Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 492 Joe Bragging Beep Was Never Afraid Danny Jovovich

Among the Valkyrie team, there is actually only one person who has truly embarked on the orthodox life evolution path, and that is Cypher, who has inherited part of the inheritance of the Asgardian Valkyrie.

With part of the memory of Valkyrie, the guardian of Asgard, Cypher has an extremely clear understanding of the nature of the universe, dimensions, and life evolution.

For Jordani's current state similar to epiphany, Cypher is actually quite envious in his heart.

Otherwise, Cypher would not describe the essential truth of space in the dimensional dimension as "Bichi".

It's a pity that Heidi, Giselle, Jane, and Betty all relied on luck, medicine, and even viruses to suddenly have superpowers.

The four of them are still very superficial in the use of their own abilities, and they have almost no understanding of the nature of energy and the evolution of life.

So Heidi's first reaction to hearing Cypher say that Jordani was making out with some bitch was to rage.

Knock Nima, make out with your own man in front of my old lady, I, Heidi Xiao, don't want to lose face.

Just when Heidi was furious and Cypher was speechless, Jordani, who had been motionless like a stone sculpture, suddenly trembled, his soul possessed him, and then he reached out and sank into the billowing flames around Heidi, Embracing Heidi's slender waist, she went forward and gave her a long kiss that could be drawn.

"Heidi, you are so cute!"

The billowing flames can burn the hell demons in the second stage to ashes, but for Jordan at this moment, it seems to have no effect at all.

A little suffocated by Jordani's kiss on the spot, Heidi looked extremely cute.

Jordani laughed, and wrapped his other hand around Gizel, who was next to him, and came again spilling tons of dog food.

"So you guys are going to do a live broadcast?"

After being forcibly fed with handfuls of dog food, Betty was already very irritable, and when she got angry, she smashed a large piece of volcanic rock next to her, roaring with green eyes.

Jordani, Heidi, and Giselle are also old couples, and they didn't respond to Betty's level of ridicule at all.

Just when Cypher and Jane were about to say something, Jordani's four wings trembled, and the light of life, one after another, penetrated the void from the endless dimension and fell down like a waterfall.

The greatest benefit to Jordan from a trip to the dimensional channel is that he can understand how to communicate with the power from heaven anytime and anywhere.

The endless breath of life and the pure white holy light gathered, enveloping everyone like a waterfall from the sky.

In this incomparably rich light of life, the exhaustion that Heidi, Giselle and the others experienced after fighting for several days, dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye like rain and snow under the sun open.

Not only the recovery of the physical body, but also the spirit of everyone has grown like a dead tree in spring, becoming more tenacious and stronger.


On Giselle's body, a strong life energy bloomed first, the restriction that was originally imprisoned on Giselle's body seemed to be opened by some kind of force, and the whole person floated into the mid-air, but Under the nourishment of the light of life, it directly entered the second stage of life evolution.

Until this time, Gizer was considered to be a real demigod, and he had completely opened up the blood of the ancient gods he had obtained.


After Giselle was promoted, next to Jordani, Heidi, who was able to float in the air, with the red flames all over her body,

It seemed as if some strange power had been incorporated into it, which suddenly spread out, and then suddenly converged.

When Heidi used her ability again, a golden flame, like a docile snake or a flying bird, surrounded her body vividly along with Heidi's thoughts.

At this moment, Heidi also directly stepped over the shackles of life evolution, entered the second stage, and became a veritable queen of flames.

Gizelle and Heidi advanced one after another, and the light of life in the void gradually dissipated after their aura stabilized.

The two were overjoyed, and couldn't help but approached Jordan again, throwing out wave after wave of dog food.

On the other side, Cypher, Betty, and Jane looked at Jordani who was throwing dog food with resentful faces.

It's okay to knock Nima and force-feed dog food, why didn't the three of you get promoted?

Damn bastard Jovovich, this must be a black box operation!

Miss Cypher was used to being cold and flamboyant, so she couldn't say anything, but Betty and Jane couldn't stand it on the spot.

"Damn Joe, did you secretly give Giselle and Heidi something?"

"Joe, you and Saul are half-brothers..."

"Stop!" Jordani said with his hair straightened, "Betty, Jane, your abilities come from Banner's blood and Sol's theocratic power respectively. I can help you recover and improve your mental health." This is already the limit, OK?"

Betty looked confused and said, "What do you mean? I mean, what do I need to do to become stronger?"

Jordan looked at Betty for a long time before he said, "Maybe you can try to have a baby with Banner?"

Betty looked disdainful and said, "Do you need to say that?"

Jordani spread his hands to express helplessness, looked at Jane, and said: "Jane, maybe you should go back to Asgard with Sol, your divine power lacks real sustenance, if Sol is really reluctant to part with his hammer , maybe you can let Sol go to Nivada, which is the birthplace of Mjolnir!"

After Jordani finished explaining, Betty and Jane nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that after leaving this alien space, these two people should be ready to go back and spoil Dr. Banner and Sol.

At this moment, only Cypher was left, with a trace of resentment on his delicate and glamorous face, and said: "What about me? I feel that my strength seems to be bound by something!"

Jordani frowned, and said: "Valkyrie is the most powerful guardian Valkyrie since the birth of Asgard, but Valkyrie has fallen for too long, and her divine power is scattered among all the Valkyrie, you You need to get out of Valkyrie's evolutionary path and find your own path, or you need to take back all the theocratic power scattered on other Valkyries!"

Cypher frowned, and said: "Impossible, the Valkyrie of Asgard, in the battle with Hela, there are no survivors!"

Jordani shook his head and said, "No, there is at least one more! On Casa Star!"

If he hadn't watched "Thor 3", Jordani really couldn't give any advice on Cypher's problems.

Seeing the thoughtful expressions of the women present, Qiao Danny couldn't help feeling a sense of arrogance. Once upon a time, he was just a precarious underground killer in the Continental Hotel.

Now, he is also a boss-level existence.

At the peak of the second stage of life evolution, it is almost comparable to Miss Hela in the previous peak period. Qiao Danny can feel that the divinity in his soul and will has been completed by nearly 80% or 90%. Some complements can allow one's divinity to achieve a true balance.

When the divinity is complete, you can try to condense your own godhead and impact the third stage of life evolution.

A true deity, the Cosmic God.

Just when Jordani was looking forward to a bright future, among the low-level demons who had gathered around hundreds of meters because of fear, there were several mid-level demons as tall as three or five floors. Stepped out from the depths of the bridgehead, and surrounded them in the direction of Jordani and the others.

Among these middle demons, one looks like a giant lava beast, but with three sharp horns burning with inextinguishable flames growing on the top of its head, it is the leader of the hellfire demon who came to build the bridgehead of hell this time.

The other end is also an existence that Jordani is quite familiar with, with eight arms like knives and covered with scales. When he looked at Jordani, his eyes were filled with a kind of hatred and resentment. It was once in the base of Hydra Siberia, The main body of the eight-armed demon that was once killed by Jordani was cloned.

In addition, there is a bone lich, a horned demon, and a black robe covered humanoid demon, which looks like a hybrid of snake and lizard.

Almost all of these five demons are the peak median demons, just like Jordani, just a little bit short of being able to step into the super existence of the third stage.

The importance of the bridgehead of hell for invading the human world is self-evident.

Under the slander of the human spy John Connor, the five demon kings in hell except Lucifer and Mephisto each dispatched one of their top fighters.

The appearance of the five mid-level peak demons also made Jordani and the others concentrate their attention again.

Jordani spread his wings and held the holy sword, standing opposite the five demons.

Unlike other chaotic low-level demons who have almost no thinking ability, these five demons obviously have the same intelligence as humans. In their eyes, apart from endless tyranny and ferocity, there is also a sly thinking look.

"Four-winged angels? No, heaven no longer exists. It is impossible for birdmen and ant-like humans to appear in this world. What kind of existence are you?"

Among the five big demons, the leader is the Hellfire Demon that looks like a giant lava beast.

Facing the tyrannical aura of these demons, Jordani showed his own strength without showing any weakness. An aura with endless sacred light and rich life, during the shaking of Jordani's four wings, It hits in all directions in a ring shape.

Wherever Jordani's Qi machine energy passed, all the power of hell was dissipated.

Even on the barren volcanic rock, a little bit of green life began to grow rapidly.

The holy sword in Jordani's hand shimmered, and said: "I am the successor of heaven, the prince of Asgard, the god of death and life, the guardian of the earth, and a member of the Avengers, Jordani Jovovich! "

"What kind of existence are you?"

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