Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 512 Divine Taichi Diagram

In the original place of the universe, Jordani did not enter the vague original space at the fastest speed this time, but stopped in the drifting area full of death, loneliness, and darkness.

For what Jordani is going to do now, this drifting zone is the best environment.

In Jordani's divinity, there is a black gemstone that reflects light, and after entering the drifting area, it stretches out all of a sudden, like a mysterious and vast star map.

It's just that in this star map, each starlight core point is an extremely complicated rune after being enlarged.

As for things like runes, it doesn't necessarily require professional knowledge to learn, but depends on one's perception of everything, and one can naturally condense uniqueness by following one's feelings and divine power to flow one's thinking. It comes from its own runes.

The reverse is also true.

If there is a ready-made rune in front of you, you can directly sense it with your own consciousness, and then reverse it, you can also sense the opponent's divine power and divine operation mode.

Jordani has tried the rune depiction of death, holy light, and life attributes long ago.

This time, after obtaining the broken godhead of the dark demon lord, it is not too difficult to select and deduce the dark godhead that suits him.

But just when Jordani unfolded the broken godhead, a devil whispering with incomparable resentment and anger sounded in Jordani's consciousness.

This is the backlash from the dark demon lord.

From the whispers of the devil at the beginning, to the gradual formation of illusions, this kind of will interference is definitely a very terrifying influence for a person who is dedicated to reversing his divinity.

Because in the process of condensing one's own divinity, if you are not careful, break the divine rune, or draw it wrong, what you attract may be the will from other forces. That kind of impact and corrosion can easily kill a person. Tortured to the bottom of a breakdown, insanity, etc.

On a more serious point, just like Miss Hella and Dr. Banner, a new personality is born to replace his own master personality.

This is still the case of maintaining the cohesion of divinity. If the cohesion of divinity fails due to the backlash, under the impact of terrifying attribute power, it can casually tear people's spirit into pieces and annihilate their souls.

But fortunately, Jordani's will is relatively firm.

Having died once, being reborn again, all kinds of honing in the Roma training camp, and the subsequent battles, these things can hone Jordani's will and grow.

A large number of runes were unfolded, explored, and screened by Jordani, directly absorbing the ones that suit him, and clearing all the unsuitable ones.

In Jordani's invisible will, a black rune began to grow in the original mass of divinity where death, holy light, and life were intertwined.

Gradually, the darkness began to compete with the light, and the balance between death and life was gradually restored.

The originally extremely powerful suppression of the sacred attribute was gradually dispelled at this moment, and Jordani's originally somewhat bloated and chaotic divinity began to present a beauty of order and opposition.

Between birth and death, there are black and white rays of light constantly rotating.

Almost subconsciously, Jordani's divine rune shape began to develop in the direction of a Tai Chi diagram.

This is almost completely different from the western way of establishing divinity and godhead.

In the process of establishing the Western-style divinity and godhead,

Everyone uses points to lines, lines to surfaces, and then folds and tamps them continuously, and finally forms diamonds and gems with different cutting surfaces.

The more powerful ones are the equilateral rhombus, equilateral triangle, etc. It shows that the master of divinity has strict plans and predictions for his own life evolution, and can form a very stable godhead, making his godhead stronger and stronger. Divinity is immortal.

Only Jordan, perhaps because of the influence of traditional oriental thought in his previous life.

Looking at the black and white, opposing divinities, Jordani, almost subconsciously, condensed his original divinity into a Taiji diagram.

Darkness and light turn into two Taiji fishes, chasing after each other, forming a continuous and continuous rush.

The two divinities of life and death were condensed to the extreme, falling into darkness and light respectively, becoming two Tai Chi eyes.

What even Jordani didn't expect was that at the moment when the Tai Chi diagram was formed, various power perceptions that seemed to come from the origin of the universe escaped from the moving divine Tai Chi diagram, almost in time. Moment by moment, new runes and powers are formed one after another, and they are continuously filled into Jordani's divinity.

The will of the dark demon lord that had been constantly affecting Jordan, was involved in it by a entanglement force the moment he touched the Taiji diagram, crushed by four powerful divine forces, It was wiped out in an instant, turned into the most essential power, and merged into Jordani's divinity.

Not only the will and power of the dark demon were eliminated, but when Jordani fell into the original place of the universe, the heavenly power connected to the high-density energy torrent area was also annihilated by the divine Tai Chi diagram and turned into food.

Even so, Jordani could still feel an unparalleled sense of hunger coming from his divinity.

Different from the straightforward thinking mode of typical Westerners, Jordani's thinking mode is more inclined to the flexible thinking of the East.

Darkness, light, death, and life, in the eyes of Westerners, are completely opposite things that cannot coexist at all.

But in Jordani's thoughts, there are indeed deep-rooted thoughts such as the cycle of life and death, and the alternation of light and dark. In a sense, the attributes of the divine Taiji diagram condensed by Jordani are still the oriental theory of yin and yang. .

Yin and Yang transform and produce all things, and likewise, they can consume all things.

Just like the Western theory of relativity, everything has two sides, and these two sides are nothing more than one yin and one yang.

Looking at his extremely domineering divine Taiji diagram, which kept sweeping all kinds of power in the original place of the universe and assigned it to himself, Jordani studied it for a long time, and felt that he really failed to research it. Come.

But right now, it looks like this thing is really powerful enough.

The divinity has finally reached balance and perfection, but the subsequent modeling of the godhead gave Jordan some headaches.

This Nima, a Taiji diagram, how to model yourself.

After everyone has evolved to the third stage, others will sacrifice their godheads, all in the shape of various gems, and then they will sacrifice a mirror?

Originally, Qiao Danny wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to rush directly to the third stage, but after much deliberation, facing the divine Tai Chi diagram that turned and turned, Qiao Danny was like a tiger eating a hedgehog, and he couldn't do anything. mouth feel.

Knock Nima, it is really too difficult for me.

Considering that the war is still going on in the outside world, it is not good for Jordani to stay in the original place of the universe. In a trance, he flew out of the original place of the universe and returned to the battlefield.

"Oh, Shet, Joe, you're awake at last, and if you don't wake up, I'm ready to start writing an elaborate and touching tribute for you!"

Tony was the first to notice Jordani waking up.

The main reason is that when dealing with those overwhelming locusts, Tony's suit of battle armor can't exert its power at all, and he can only become an idler.

Like Tony, there are also Dr. Banner, Clint and others who are idle.

The full physical output industry can't afford to hurt.

Jordani got up quickly and said: "Tony, I think you should consider how to upgrade and improve the next generation of armor, such as adding some pesticides, I heard that in the depths of the distant universe, but With powerful races like Zerg!"

Tony looked disdainful, and said: "You must have watched too many sci-fi movies. To be honest, I also watch Starship Troopers, but I don't believe that there really is such an unreasonable and purely destructive race. Cosmic Baba I will not agree!"

Jordan was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Tony would also come into contact with things like the will of the universe now.

Tony shrugged and said, "Hey, don't look at me like that, my arcane development has entered the second stage of life evolution, OK?"

Qiao Danny was stunned again, and said: "The second stage? Then why are you still a weak chicken?"

"F..kyou!" Tony pointed a middle finger at Jordan, and said, "Do you think that everyone's evolution direction is the same as you guys with muscles in their brains? My evolution direction is Wisdom, does wisdom understand?"

Tony spat at Jordan with a full face of fury.

At this moment, Hobbs, with two locust demons biting tightly on his body and refusing to let go, wandered back from the battlefield, charged into the holy light shield, pointed to Steve not far away, and said: "Hey, guys, if you have the time to chat, how about helping a bunch of captains, Steve looks like he's going to shit himself!"

Stephen roared not far away, holding a sword in one hand, and pointed a middle finger at Hobbs with the other hand.

And at this moment, Jordani also found out that Steve and the others had almost reached their limit.

Soon, one pair after another of energy wings spread out on Jordani's body, and in just a moment, eight wings had grown, and the whole person was floating in midair, like a little sun. , bursting out strands of sacred light.

The eight wings spread out violently, and the violent holy light spread outward like a shock wave.

It's just that in the blink of an eye, thousands of locust demons, as if they had been splashed with sulfuric acid, let out extremely shrill screams, covered in green smoke, and landed one after another.

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