Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 510: King of Plagues, Locust Army

A corner of the Hell Void Camp was torn open, and a huge demon hundreds of meters high jumped out of it.

At this moment, those high-ranking demons in hell suddenly let out violent roars, some were fearful, some were angry, some were excited, and some were pure emotional agitation.

I saw that the demon walking out of the void camp was formed by the gathering of countless locust demons.

And those locust demons have the face of a man, the hair of a woman, the sharp teeth of a lion, and are wearing iron armor. When their wings vibrate, the sound is connected together, just like the sound of thousands of troops galloping.


The huge demonic figure condensed by countless locusts finally appeared on the battlefield, making a loud roar. In an instant, thick smoke billowed into the sky, and the flames burst into flames, as if a huge furnace had been ignited.

Amidst the thick smoke, green poisonous mist billowed and drifted. Many demons next to it, after being contaminated a little, immediately let out screams of pain. In just ten minutes, they turned into pus and were killed. A large number of locusts swept away, devoured and fell away.

"Lord of plagues, Abaddon!"

"No, this is not the real body of the King of Plague. Those locust demons are all his servants..."

In the human camp, Casillas, Modu, Wang and others had dealt with hell demons many times, and they knew something about the powerful demons in hell.

Although what arrived was not the real body of the demon king, the King of Plague, but his will was projected on the army of locust servant gods, but its terrifying power also made everyone present feel turbulent.

Every locust demon there is extremely strong. Even ordinary special forces elites may not be the opponent of this locust demon.

But the hundreds of meters of the body, at least there are millions of locusts gathered, or even more.

This kind of thing is no easier to deal with than those high-level demons with physical bodies. They are unpredictable and overwhelming. Once surrounded, a large amount of poisonous mist gathers. Even the second-stage strong will be eaten clean.

"Xie Te, when I came, I didn't prepare insecticide..."

Seeing this scene, Tony felt his heart beating violently. This kind of locust seemed to have a good mouth. Tony couldn't guarantee that the steel armor on his body could stop those locusts from constantly gnawing.

"Insecticides may not be effective for this thing. They are the servants of the king of plagues, and they are the poison of all poisons!"

After sending off Wanda, Jordani returned to the crowd again with a wry smile on his face.

For this kind of thing, the best way is to attack with energy that can spread over a large area, such as flames and frost. Instead, it is the super-powerful combat power that gathers boundless power, such as Jordani, Tony, and Banner. Not very sharp.

While everyone was discussing, the locust giant in the distance, after devouring the surrounding demons, its wings trembled, and suddenly gathered into a torrent, condensing into a huge skull in the void, facing Jordan and others Everyone rushed over.

"Everyone move closer to me!"

At this moment, Jordani had no choice but to roar, holding the holy sword upside down with both hands, touching the blade with his palm, blood flowed down, and the wings of the holy light stretched out on the hilt, and Jordan The four wings on Ni's body meet.

With the help of the holy sword, Jordani forcibly pushed his own strength to the level of the six wings at this moment.

Only this time, Jordani did not use the function of the battle angel, but turned all the divine power into the guardian angel Holy Light,

It is also a paradise that communicates with the endless void, gathering the holy power of the sky to form a huge shield of holy light.

Clap clap!

Endless locusts hit the shield of the holy light, and when they were illuminated by the holy light, the poisonous flame dissipated, the power of the demon was wiped out, and then they were completely burned.

But there are too many locust demons, millions of them, and even in the corner of the void camp, there are still locust demons emerging like a torrent.


Within the range of the shield, looking at the disgusting locusts all over the sky, Heidi made the first move. Golden flames surrounded her body, and her golden hair rose backwards, turning into an existence like the flame queen. It rushed out of the hand and turned into a billowing sea of ​​flames, burning the large area of ​​locusts.

Giselle also slowly floated up, with blazing white electric light gathering around his body, and when the sword and shield collided, a blazing white electric dragon galloped out, blasting a blank passage among the locust swarm.

Including Casillas, Modu, Stephen, Wang and others, all the large-scale attack magics were cast, and the locust army that gathered was constantly eliminated.

But no matter how hard Jordani and the others tried, the little damage caused by everyone was just like a drop in the bucket to the endless army of locusts.

"Hey, Joe, can your shield withstand the attack of nuclear weapons?"

When everyone was trying their best to destroy the army of locusts, Tony sent a rain of arcane bullets, which seemed to have no effect, and then came to Jordani and asked with a worried face.

The moment he heard Tony's words, the corner of Jordani's mouth twitched.

In fact, not only Jordani, but also the other people present all shook their hands violently.

Knock Nima, what did I and others just hear, nuclear weapons?

Hobbs only has purely physical attack methods, which are almost useless in this kind of battle. After hearing Tony's words, the palm of his hand turned into a metal color. Embarrassed on his face, he said, "Those damned politicians, don't they want to bomb us with nuclear weapons again?"

Yes, those politicians want to use nuclear weapons to deal with the Avengers, not once or twice.

Everyone's eyes, in the midst of their busy schedule, all turned to Tony.

With embarrassment on his face, Tony said: "Of course not, the current coalition government is not the rotten garbage politicians who are about to rot in the coffin. I just think that if it is a nuclear weapon, it should be more effective to deal with these locusts." Effective."

Effective your sister!

I have never seen such a request to release a nuclear weapon on my head, and everyone pointed their middle fingers at Tony.

These locust demons are indeed difficult to deal with.

Even if Jordani and the others can open the portal at any time, they dare not go back to the space ring. If there are locust demons following them in, who knows what germs and toxins are in the poisonous mist on these locust demons.

As far as the current situation of the people on Earth is concerned, with the Agamotto seal and the space ring defense system, in the face of the attack from hell, no matter how bad it is, basic security can be guaranteed.

But if there is a virus, it will be difficult to predict.

During the incident in the holy city, the painful lesson of the mutated virus is still vivid, and no one dares to take such a risk.

Just when everyone was getting more and more helpless about the situation, Jordani gritted his teeth, and took out an incomplete godhead from the space backpack, which exuded a dark atmosphere and the power of hell demons.

If it is not necessary, Jordani still wants to find a stable environment, and absorb the dark divinity bit by bit after fully removing the demonic power from this broken godhead.

But now, Jordani and others need a stronger force to break the deadlock.

Otherwise, no matter how strong the shield is, it will eventually be breached.

A white holy flame danced in the palm of Jordani, quickly enveloping the broken godhood, and in a blink of an eye, a whisper of demons and screams of souls sounded as if they exploded directly in people's minds come.

The broken godhead was quickly melted in the pure white holy flame, and a large amount of demon power was turned into green smoke and dissipated in the void.

After a while, the broken godhead in Jordani's palm has turned into an extremely pure black gemstone.

Tony was next to Jordani, and was the first to see such a scene, a little weird, said: "What is this thing? It looks like a very pure gem..."

Without thinking, Tony was about to touch the broken godhead.

And just when Tony's fingers approached, there were strands of lines on the pure black gemstone, and the whole gemstone seemed to come alive, which shocked Tony.

"Shet, damn it, what is this, it wants to bite me!"

Tony had a horrified expression on his face. When the pattern on the black gemstone approached Tony, Tony instinctively felt a great terror, as if there was some deep and powerful existence that was going to pull Tony into the endless darkness.

For Tony's messing around, Jordani was no longer surprised, and ignored the other party, just looking at the black pure gemstone in his palm.

This looks like a gem, but in fact, if you look carefully, you can find that it is just a pure crystal formed by the condensation of countless dark runes.

If you stretch it out, you can even see the dark rules that the dark demon lord has comprehended for countless years.

Godhead itself is the crystallization of rules. In order to condense the godhead, in addition to the spontaneous gathering of the power of authority, what is more, it needs a life evolutionist to put his own knowledge of the rules in his mind for countless times. Form a rune that belongs to you alone, and then portray it in the divinity.

Stack up little by little, accumulate little by little, until one day, under this kind of accumulation, the divinity is full and crystallization is formed, that is, it has been successful, and it has entered the third stage of life evolution.

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