Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 537 The Blowing of the War Horn

Jordani's uneasiness is naturally not without reason.

Among the cosmic information collected by the earth, the plane of hell has opened up multiple battlefields in the entire universe, and the closest battlefield is the battlefield between the Cree Empire and the Lord of Hell, the Lord of Plague.

This kind of cross-plane war is rare in the universe, but every time a war of this level starts, it will be a grand and vast super war that will last for a long time.

Before the Kerry Empire, the Shia Empire, and the Skrull Empire dominated the universe, wars between the universe empires and other planes, which led to the demise of the forces, also happened from time to time.

Among the final weapons obtained by Jordani and others in the deep sea ruins, the key factor is Superman.

And Superman's ancestor, the Kryptonian civilization, after more than four thousand years of wars on different planes, exhausted all the potential in the empire, and even damaged the foundation, and happened to have a civil strife. Only then shattered and fell.

No one would have imagined that the King of Plague, one of the dignified hell lords, colluded with a Cree at the very beginning of the war with the Cree Empire.

Among them, if there is no support from the Kree Empire's top management, I am afraid no one will believe it.

The King of Plague values ​​the crimson power possessed by Wanda on Earth, which contains the power of chaos magic.

The Kree Empire, through the transaction between the Earth and Ronan, noticed the threat from the Earth. The arcane development system of endless energy, the seal of Agamotto, magic and science, once the Earth grows, will Become a great threat to the Kree Empire.

At the time when the Lord of Plague and Colas the Cree were colluding with each other, Jordani and others also saw the space fleet slowly moving towards the solar system in the vast space.

"It really is the fleet of the Cree Empire!"

After seeing the hastily camouflaged space fleet, Loki in the Phoenix Fighter immediately recognized the origin of this space fleet.

There are more than a dozen huge cosmic motherships, and there are more than thirteen floating war fortresses around the cosmic mothership.

Mighty, these space fleets are like a super city navigating in the universe.

"Shet, this is the main fleet of the Kerry Empire, isn't it? Is the war between them and hell already over?"

"It's hard to say, our news mainly comes from two trade channels..."


It's a trap, we're surrounded..."

While everyone was talking, unknowingly, hordes of space fighter formations sneaked around to the rear of Jordani and others, and surrounded several space fighters from the earth side.

Boom boom boom!

A series of roars and battle sounds suddenly exploded.

Before Jordani and the others reacted, there was already a mighty flying fleet above the space fleet in the distance, which launched an attack on Jordani and the others.


A space fighter on the earth's side exploded, and Cypher, with Betty, Dr. Banner and others, rushed out of the flames, and rushed into the enemy's flight formation relying on powerful personal equipment.

This is indeed a trap, but it is too late to leave.

The hatch on the Phoenix fighter plane opened, and Jordani, Tony, Gizer, Heidi, Sol, Loki and others all rushed into space, relying on their respective abilities, and made a surprise attack in the direction of the space fleet .

At this time, even if Jordani and the others were amazingly powerful, they had no choice but to abandon the space fighters under their seats. Otherwise, with outnumbered enemies, they could only become the targets of those enemy flight formations.

On the contrary, after leaving the space fighter, the speed of everyone is more flexible and the size is smaller, which will occupy a great advantage.

This time, the people dispatched by the Earth side are basically strong people above the second stage, and they can survive in space even without any equipment assistance.

Of course, weak chickens like Tony who rely on their brains to survive are not counted.

After Jordani got out of the cabin, the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense, but the matter had come to this point, but there was no turning back. Even if he wanted to go back to the earth at this time, he had to destroy this fleet first.

Bright blessings!

Holy aura!

Marked for death!

Dark sky!

A series of large-scale war magic was cast out first, and the blessing of light and the sacred halo could at least increase the overall strength of everyone present by more than 30%.

Under the death mark, the floating cannon controlled by Erelika should not be too powerful, and it can blow up a space fighter with one shot.

After the dark sky shrouded, more than 80% of the enemy's line of sight and communication were directly blocked.

In just an instant, Jordani alone suppressed more than 60% of the enemy's combat strength on the entire battlefield.

At the same time, Jordani once again spread out twelve bright wings, soaring his speed to the limit. From the mighty battlefield, he directly grabbed Dr. Banner and Betty, and headed towards the space in the space fleet. Fort flew away.

After Dr. Banner and Betty transform, in space, the strength they can display is limited.

But once they set foot on the Space Fortress, the two of them instantly turned into invincible beasts. Wherever they passed, a large number of Kerry soldiers suffered heavy casualties. was crushed.

In a down-to-earth situation, there is simply nothing that can stop the mixed doubles of male and female Hulk.

You know, the current Hulk, in a normal state, can already stack six layers of anger aura. If it soars to the limit, it can even stack up to eight layers of anger aura. It exploded with a punch.

As strong as Jordani, in the case of a positive force confrontation, it is completely incomparable with the Hulk in the extreme state.

If he gave up his own control over reason, turned into a pure angry beast, and entered the state of nine-level anger, even the third-stage cosmic god would be blown away by Hulk.

But in that case, no one can guarantee whether the consciousness of Dr. Banner and Hulk can continue to exist.

Perhaps at that time, Hulk will become a pure angry beast, a parasitic species of anger, the law of the universe.

There is no need for nine layers of anger superposition. Six to eight layers of anger superposition are enough for Hulk and Betty to blow up the space fortresses in this fleet.

At the same time, Jordani looked at the space fleet guarded by the thirteen space fortresses, and wanted to rush into it and blow up the space fighters, but every time this kind of thought arose, the anxiety in his heart just will explode.

The real space war is actually somewhat similar to the naval battle on earth.

A space carrier exists just like an aircraft carrier. It has the ultimate star-destroying weapon and a high-strength salvo launch system, but more importantly, it is a carrying function that can accommodate enough soldiers and enough space fighters. formation.

The space war fortress is the guard of the space mothership, and it is more of a defensive function.

The war in the cosmic star sea is more about the confrontation between the formations of space fighters. Otherwise, the space mothership will be blown up every time. Even the three major cosmic empires cannot afford such a loss.

It's like there are so many air force fighters on the earth, but very few aircraft carriers, which is a reason.

With Jordan's current strength, in fact, he is completely capable. He can blow up the space mothership with his own power. The simplest thing is to protect himself with divine power, just like Captain Marvel. With a fierce thrust, and a few back and forth, a space carrier can be blown up.

But now as soon as Jordani's thoughts arose, his uneasiness grew sharply.

In the real universe, Jordani does not believe that an existence like the Cree Empire would not have the means to restrict the powerhouses of the third stage universe.

The Kree Empire does not have any cosmic gods, it is a pure technological empire, and even the supreme leader is a life computer called supreme intelligence.

In terms of technology, the Kree Empire is the pyramid tip of the universe.

With Tony's level of technology, if he was not lucky, he would have first manufactured the Ark Reactor, obtained the new element heritage left by his father, and obtained the photon energy application technology of Dr. Laura from Cree. , opened up the arcane system.

With Tony's true technological level, even the Kerry Empire's nine cows can't reach it.

Facing the space fleet of the Kerry Empire, Jordani did not dare to underestimate it too much.

Even if Jordani became the third-stage cosmic god, before the real behemoth of the Cree Empire, he would at most be an ancient bandit-level minion.

The battlefield on the edge of the solar system has just begun.

At this time, on the edge of the earth's space ring defense system, in a bridgehead of hell surrounded by groups, a corner of the void camp came out through the body, breaking through a space passage from the endless dimension.

A large number of Hell's main army, mixed with a whole Credi army, appeared in the space battlefield.

"The energy resonance destroyer is activated, it is detonating, counting down, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."


A burst of blazing white light rose into the sky from the bridgehead of hell, and turned into an energy frequency in the midair, flickering continuously, and in just a moment, it was already in contact with the energy frequency of the human war base that was besieged around the bridgehead of hell Fit, and then burst out instantly.

boom! boom! boom!

Human war bases exploded one after another in an instant, not because of a strong attack from the side of hell, but because of the strange energy resonance, the energy frequency inside the human war base became disordered, and a exploded.

Originally, the blockade and siege of the bridgehead of hell on the earth side was completely disintegrated in an instant, and a large number of hell creatures began to spread across the battlefield again like a torrent.

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