Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 401 The Difficult Final Victory

The Autobots and the Decepticons, these two forces are actually a race, they are both the source of fire simulated by the endless energy of the Rubik's Cube, and the core of the matrix depicted by the Mind Stone.

These two things, the fire source is the life energy of Transformers, and the matrix core is the thinking soul of Transformers.

It's just that when Ao Chuang created the race of Transformers, an accident happened, and when the mind stone fell off the mind scepter, there was a wave of explosions.

That's why in Transformers, there are two completely different forces, one is the lawful and righteous Autobots, and the other is the chaotic Decepticons.

On the current battlefield, a stalemate has formed between Jordani and Steve, and Ultron and his army.

If you want to help Jordan and Steve, unless you can instantly cut off the connection between the Ultron 100-meter giant body and the tens of thousands of troops, otherwise, no matter how strong the damage caused by losing Jordan, Can't really kill it.

There are tens of thousands of robots that can be reborn continuously, and they also have the energy supply of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Without the support of extra strength, even if Jordani and Steve were exhausted on the spot, it would be difficult to wipe out Ultron.

Although Ultron is extremely cautious and cunning, in fact, the opponent is not a weak person.

Perhaps in terms of pure strength, Ultron is not an opponent of such strong men as Jordani, Thor, and Hulk, but Ultron itself is the embodiment of the crystallization of human wisdom, and it is the essence of artificial intelligence.

Wisdom is also power, and it is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.

It's just that in the past, Ultron was weak, and its own wisdom could not be displayed. It was not until the New York War, the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., etc. suffered heavy losses and lost enough constraints. Intercepted by Ultron.

After possessing sufficient resources and authority, the strength displayed by Ultron is no weaker than the Chitauri in the Battle of New York, and even more difficult to deal with.

Today's Ultron is imprisoned in Wakanda, like a beast in despair.

As Ultron became more violent, the situation of Jordani and Steve became more and more difficult.

Neither Jordan nor Nick Fury thought that Ultron would be able to erupt such a tyrannical fighting power when the beast was still fighting.

The steel giant over 100 meters long has the power of heaven and earth in every move it makes.

If this Ultron disaster is really caused, even if this battle can finally wipe out Ultron, the human side on the entire Wakanda battlefield will suffer unparalleled heavy losses.

The Autobots, in a sense, were the only ones breaking the deadlock.

It is actually not difficult to break the connection among those mechanical legions. What really makes Tony, Thor, Hulk and others feel difficult is the cosmic Rubik's Cube energy in Ultron's body.

Ao Chuang covers the power of the Rubik's Cube on the body of a hundred meters, and connects with tens of thousands of mechanical legions.

What Tony and the others have to face is also the power of the Rubik's Cube. On the Autobot side, the source of fire in the body itself is reborn from the Rubik's Cube.

Each fire seed source is a small pseudo-cosmic Rubik's Cube model.

If these Autobots are scattered around the battlefield of Jordan, Steve, and Ultron,

If they self-destruct at the same time, the energy in the fire source can form a short-term blocking force.

For such a period of time, the power of Tony, Thor, Hulk, and T'Challa can form a blocking circle, blocking all the mechanical army from the battlefield of Jordan, Steve, and Ultron.

Without the supplement of the mechanical army, Ultron's 100-meter giant body may not be the opponent of Jordani.

For Jordani, Steve, Tony, T'Challa and others, this is naturally a matter of gratitude.

For the Autobots, this is equivalent to a catastrophe that wiped out the entire family. For Nick Fury, this is even more painful. Fury was in his hands.

Even if the matrix core of these Autobots is preserved and these Autobots are resurrected in the future, Nick Fury will need to spend new efforts to win over these Autobots again.

But the pain is the pain, and the things that should be done right now cannot be delayed in the slightest.

It is not too difficult for Tony to reproduce the core of the matrix. What's more, with the cooperation of the Autobots, it didn't take too long. Almost everyone on the Autobots quickly replaced themselves. The matrix model backup is complete.

After doing all this, under the cover of Tony, Thor, Hulk and others, a large number of Autobots began to rush towards the predetermined position calculated on the battlefield.

With the power of Tony and others, it is very difficult to cut off the connection between the entire tens of thousands of mechanical army and Ultron.

But if you just lead a team into those mechanical armies, it's not very difficult.

The number of Autobots who chose to join this self-destruction operation is not very large, because both the Mind Stone and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube are in the hands of Ultron. It stopped soon, and in the constant fighting, the Autobots were also killed and injured.

On the entire battlefield of Wakanda, there are no more than a hundred Autobots in total.

It is naturally impossible for more than a hundred Autobots to completely enclose the battlefield of Jordani, Steve, and Ultron, but it is enough to disperse and form a circle.

"For justice!"


As the first of all the Autobots yelled, almost at the same time, all the Autobots let out extremely resonant roars.

At the same time, blazing rays of light quickly joined together amidst the sound of explosions.

The energy cores of these Autobots have the same root and origin, and are most similar to the energy properties of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. At this moment, the rolling explosions converged to form a ring-shaped shock wave, which is similar to the core of the battlefield on Ultron's body. The cosmic Rubik’s Cube energy is forming a kind of loop.

Wonderful energy resonance and hedging, at this moment, the energy connection between Ultron and the tens of thousands of mechanical troops was completely blocked.

And at this moment, Tony, Thor, Loki, Hulk, T'Challa and all the people worked together to form a huge circular barrier, blocking the mechanical army at the periphery. place.

In addition to the stalemate between Jordan, Steve, and Ultron, there is also a stalemate between the human side and the mechanical army.


As soon as he noticed the actions of Tony and others, Jordani had already grasped the intentions of everyone. The moment Ultron was disconnected from the mechanical army, Jordani yelled at Steve.

Boom boom boom!

Bearing the bombardment of Ultron's 100-meter giant, Steve gritted his steel teeth and let out a roar like a wild beast. Come.

At this moment, Jordani put away the two guns in his hands, and a pair of energy wings spread out behind him, passing through the body of the holy light shield, carrying endless holy light energy, converging on the holy sword in his hand A huge sword light came out.

The energy wings vibrated extremely quickly, and Qiao Danny was required to hold the sword backwards. The huge sword light was tens of meters long, passed over the 100-meter body of Ultron, and broke into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a cross sword light roared again.

The sword light of the holy light, which was more than tens of meters long, chopped Ultron's 100-meter body cracklingly.

Pausing in the middle of the air, the white energy wings on Jordani instantly turned into pitch black, the divine power of death gathered, and cross marks appeared on the shattered body of Ultron.

Bang bang bang!

The bullets that engulfed this death fell like raindrops, and all the soul consciousness hidden in the broken machines was emptied by Jordani.

Most of these surviving soul consciousnesses are those Decepticons protected by the energy of the Rubik's Cube.

When these Decepticons, which are the key to connection and transformation, are killed, even if the consciousness of Ultron survives, it will not be able to gather infinite machines again and turn into a 100-meter giant.

At the same time, Steve, who was panting heavily on the ground, flew out with the vibrating gold shield in his hand, smashing a broken robot that was trying to pick up the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

With the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in hand, this battle can basically be declared over.

Without the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the Decepticons as the core of resistance, Ultron was banned in this Wakanda. Even if he had great abilities, it would be difficult to come out with any tricks.

At this time, the Wakanda army and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents have room to play.

Under the leadership of Tony, Steve, Hulk, Thor, Gizer, Heidi and others, the tens of thousands of mechanical troops in Nawakanda were quickly divided and surrounded, and they were swept away bit by bit. Come.

Even so, the next battle has lasted for more than half a day.

After the robot was completely smashed into pieces in the last sentence, the aircraft and mechanical troops that were originally outside Wakanda seemed to be pressed on the pause button in an instant, and everything stopped.

On a battlefield full of scorched wasteland, Jordani and others gathered together again.

"Ao Chuang, this bastard, is he dead?"

"It's not easy to say. To be on the safe side, it's better not to open Wakanda's energy shield, and keep cleaning it for a while!"

"Yes, the machines inside Wakanda must also be checked. We must make sure that there will be no gaps for Ultron to escape..."

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