source in real time!"

"Sir, according to preliminary calculations, the energy generated by the super solar instrument is too large. If the energy source of the Osborne building is switched, the excess energy will cause a chain explosion of the entire Osborne building and accelerate the explosion of the energy source of the super solar instrument... "

"F..k, if the energy of the super solar instrument explodes, how far will it affect? ​​Notify SHIELD and the coalition government for emergency evacuation!"

"Sir, according to preliminary calculations, the energy source of the super solar instrument is excessive, and the explosion will cover 70% of the earth's area. When the center of the earth is ignited, an initial star state will be formed, and the energy burst will last for more than four hundred years..."

At such a moment, Tony was a little autistic.

The stuff that Dr. Otto came up with unintentionally has come true. A new artificial sun is about to rise in the Osborne Building.

The only price is the destruction of the entire earth, and a miniature initial star will be formed.

Not only was Tony autistic, but even Dr. Otto's face was pale, and he didn't know what to do.

This super sun is awesome, very awesome.

After the success, it is estimated that the earth will not lack energy for a long, long period of time, even more powerful and larger than the infinite energy reactor invented by Tony.

Infinite energy reactors also require a huge amount of rare materials to manufacture, combined with the immature arcane technology, not to mention the high cost, the output is also quite rare.

But this super sun is different, only a small piece of finger is invested, and the thing produced can make the earth seem to be afraid to squander four hundred years, or even longer.

If the facilities are complete and there is a reasonable energy guidance and utilization system, this is simply the gospel for all mankind.

But the point is, this thing came too suddenly, if it can't be used quickly, it will become a super bomb, blowing up the whole earth into ashes.

Typical one bite to die.

Just when Tony and Dr. Otto were getting more and more anxious in the laboratory, Jordani also broke into the laboratory and said: "The solar system energy coverage plan!"

Jordani's words instantly lit up Tony's eyes.

Now, the most suitable and only solution to the current predicament is the solar system energy coverage plan.

This itself is a super-expansion plan proposed by Tony after the space ring defense system was completed, using infinite energy and the seal of Agamotto to cover and live in the entire solar system and bring it into the ruling circle of the earth.

However, due to the scarcity of the output of the Infinite Energy Reactor and the resource blockade of the Kree Empire, it had to stop, and instead implemented the final weapon expansion plan to enclose land in the solar system.

Later, the Cree Empire and the Lord of Plague jointly attacked, and even the final weapon expansion plan was shattered.

Unexpectedly, after going around and around, it turned back to the original solar system energy coverage plan in the end.

Restarting the solar system energy coverage plan, which originally required the coalition government, S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers and other forces, can only be carried out after a joint ruling.

But in the current situation, time does not wait for oneself, and there must be no delay.

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